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bobblehead overtakes


Active member
Hexagon @ 6 weeks, they don't really look it though... Kinda stunted.

Octagon @ 1 week - Nothing is dead and the pots are moist... That's all I have to say.



We are Farmers
If I ever use a quote from someone on IC in my sig it will have to be "Nothing is dead and the pots are moist... That's all I have to say." - bobblehead


Active member
If I ever use a quote from someone on IC in my sig it will have to be "Nothing is dead and the pots are moist... That's all I have to say." - bobblehead

To say the least this has been a humbling experience. Being an excellent grower when you live with your plants takes work. I was scoring 20%+ on my lab tests regularly when I lived with my grow. After taking my grow out of my residence, I've scored a 21.5% once, and 2-3 other tests have been 16%. Not that I needed lab tests to let me know I've been slipping... Point being that being an absentee grower requires even more work to get excellent results... because not only do you have to do all the same stuff you would normally do, you have to do it all at once while anticipating anything that might go wrong in your absence.

So... I'm pushing aside the 2gpw goal until I have the clones to do it... and I'm just happy my plants are alive and growing greener. :) Thanks for stopping in.

Can't wait to see what the HB turns out for you dude.

Beter yet, can't wait to feel it.

Yeah it would be better for you to sample this crop... Cause the last one sucked... It was one of those that tested at 16%... Total garbage by pot snob standards.

Headband look Amazing (high voice) lol i want some now! I'm so tired.

Thanks dude... Strain whore. :laughing:

HB looks nice dude!:woohoo:

and everything is lookin' healthier and happier! :whee::plant grow:

It's getting there bonz... A lot of them were still a little yellow from heat stress... but the newest foliage is looking nice and I'm trimming up the old stuff. I had a lot of twisted leaves like you did from some coco that I didn't flush the Imid out of well enough. Good thing you shared your pics, cause otherwise I'd be freaking out!

Anyway... We're on autopilot now! Until I start tearing things up to rebuild... ha ha...


Active member
howdy bobble :)

have you used the CAP's yet? how is that stuff applied? is it a tea? are you adding anything else on top? met52 or? how often do you apply?


Active member
howdy bobble :)

have you used the CAP's yet? how is that stuff applied? is it a tea? are you adding anything else on top? met52 or? how often do you apply?

Yeah I'm using the CAPS... It's a tea, you're supposed to brew 2tsp of both roots and foliar, some earth worm castings, alfalfa meal, and molasses. I bundle it all together in some cheese cloth and drop it in a bucket with an air stone. After several hours it begins to foam and I know it's ready. It's supposed to be like 1 cup of tea to 5 gal of water... so it goes a long ways. I normally prepare it in the afternoon/evening after I arrive, and then apply it in the morning. The root pack is supposed to have the same type of fungus that kills RA as Met52, but not the same exact species. I've been applying the microbes every week, but you're only supposed to use it every other week. I wanted to get a jump start. :D


Active member
This is day 1 of taking a break from consuming cannabis in any form... FML this is gonna suck, but it's needed. I have to pass a drug test, and it's just good to take a break so that when I light back up I can appreciate the plant even more.

Last week I spent a lot of time observing things... like temp and humidity swings. The humidity was real high while i was flooding the house in various ways... but it has got back down to reasonable levels. I realized that could be a good reason for my clones dying- low humidity and stupid high temps. I hooked up a whole house humidifier, and I bypassed the solenoid and hooked up the RO waste to continuously feed the humidifier. With constant air exchange, you just can't get the humidity too high.

I still need to pull out the hack saw and cut those screws down.


My Dayton humidistat is a bit more sensitive/accurate...


Active member
65-70% RH still isn't high enough for clones... So I made some cloning tubs. Hopefully this will help to keep them alive. I like this because they're stackable and it saves on space. Eventually I want this big veg room to become a flower room, and consolidate the veg into a smaller room.


Chem D and Straw DD moms...

My chem D is still legit...


Active member
My mind has been made up, and I'm going back to DTW. For starters, lets pull up a copy of the rules for blumats... ;)

Every Tropf Blumat cone is fully automatic and on it's own: It reacts to sunshine, air temperature, humidity and plant growth.

1. Unscrew the green head and cap.

2. Soak the Tropf Blumat overnight in water. Holding both the cone and cap underwater, knock out the air bubbles in each piece. While still holding them under water screw the top back on tightly. Store prepared units in water until you are ready to use them.

