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BongRipkenJr's new setup and first time coco grow


Active member
I ran some Kandy Kush x Skunk #1 about a year ago. Some of the best stuff I've had. It has this "pink" hue to it. What I had smelled like a combination of Cotton Candy and Skittles.

Awesome! I have heard a lot of good things about the Cotton candy kush. Skunk #1 probably added a whole other dimension to it. How was the yield for you?


Active member
I read this review on the Candy Kush. Had to post it. It is quite clever...

"My life's been a circus lately, so when I saw Cotton Candy Kush on my most trusted collective's menu, I figured, why not. I have seen examples of this strain in pix on the webz, showing vibrant lavender, even pink and blue veins of color running through sugar coated chunks. My personal sample is sticky icky and bright green with large healthy nugs. It has the occasional streak of purp, but in no way does the lack of wacky colors hurt my opinion of this fine strain. I have read that it tastes like cotton candy upon exhale, and that the smoke around you can carry heavy hints of the same. I was skeptical...but like a bearded lady swallowing a sword while riding a unicycle on a tightrope over a sharktank, this shit blew my mind. And it DOES bring that very sweet sweet 5star kush flavor, but even more than that, it IS a cotton candy-ish blend. The rush is immediate, with a perfect pressure to the backs of the eyes, a general body relaxation, and of course, as you would expect from this strain, some ridiculous cotton mouth that will choke you out like a midget dressed as a hobo holding one of those little tiny umbrellas and....ok one metaphor too far? Cotton Candy Kush - get some clowns!"


Active member
Yesterday the Cal-Mag was added and they were also sprayed with Calcium Carbonate. Today They are substantially greener and even the few yellow leaves that seemed like they were dead are now greening up. Cal-mag is a necessity!
lol, it is just an OG X Trainwreck. Supposed to be good, but I dont know to be honest. I dont have that many strains at my disposal, just whatever some friends around here have and maybe someone on the B*u*dtrader might have something fancy. I dont even have a veg room, so I am limited on what I can have. As soon as I have room to veg I will pop some beans to try to find something worth while.

lol its JUST OG x TW! lol waaaat...id kill 2 have an OG cut, not to mention an OG xTW.....consider yourself lucky...u live in CA.....i live far from there....good strains r nearly impossible 2 come by..so therefore im very content with my PTW and SD....

cant wait till ur bitches start 2 flower mane

keep it up


Active member
Haha, I forget how spoiled we are sometimes. You need to be hitting the seedbay! Me personally, I would recommend ordering some Grape Krush! It is my favorite strain so I am partial to it, but you would have something that no one else has. You can get seeds of the Kandy Kush from Reserva Privada.

I cant wait for them to be flowering either! This Urkel Diesel should be some kills!


Active member
Looking good bro,I have always wanted to try coco. Hit me up sometime when you comedown this way.


Active member
What up kinger! Dude, this coco stuff is a hassle and a half. It makes me miss soil and ebb and flow already, but hopefully the finished product is worth it! You just gotta pay way too much attention to this stuff. No potassium and extra cal mag. These cana nutes are hella clean though!

I will hit you up. I havent been out of the south sac area in a while though. Haven't been feeling the greatest so I stay close to home which is shitty. It would be good to catch up and kick it sometime though.


Active member
I got it off ebay cause the people selling it were off of florin. It was like $185. It is good, but I am picking up a sun hut XL this week.


Active member
@Greenlion: Yeah, I topped em today. The shorter ones I left and I am going to wait a couple days to top them.

I need some damn metal halide bulbs, or conversion bulbs. I was going to SCROG this bitch, but decided on bushin em out a little bit and throwing 11 in each tray. The dude with the Kandy Kush flaked on me. Kept saying he was gonna meet up with me then flaked then did it all again about 3 separate times.

And for some poor quality pictures. The plants are a little droopy because I let the coco dry out since it was the first watering since the transplant. Pics were taken right after I fed em:

Roots coming through the pot? I thought these smart pots were supposed to air prune! They did that on my outdoor, but I guess these plants have been focusing more on root growth then vegging.


Active member
I also received a nice little package in the mail today. Sierra Natural Science out of Salinas, Ca sent me a bottle of their Veg and a bottle of their Bloom. Very organic stuff! Sticky if you get it on your hands. I am going to have a bucket of this brewing because it seems like a good additive. Some plants I will not use this on. If those plants dont look as good I will continue using it. If the plants that got SNS look better I will start giving it to all of them. I am going to talk to the company tomorrow and see what they say. I am trying to find some NPK ratios. Here is what I can find.


Our Product

SNS 604A™ Vegetation Organic Growth Stimulator is a supplement blended from pure plant extracts.
SNS 604A™ is concentrated, 100% organic, completely water soluble and safe for everyday use.
SNS 604A™ contains sufficient amounts of growth hormones GA7 and GA12
(Gibberellins) which promote cell division, root, stock growth and flowering.
Due to the unique properties of SNS 604A™ microorganisms become concentrate along the root system and create a symbiotic relationship similar to mycorrhizae root symbiosis. Organic SNS 604A™ enhances the nutrient uptake of the root system while reducing stress on the plant.
Adding SNS 604A™ to the soil will greatly increase the speed at which seeds begin to germinate. Our product improves plant vigor, tissue-density, root growth, taste and color through numerous valuable organic acids, growth stimulants, carbohydrates and vitamins. Our liquid nutrient dramatically improves overall health of your plants allowing for fuller, more robust results.
Using SNS 604A™ to promote root and vegetation growth you may notice the plants increased need for major nutrients due to the increased rate of root and vegetation growth.
For an extraordinary experience use it on your tomatoes, fruit trees, vegetables, grapes, berries and more. You'll increase crop production, flavor and color.

