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bobblehead overtakes


Registered User
Yes and It sells for top dollar. Mine has a street value about the same as used bubble gum it is so bad.

Lol... It's all in the marketing. Some jack ass up here was pawning off some weed as gsc in order to claim 3 a zip at the dips. Can't pop it as used gum, but rather cali sugar free bubbablicious kush... Some one will bite... Bagged it up and run it over with a car first too, give it that super kushy compressed cali look yo... ;-) crazy things in the dips man... Hit em up, they dry.


Double that 3.5 lbs every month or so and start buyin more real estate.......

If we get Obama out of office property values are gonna increase overnight........even in Hell and Auto-ville Bro........

I`ve been sittin on 5 houses for 3 yrs in this bullshit economy , and 3 of em sold/leased w/option last month with viable family`s and middle class income to take care of it as their own till paid off.......

Still got 2 to get rid of , but wasn`t about to give my shit away with all the foreclosures and deflated prices on bank owned homes......anyways....

Onward and upward my buddy...Proud of yas...



Active member
Double that 3.5 lbs every month or so and start buyin more real estate.......

If we get Obama out of office property values are gonna increase overnight........even in Hell and Auto-ville Bro........

I`ve been sittin on 5 houses for 3 yrs in this bullshit economy , and 3 of em sold/leased w/option last month with viable family`s and middle class income to take care of it as their own till paid off.......

Still got 2 to get rid of , but wasn`t about to give my shit away with all the foreclosures and deflated prices on bank owned homes......anyways....

Onward and upward my buddy...Proud of yas...


While I doubt I'll change your vote... I won't hesitate to tell you that Romney is not the answer. I have no doubt the business sector would jump if Romney is elected and his policies are put in place, but business will always look out for business. Immediate growth isn't as important as sustainable growth. Obama's programs to invest in infrastructure and renewable energy are comparable to the one's that Roosevelt used to pull us out of the great depression. Universal healthcare was also part of his policy but got thrown out... So Roosevelt created the progressive party and ran on a platform of universal healthcare because a healthy workforce creates a healthy economy... Until they all get old and start drawing on the social security system anyway. That's another can of worms...

Anyway... I hear ya on doubling yields and buying up more real estate... But I need to triple the yields so I can pay contractors to do the work for me. :D

Edit: I got my roosevelts confused... FDR passed the New Deal which had public health included but it was thrown out... Teddy Roosevelt ran as the head of the progressive party with a platform of public health but was defeated by Wilson... So shoot me. :)
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Hundred Gram Oz

Our Work is Never Over
Where da plants at :)

Where da plants at :)



Active member
Bobble, our political views are pretty much EXACTLY the same. Governing a country, THE GREATEST COUNTRY in the recorded history of mankind, must be a LONG GAME. "Fiscal" (lol) Republicans and the whole lobbyist/wall street entity play "Fast and Loose" with our futures, with complete disregard for the outcomes, as long as they get their ridiculous bonuses and keep influencing the GOP puppets in House/Senate. The dems are only slightly less bad, at least their are some freedom fighters on their side. (Frank/Sanders/Warren)

DHF, I respect ya more than anyone I can think of on this site, every recommendation you give is quality information. It is the Republicans fault the US is in the situation it is in now......... Bush 43 and his tax breaks for the Super-Rich caused our Debt, along with No regulation in the banking industry. Bill Clintons fuck up was getting us into trouble with all the sub-prime mortgages and giving everyone the chance to get a house. The banks ran wild, gave loans to people who could not afford their payments, just to be able to bundle these loans up and sell them as AAA investments. The debacle in late summer, 2008 brought it to a head, and when Obama stepped into the Oval office in Jan 2009, the US was hemmorhaging close to a million jobs a month.

The jobs continued to disappear for many months into the summer, but all told, Obama is a net Job-Creator. All the jobs lost from 2008-2009 have been recovered, and then some. at his 4 year anniversary he should be at about +1 million jobs.

Sorry guys, but I go into tangents sometimes. I watched Inside Job , narrated by Matt Damon for the 3rd of 4th time early this morning. There is nothing worse than an ill-informed voting public. Romney/Ryan tax plan will plunge the middle/lower class into ever increasing debt, higher taxes and lower wages. It is a fact. these two/three/four faced candidates will say anything to get elected, fucking Etcha-Sketch for real.



