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Bonsai Bagseed!

spaceghost22 said:
Well, it's a small one so it doesn't help a whole lot, but it does help. It raised the humidity into the 30-35% range whereas it's only at 20% right now. I know that plant growth is best at 40% during flowering.

Sorry, I lost track of what you asked. Yes, according to my early observations it does help. Since the new steamer in with my plants I've noticed a change in the texture and appearance of the leaves. They appear much healthier than they did only 15 minutes ago. My hands aren't so dry. Humidity is now at roughly 30% and climbing. It's refreshing. However, I suspect this isn't my only dilemma. My most vigorous plant seems to be a bit on the light side. It is also very hard to "satisfy". What I mean is it is always droopy, wet or dry. I suspect it's becoming root-bound. Next time I will ensure I have sufficient drainage (increase bit size etc.), and pay heed to the roots. I'm using a transparent 2L container. I would suspect that flowering as soon as I transplant into something like this or of similar size would be advantageous. The first week of flowering is turning out very bittersweet? Did I mention that the Borg staged and insurrection? Yeah, they did... I summoned my mystic horde of the Ladies beetle and quelled this indignatious mite travesty quite fully.

It was much like riding down my enemy while on horse-back. They aren't gone, but neither am I... You SHALL NOT assimilate me. :joint:

(EDIT: I decided to let the roots expand up to the top of the soil by covering the soil with Hydroton expanded clay pellets. I've used these and perlite on other house plants before and when I re-potted the plant the roots were RIGHT on the surface. I could see them. So it worked rather well.)
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Has anyone noticed a yellowing of plants in flower? Is this natural? I'm thinking it could be a N def. as I've been holding back on it. What do you think? :rasta:


Active member
Yeah the leaves start to yellow naturally starting around maybe 30ish days in flower, its no big deal. If it looks like its getting too yellow too fast, give it a little organic nitrogen boost:

mix 6 ounces of your pee into a gallon of water and water them!

It works great, trust me, and you can't really burn em using your pee as a nitrogen fert.

roughnice420 said:
Yeah the leaves start to yellow naturally starting around maybe 30ish days in flower, its no big deal. If it looks like its getting too yellow too fast, give it a little organic nitrogen boost:

mix 6 ounces of your pee into a gallon of water and water them!

It works great, trust me, and you can't really burn em using your pee as a nitrogen fert.


Hey, thanks for popping in. I should start by saying I'm only 13 days (now) into flowering and they are yellowing FAST. I've read around and know that it's definitely an N issue. I have to wait a couple days while they suck all the green out of themselves to water again. I just watered today. I did give them a little bit of N, but I think they need about a Veg dose worth to quit their shit. Next watering I'll hit them with a lot more N.

I have read of a case where a kid urinated directly into his soil and burned his plants this way. I haven't read of anything where a decently mixed solution burned a plant.

Stick around, enjoy the show! :rasta:
Ok, here are a couple of pics from yesterday. These are both at day 16 of flowering (12/12). Things seemed to have picked up the past couple of days. I haven't mastered the humidification problem yet, but I have been better able to stabilize the temperature.

Yesterday I added a 3 gallon bucket of sugar, yeast and water to add cO2 to the air. I plan on partially sealing the cabinet and allowing the temperatures to get up to 80 - 90 degrees (if I feel the cO2 levels are around 1500-1800 ppm).

I've been feeding every watering so far and have come to a N defficiency despite my efforts. Lately I've been adding H. peroxide and 2Ml. Grow with every watering. I no longer suffer over watering, in fact the plants LOVE the extra O. and water at the roots. The older leaves remain yellow while the new growth is showing dark green.

The plants are still stretching and are really beginning to stink. They have easily doubled their height and are showing no signs of stopping just yet. The aroma drifting from the cab is becoming more noticeable, this is especially true after the lights go out. The smell seems doubly as strong then.

