Uhhhh didn't that last BHO hit put you to bed early LMAO....
Uhhhh didn't that last BHO hit put you to bed early LMAO....
It was probably crap not grown vert.
How we getting on dude?
Keep it green bro, BOTH in the grow room and your pockets!
All 500 in perlite?
lol.. roughly 300 in perlite, 2x what I need, and 200 in a thermostatically controlled aero-cloner. We'll see which method wins.
You know.....I gotta step up and say that once I had all my ducks in a row that mom plants weren`t required and cuts off cuts were all that were needed for room replacement with monocropped separate locations hoonin....but....
I didn`t have access to the genetics you can hold mom plants from so IME , it`s beneficial bigtime for you Bro for future endeavors........
Nuthin wrong with mom maintenance if that`s what it takes ta keep rotations in line......Once I had enough setups a month or so apart in age and took all lower and sucker branch cuts off each 64 plants every couple weeks , mom plants ceased to be needed for rotations at the other locations.and it was less evidence to destroy in Hell should the need arise cuz I could rape and shape everything for uniform growth and lower/older /longer stemmed cuts ftw....so....
Bobbles....Ran all my shit in red solo cups of perlite per Krusty instruction for over 8 yrs.....there`s a reason why it works well due to the porous drying out action in the rootzone , but once my growbro from the left coast showed me how easy clear solo cups in coco were with 40 watt shoplights while keeping temps and RH in the 80 `s , I converted.......but...
That fungus shit yas got goin on hasta be resolved.....Prayin fer yo deliverance my buddy....and just 1 final note on cuts for the rule of thumb in all my yrs of killin babies for the other folks cuz I know you know......
High RH and temps in the 80 degree range with low light promotes rootzone development with proper drying out.....
My shoplights were over the top shelves above my cuts , but my 8 light T-5`s were underneath pre-veggin my rooted cuts gettn ready for the bloom rooms while providing the heat gain for the cuts above trying to root so that was a win win.....
All about dialage and knowing what`s needed for production at all levels ta keep da ball rollin yr in and yr out....
Handle it....Freds........