Guys..... Bill Clinton signed the North American Free Trade Agreement/NAFTA and sent/allowed many many of our major manufacturing plants togo to Mexico and hire labor for 2 cents on the dollar.......and.....

From the time he did it , illegal aliens were allowed across the border and came into the south to the tune of 40-50000 a month till all the unskilled/skilled trades were taken over by beaners and rolled over into the Bush administration with more home conxtruction than was needed along with inflated prices for said homes because times were good and folks were prospering until.......

Adjustable rate mortgages kicked in and made folks realize that the houses they bought with no money down and good credit weren`t in their budget and they bailed ......and...

That`s why I`m buyin 150 K houses for 50 K as we speak cuz shit was inflated from the get....... but.....

For the record......I`m not a die hard republican by any means , but rather a realist that knows from the trickle down first hand experience that the private sector provides and always will provide work for the middle class regardless of what Obama`s snowblinding all you newcomers to the political venue...

FDR`s new plan can`t compare to what`s goin on today folks...... Hell.....Not even sure why I`m postin this other than to vent about mexicans comin in and stealin all my work and forcing so many good folks out of a job when Clinton allowed our borders to be ransacked , and then Bush loved it cuz cheap labor was buildin houses and folks were buyin em by what ever trickery and bullshit finance programs to put folks in homes they couldnt afford.....

But I digress.....Government will say and always do what they they see fit for their campaign renewals so we really don`t come to mind now do we.......

Nuff outta my old retired non partisan ass.....


Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
If we get Obama out of office property values are gonna increase overnight........even in Hell and Auto-ville Bro........

I believe this to exactly true. O'Bama has been borrowing money like crazy. About the only one who will give him a loan anymore is the Federal Reserve. They just print the money and some bank or business is sitting on that money. With the Demacrates in office talking tax increases like crazy businesses are holding their cash until they know they won't lose it like when they took the tax write off of real estate in the 80's. When they got rid of that tax write off all the savings and loans went bankrupt. Same thing now why spend money if you are going to go out of business for doing that. Once the money starts moving so much will be available the value of the dollar will lose value. House will still have the same value but will take more of the lower value dollars to get. Hopefully we don't get hyperinflation and they can pull the dollars back out of circulation. I do not believe they will be able too though.

Real estate is where the real money has been made in the past. Astor know as Manhattans landlord was Americas first millionaire and our first multimillionaire. When he died he was worth in today's dollars over 500 billion. He did that threw real estate. Queen Elizabeth came to power financially destitute. She pulled England out with real estate rentals. Or how about Donald Trump who was over 900 million dollars in debt and is now a multibillionaire.

DHF is right real estate always comes back.


Active member
I believe this to exactly true. O'Bama has been borrowing money like crazy. About the only one who will give him a loan anymore is the Federal Reserve.

I'm confused as to who else would give the president money? The federal government has 2 sources of income, taxes, and treasuries issued by the federal reserve in the form of bonds that anyone in the world can buy. This is why we owe China trillions of dollars, because they have bought up so many US treasuries. China isn't going to let our economy tank... It's not in their best interest for our bonds to become worthless. Then China would collapse, and the dominos would continue to fall...

I may not have the experience of you older folks... but my reasoning doesn't come from what I see on the TV.

Anyway... I'll be back tomorrow or so with pics. :tiphat:
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Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
I'm confused as to who else would give the president money? The federal government has 2 sources of income, taxes, and treasuries issued by the federal reserve in the form of bonds that anyone in the world can buy. This is why we owe China trillions of dollars, because they have bought up so many US treasuries.

I may not have the experience of you older folks... but my reasoning doesn't come from what I see on the TV.

Anyway... I'll be back tomorrow or so with pics. :tiphat:

Almost nobody is buying the bonds so the Federal Reserve is holding them. If you Read back in history you will see that China owes US bond holders trillions for funding WWII but won't pay it.

TV news is biased and the reporters are ignorant of anything factual.

Long story of it is that real estate is a steal right now and will shoot back up.


Bro.......Gonna give yas a heads up on why where you live shit`s dead and folks are leavin for the south and or other places that have realistic living conditions......

Waaay back when The Mafia controlled unions and held ALL to their contracts by whatever means necessary , what essentially happened was since the middle class workers were making so much money per hr , the union made even more and it caused real estate values to escalate and get insanely crazy for yrs and yrs and yrs....so

That said.....Why was a 3 bedroom 2 bath house in Detroit`s decent neighborhoods back in the day 3-500 thousand bucks?......