One other thing I should mention (which you cannot see in these pics) is that the hairs on the buds are turning a translucent sort of pink/purple. This is kind of cool. Also the limbs where I supercropped are standing back up again. The stalks at the site of the trauma look twice as thick as they did previously and the buds atop those stalks are THE LARGEST on both plants. Coincidence? I don't know, though I've heard it reported in other places that the buds tend to be larger on supercropped branches. Perhaps I'll look further into this later on.

This plant seems to be the stronger of the two on many levels. It both resists pests and shows the most vigor. The last tests will be which of the two ladies produces the best smoke in the shortest amount of time. Most likely I'll end up only keeping this one, but I can't just yet say for sure...

Here are both of them together...

So what do you all think so far? :rasta:

(EDIT: I forgot a ")" up top... :bashhead: OMG AND THIS ONE!! --->)
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donut engineer
Wow, what a difference! The second week is when they really start taking off, methinks. You're right about the super cropping. They look much, much fuller on the supercropped buds. Any way we can get a close-up pick of the nascent buds?
funkervogt said:
Wow, what a difference! The second week is when they really start taking off, methinks. You're right about the super cropping. They look much, much fuller on the supercropped buds. Any way we can get a close-up pick of the nascent buds?

Hey what up funk. Yeah, the second week is where all the action seems to be. I've heard the 4th week will be similar. They should start putting on all the weight then.

You asked for a close up of the nascent buds. Well, they all showed about the same time... but I'll give you a close up anyway. My camera sucks so please bear with me. Most of my pictures come out fuzzy from the minute movements we make even when standing still. Here, let me grab my tripod... Please bear with me, I have no special lighting that I can rig for a better picture. You can't so much see the translucent pink/purple, but trust me, it's there all right.

Picture Time!!!!!!!!!!! (day 17 of flower) :jump:

Here's a nooby bud for you!!! SMELLING DAAAAAAAAAAANK!

This one is the same plant, biggest bud.

Here's the other plant, random bud...

(EDIT: You can't see them in the pictures, but there are signs of little trichs starting on the feeder/sugar leaves.)

Did these pics do you good? Let me know if you want more!!! :rasta:
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Space, those noobie buds look mighty fine to me! As to how I like using CFL's? Well, I am quite happy with them so far; they are certainly cheap to buy, last long, heat is easily managed, and seem to provide sufficient light for my simple needs. Bear in mind, however, that I'm on my 1st grow, and have no experience with other lighting solutions. But my small "mutt" grow (mid-grade bagseed) is doing well, thanks to the ideas & comments from many IC members who have been so gracious to offer them. In flower I currently have 6 ladies under 6 CFL's of mixed spectrum (4-42/150 watt/2700k and 2-42/150 watt/6500k) with a DIY reflector in a small shower stall (4 cu ft). As CFL's give little light penetration, I've tried LST & Supercropping to keep the canopy under control as I can't really scrog due to access from only 1 side (the shower door, which is where I have the osc. fan sitting now). But at day 52 of flower, they have exceeded my expectations. I have 1 female growing in a 2.5 gal pot outside from same batch, and I can say unequivocally that it has not kept up! So, I am going to cont. to dial-in what I'm using for awhile to gain experience before I consider a move to alternative lighting.
Reefdoggie said:
Space, those noobie buds look mighty fine to me! As to how I like using CFL's? Well, I am quite happy with them so far; they are certainly cheap to buy, last long, heat is easily managed, and seem to provide sufficient light for my simple needs. Bear in mind, however, that I'm on my 1st grow, and have no experience with other lighting solutions. But my small "mutt" grow (mid-grade bagseed) is doing well, thanks to the ideas & comments from many IC members who have been so gracious to offer them. In flower I currently have 6 ladies under 6 CFL's of mixed spectrum (4-42/150 watt/2700k and 2-42/150 watt/6500k) with a DIY reflector in a small shower stall (4 cu ft). As CFL's give little light penetration, I've tried LST & Supercropping to keep the canopy under control as I can't really scrog due to access from only 1 side (the shower door, which is where I have the osc. fan sitting now). But at day 52 of flower, they have exceeded my expectations. I have 1 female growing in a 2.5 gal pot outside from same batch, and I can say unequivocally that it has not kept up! So, I am going to cont. to dial-in what I'm using for awhile to gain experience before I consider a move to alternative lighting.