Directions For Use
Shake Well Before Using
1 ounce (28mL) per gallon (3.79L)
Add nutrient solution with each reservoir change. Use through the vegetation growth cycle.
Mix well and apply to root area daily during vegetation cycle.
Mix well and spray leaves every 3 to 5 days during vegetation cycle.
A surfactant added to the dilution can greatly improve the uptake of SNS 604A™
Seed Treatment: Soak seeds in diluted product 1 ounce (28mL) per gallon (3.79L) for 5 to 10 minutes prior to planting.
Active Ingredients
4.05% Plant Oils and Plant Extracts
0.71% Kelp (Ascophyllum Nodosum)
0.11% Humic Acids derived from (Leonardite)
Storage:Store in a cool, dry place;out of direct sunlight;between 40° - 85° F.
DO NOT Freeze!


SNS 604B™ Vegetation Organic Growth Stimulator is a supplement blended from pure plant extracts.
SNS 604B™ is concentrated, 100% organic, completely water soluble and safe for everyday use.
SNS 604B™ contains sufficient amounts of growth hormones GA7 and GA12
(Gibberellins) which promote cell division, root, stock growth, flowering and fruiting.
Due to the unique properties of SNS 604B™ microorganisms become concentrate along the root system and create a symbiotic relationship similar to mycorrhizae root symbiosis. Organic SNS 604B™ enhances the nutrient uptake of the root system while reducing stress on the plant.
Adding SNS 604B™ to the soil will greatly increase the speed at which flowers begin to bloom. Our product improves plant vigor, tissue-density, budding, taste and color through numerous valuable organic acids, growth stimulants, carbohydrates and vitamins. Our liquid nutrient dramatically improves overall health of your plants allowing for fuller, more robust results.
Using SNS 604B™ to promote flower and fruit growth you may notice the plants increased need for major nutrients due to the increased rate of flower and fruit growth.
For an extraordinary experience use it on your tomatoes, fruit trees, vegetables, grapes, berries and more. You'll increase crop production, flavor and color.

Directions For Use
1 ounce (28mL) per gallon (3.79L)
Add nutrient solution with each reservoir change. Use through the budding and flowering cycle.
Mix well and apply to root area daily during budding and flowering cycle.
Mix well and spray leaves every 3 to 5 days during budding and flowering cycle.
A surfactant added to the dilution can greatly improve the uptake of SNS 604B™
Active Ingredients
2.31% Plant Oils and Plant Extracts
0.48% Kelp (Ascophyllum Nodosum)
0.10% Humic Acids derived from (Leonardite)
Storage:Store in a cool, dry place;out of direct sunlight;between 40° - 85° F.
DO NOT Freeze!

They both have the same description, just different active ingredients.


lol@BongRipkenJR i hope they do good for you! i gave you all the info i could on how i run that cut and how i grow in coco. peace:tiphat:


Active member
Yeah, I am going to keep it simple, but this SNS was free. I really dont care about anything in the SNS, but the giberllins. I have read a couple of studies that show that giberllins enhance THC production. I need to get some info about the NPK and other elements from the company before I use it as the bottle or internet doesnt have shit. If it has an okay amount of nutes in it I will probably just use it on the 4x4 to see how it does. I am blasting through this Canna super fast so I have to make use of any free stuff that I get.


Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary....

Roots coming through the pot? I thought these smart pots were supposed to air prune! They did that on my outdoor, but I guess these plants have been focusing more on root growth then vegging.


I take it you using that rizo huh?


Nice update man. :joint:


Active member
No, i didnt use the Rhizo on those. Only some week little clones I have that I am about to set outside. Rhizo didnt do shit for those. These Diesel X Urkles just want to root. I am pretty sure I was under feeding them. I topped them yesterday as well as gave them a mixture that came in at 1200ppm and they are about an inch taller today. I also added a little age old Grow at about 1/4 the recommended dose. I like how clean this canna is, but I dont know if I will use it again after this run. Flora Nova seems way better. This canna seems fancy, but not worth it so far. We will see though.


Active member
Topped them a couple days ago and now they are starting to bush out.

Turns out that the smart pots do air prune. Occasionally roots grow out of the sides, but the air prunes them back after a day or two. Here are some photos of the progress, not that any one cares until they are flowering though ;)

Hey Bongrip, I got so fed up with the whole hydro thing and decided to try coco. I may never look back. Since I was learning and all I did a side by side w flora nova , pbp, and the whole line up of soul synthetics. I don't really know for sure what I'm doing but i let 10% drain every water and kept a close eye on ph. The soul synthetics blew the two other out of the water but funny thing is the pbp is looking like the same probs I had in hydro anyhow best of luck to you.


Active member
I am using Canna Coco A + B, flora nectar, and Cal Mag. but my buddy grows the fire and he uses flora nova bloom in straight water. I was thinking about getting some soul synthetics. I went with the Canna and even though it is a two part it is a weird one to use. I am in my 2nd week of veg just about and I am rocking 1000 ppms and I could go higher. Thanks for the luck sent my way, I am going to need it! I am setting up a 4x4 tent as well so I will try Flora Nova Bloom in there. I guess that is all you need to grow some dank!
they look good....i get it now u seperated all those plants from the 1 tray into 2....give them some room 2 bush out from that top job....niiice

also...i would like 2 recommend dutch master gold AB 2 you....it is my favorite that ive ever used so far....its pretty concentrated..... 5ml of AB is standard for me...and 7.5ml AB is max i would ever use...so it lasts....good ratios too

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