Cuz Unionized labor had folks makin more money than they were worth IMHO.....and the Mob was skimmin the diff.......

I mean.....down here, we take care of our own and pay according to what it takes for folks to get by....... and.....

Real estate here reflects closer true value instead of inflated prices that have been the reason for this economic fiasco from the get although I`m still buyin foreclosures for 33 cents .on the dollar......anyways....

Nuff outta my old ass before I get all anti- social and piss poor political wise.....



Active member
Bro.......Gonna give yas a heads up on why where you live shit`s dead and folks are leavin for the south and or other places that have realistic living conditions......

Waaay back when The Mafia controlled unions and held ALL to their contracts by whatever means necessary , what essentially happened was since the middle class workers were making so much money per hr , the union made even more and it caused real estate values to escalate and get insanely crazy for yrs and yrs and yrs....so

That said.....Why was a 3 bedroom 2 bath house in Detroit`s decent neighborhoods back in the day 3-500 thousand bucks?......

Cuz Unionized labor had folks makin more money than they were worth IMHO.....and the Mob was skimmin the diff.......

I mean.....down here, we take care of our own and pay according to what it takes for folks to get by....... and.....

Real estate here reflects closer true value instead of inflated prices that have been the reason for this economic fiasco from the get although I`m still buyin foreclosures for 33 cents .on the dollar......anyways....

Nuff outta my old ass before I get all anti- social and piss poor political wise.....


Detroit has been in decline since after WW2 when the government contracts for tanks stopped coming in. The maquiladoras that were a result of NAFTA took those union jobs you mentioned to Mexico. There was a resulting gain in upper middle class jobs, but it didn't come near close to replacing all the manufacturing jobs. The mafia is out now and unions are making concessions to keep their jobs. I'm a union employee.. the days of unions running amuck are over.

We can do this forever... :) I'll just have to agree to disagree with my southern redneck friend about who's the best candidate for president. :moon: it's too bad more of you old farts vote than use youngins... Lol

Be back soon to get this thread back on track.

high life 45

Seen your Member?
Nobody get too serious now but I obviously couldnt resist.

My reasoning does come from what I see on TV...



Southpark has already covered this for us.

We know how honorably the Land of the Free was obtained...

I see the Border Brothers at Home Depot, hammer and lunch in hand..ready to work.

I see alot of American citizens on the corner with a cardboard sign in hand...



I see Bobble and Ich with nugs in hand, but neither of them can grow root aphids like I can.



Registered User
Bro.......Gonna give yas a heads up on why where you live shit`s dead and folks are leavin for the south and or other places that have realistic living conditions......

Waaay back when The Mafia controlled unions and held ALL to their contracts by whatever means necessary , what essentially happened was since the middle class workers were making so much money per hr , the union made even more and it caused real estate values to escalate and get insanely crazy for yrs and yrs and yrs....so

That said.....Why was a 3 bedroom 2 bath house in Detroit`s decent neighborhoods back in the day 3-500 thousand bucks?......

Cuz Unionized labor had folks makin more money than they were worth IMHO.....and the Mob was skimmin the diff.......

I mean.....down here, we take care of our own and pay according to what it takes for folks to get by....... and.....

Real estate here reflects closer true value instead of inflated prices that have been the reason for this economic fiasco from the get although I`m still buyin foreclosures for 33 cents .on the dollar......anyways....

Nuff outta my old ass before I get all anti- social and piss poor political wise.....


I can't really say anything about overall history here... But I will say that as a west coaster, I have never seen union jobs pay so much for construction and manufacturing before in my life. Rate out here is like 2-3 times as much as comps back west... Or so iv heard... Lol, not like I'd really know, ya know? I don't know how some places can afford the wage rates... Like in the 20's for something that might pay 12 elsewhere. How does a biz afford double rate +...?

Same time, minimum wage is supposed to be minimum wage... Gotta waitresses being on the books for 2 an hour...? Even with tips, they still paid minimum back west. This place is weird. OT laws for non union out here also sucks balls... Against the law in say Oregon.

It's odd... Union is ultra plush... Everyone else is a dog. Never seen it before anywhere else iv been. More i move east... Suckier the exploitation... Less reasonable shit I see. Just an observation.