Right on man. I can't remember what I wrote to you and said/asked. Judging by your reply I'll assume that I asked something like, "How do you like the CFLs", or, "I used the CFLs to veg...", etc....

They worked wonderful for me... And the cost was the same as running my HPS for double the time. Granted, as you said so yourself, "...CFL's give little light penetration...". My theory was this, 'plants don't need as much TLC now, so I'll just BUST EM UP so they fit/fill the light footprint'. Fairly clear cut and dry. I can say short of dehydration, every mistake I've made so far has FAILED to kill these plants where other plants I've worked with have died if I was late on one watering.

Ha ha,... next time I'm really going to sock it too em!!! I'd like to try the vine thing... I have yet to see a MJ vine. Perhaps I'll be the first?

Thanks again for popping in reef! :rasta:
I would also like to say that my fermentation bucket has seemed to really kick into high gear. My room reeks like a brewery now. I stopped the inlet fan and have allowed the exhaust fan to keep on doing its thing. I'll be doing some major modifications to this cab within the next week or so. I need to seal the cab, add more buckets and cool my hood the way it is supposed to be. I wish for it to have it's own cool air line. I'll get this done soon. HA HA HA!!! THIS IS SOOOOOO MUCH FUN!!!!!!! :rasta:

(EDIT: spelled something wrong and I'm a anal retentive ass-prick when it comes to things like that... So here's to spelling!!!! Hip, hip... HOORAY!)

(EDIT: forgot to put a "have" where there should have been one!)
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donut engineer
Your buds are really coming along man. Those look very, very tastey.

You've really gone all out on this grow and on a budget! I have to say I'm very impressed.
funkervogt said:
Your buds are really coming along man. Those look very, very tastey.

You've really gone all out on this grow and on a budget! I have to say I'm very impressed.

Thank you VERY much Funk, that's rather kind of you to say. The way I see it is what else can I do for them? It's my wish that they be as happy as I can possibly let them be. I'm sure we all share the same goal around here. Still, no matter how much I sacrifice for them (buying a bag to smoke, buying a beer to drink, going out to the movies etc.) to me it seems never to be enough. I really became obsessed with them. In fact I may no longer have a girl-friend due to the amount of attention I'm giving my girls. I give it all to those buds! I'd rather do as I will to be happy than have to make monumental sacrifices. Besides, I need a girl who'll take me as I am... complete.

Thanks again Funk. Go ahead and check your User CP, I repped you... I don't know how many times now. You deserve it for being cool and for being a trooper through your grow. I'm sure you'll harvest amazing smoke, I know you will. I think part of growing is all in attitude. Negativity may grow weed, but not like someone who cares... and not just about the smoke!

May your lungs erupt with the delight that is your weed and may your bong never dirty!!!! :rasta:


man this thread is GREAT!! Lovn the bonsai technique!!!
Keep up the great work
ShawnyBoy said:
man this thread is GREAT!! Lovn the bonsai technique!!!
Keep up the great work

Lol, thanks ShawnBoy! It's a pleasure to have you aboard!!! :rasta:

Man... I LOVE you guys!! LOL

(EDIT: Ok, I forgot to do my update... Yes, I need to update! LOL. Any who... To combat the N deficiency I mixed my feed for the next week as follows:

3L of melted snow water
15Ml. of Advanced Nutrients Micro and bloom
18Ml. of A.N. GROW (a little more N, although micro has MORE than grow)
3Tbl. of black-strap molasses

Once all of this was mixed in to the water I dumped a little out into my sprinkler. Once in the sprinkler I mixed the feed down with 10% by volume 3% hydrogen peroxide.

Here's a pic from today for comparison to yesterday... Oh, and so everyone knows, I supercropped the SHIT out of both of them (after this pic was taken). You'll get to see that... hell, I'll show you now. In the second pic you can tell for sure it was supercropped to hell, the other one I just went through with pliers and crushed all the stems. Last time I did this it increased vigor on those branches, so here goes!!!!

This pic is the same plant before this round of supercropping. (taken today)

Here we have the same specimen after the round of supercropping. (today)

The first time I did this it was scary, then I saw those buds! NOW, every branch is getting the crunch... some of them twice. I don't care if I risk stressing them, I've learned what I have and I DON'T plan on stopping now!!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA.... muaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!... HA.... HA.... HA HA HA HA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... get it? :rasta: /EDIT)
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Sweet looking grow. Be a lil careful with too much messin around once they into flowerinng as too much stress may result in hermi n that would suck moose wang :(


ps writers group eh? sweet will check that out later :)
BubsNugs said:
Sweet looking grow. Be a lil careful with too much messin around once they into flowerinng as too much stress may result in hermi n that would suck moose wang :(


ps writers group eh? sweet will check that out later :)

Yeah, I've read that too much stress will herm them out. I don't know, I can't explain it, I just feel that what I've done was within the bounds of her tolerance. They both have been very diligent for me so far. They've been to hell and back already and not one sign of any balls. I'm not really too freaked out by this anyway. I'm just doing this one so as to LEARN. My next crack will be a little more serious. I'll better know what I'm doing then. If this does herm on me, I'll know how much they can take!

Thanks for stopping in! I appreciate it! :rasta:
Hey all. I just wanted to check in. I opened the closet today to discover quite the surprise! Crystals were starting to sprout IN FORCE now, every feeder leaf is showing signs of heavy crystal growth. It really is very refreshing, I'm glad I decided to grow my own!

I'll post more pictures later. I feel like I'm getting kind of silly with all of the posting I've been doing lately. I've had a lot of time off and still have more... I'm getting pretty bored. Surely you all understand.

Till next time! :rasta:

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New member
sweet grow man!!!
everything is super sick!
i want to try the bonsai thing but im a little apprehensive... ie i dont know what the heck to do...hah

anyways. keep up the updates! good work!
nikarus said:
sweet grow man!!!
everything is super sick!
i want to try the bonsai thing but im a little apprehensive... ie i dont know what the heck to do...hah

anyways. keep up the updates! good work!

Hey, thanks for checking out my grow! About the bonsai thing... Well, it's kind of touch and go. I would imagine this would be easier if you have any experience with other plants. If you've done a repot before you may already know what's up. One thing we do in bonsai as opposed to the standard is rather than repot we chop some of the roots off. I take roughly 40% of everything. And pruning to shape is the other part of it. Never take top and bottom at the same time as this may in fact overly stress your plants and create a hermaphrodite situation. Always a bad thing. You really shouldn't have to do much to the plant if it's growing healthily until after the first month. You should allow for the roots to really establish themselves before going for the roots.

Have you seen all that I've done to my plants?? Man, talk about tenacious! Cannabis is one of the more resilient plants I've had the opportunity to work with.

If you have any questions you can feel free to ask me. I'm no expert but I do have hands on.

Thanks again for the kindness nikarus, +++To you! :rasta:
Today is their third week in flowering. I'll have pictures up later today to document more progress. For now I think I'll take a nice sleep... gawd am I tired!!!!! WHA!!!!!

Good night everyone! :rasta:

(EDIT: I spent quite a bit of time today/yesterday (whatever) writing on the writers thread about my life a few years ago. Perhaps some of the reading audience may wish to read it. Click the link in my thread to go to the writers group, you'll find a HUGE post with my name on it. It should be a decent read. I'd appreciate any feedback you all may have. Thanks :rasta: )
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