3. IMPORTANT: Water your plants generously before the Tropf Blumat is inserted. The Tropf Blumat should be inserted at intervals of 20 -25 cm. (10"). Be sure, that the cone is near the roots and inserted until the top is level with the soil.

4. Laying the feeder hose. Cut the proper lengths from the feeder hose and connect the Tropf Blumat with them. Push the hose onto the Tropf Blumat's T-fitting firmly. Moistening the T-shaped piece makes this task easier.
Please DO NOT use soap or grease when connecting the hose lengths.

5. Set the Tropf Blumat correctly. Open the setting screw by turning it counterclockwise. Adjust the length of the dripper hose which must extend from the Tropf Blumat by approximately 8 cm. (3 in.). Water will be flowing from the dripper hose. If it is not, check to ensure the hose is not "squeezed together" from shipping (See picture).

Close the setting screw by turning it slowly clockwise until just a water drip clings to the dripper hose. Turn the setting screw two arrows in a clockwise direction. The Tropf Blumat should not give off water when the soil / medium is wet. Adjust the brown screw if necessary to increase or decrease moisture level.

The Distributor Dripper enables you to use one Tropf Blumat to control the watering of similar plant groups over a larger area.

6. Connect the distributor dripper. Cut lengths of approximately 20 cm. (8") from the thin dripper hose and use them to connect a maximum of five distributor drippers. Place an end dripper (identified as having only 1 barb end instead of 2) as the last dripper.

Then connect the line to the dripper hose from the Tropf Blumat. The water can enter at the end or in the middle. The distance between the Tropf Blumat ceramic cone and the next distributor dripper must be approximately 8 cm. (3").

The distributor line can be laid as desired near the plants' roots. Adjusting the black screw on the distributor dripper is not necessary.

7. After installation, the trickling function should be checked every 2 days for 1 to 2 weeks. If necessary, adjust it by turning the setting screw slightly for more (open) or less (close) water. In most cases, an adjustment of 1/2 arrow will be sufficient.

Changing the trickling function later will not be necessary after it has been adjusted properly.

So it seems that no matter how hard I try... Blumats just aren't going to work in an absentee grow. I can't set up the blumats, watch them for 2 days, and then come back 4-5 days later and expect to not have a flood or for some of the pots to not be too dry. In my 6 plant bush grow that's going on 3 weeks, I had 1 pot create a small flood from constantly dripping, and another was a little too dry. The octagon had air bubbles clogging the line again. Enough of this self-doubt bullshit. I know DTW will produce better results and I'm done playing games. If I could be there 2-3x a week the blumats might work... and it would be great to play with them for the first 2 weeks and then not touch them for another 8 weeks while the crop finished... but that's not what I'm doing!
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Active member
So even though I read the rules, I still plan to continue using the blumats in the octagon, b/c I don't have the money to do a major rebuild in the octagon to collect runoff. I've added fluorescent lights to break the dark cycle, and I'll flip the octagon again when I have the blumats dialed on the new manifold. This manifold should eliminate the problem I'm having with air getting stuck in the lines.

I took 4 5' lengths of 1/2" PVC, and I capped one end, and added a barbed T to the other.

I use pliers to insert my barbed t's now-a-days... I've had enough blisters on my fingers to know better.


This is the most crucial part of the design... Due to gravity, water falls and air rises. Water will fall down the pipes, pushing the air up into the black tubing... and this is where it exits all by itself, constantly purging the line. I ran the tubing to the ceiling in the bush grow as well.


The other grows are looking good... but I've taken enough pics for this week. I also hooked up a made in the USA brass ball valve solenoid to the water line supplying my heat exchanger. It works great! Now that I'm not cooling 24/7, the temps are more consistent.


Good ta clean your system out from time to time Bro.......Shit `s stored in the fatty tissue of your liver and kidney`s so with a lean mean machine like you , yas should be detoxed in no time....

Thae big thing bout drug tests is for insurance purposes only , so do whatchas must to procure employment in your industry....

Do I see 65 degrees and 85% RH in that pic or is it the other way round.....

The Dayton humidistat looks like easy peasy , so hope things come back into range for yas with the WHH......

Good luck Bro....pullin fer yas over here....

Peace....Freds.....:ying:.....Edit:....DTW serves yas well in absentee growing...Do whatchas gotta do.....worked for me.....Lotta folks run em at remote locations but it`s all in where your heads at as budget allows.....Blumats take some time....

Sorry I ever mentioned em....Peace.....
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Well-known member
So it seems that no matter how hard I try... Blumats just aren't going to work in an absentee grow. I can't set up the blumats, watch them for 2 days, and then come back 4-5 days later and expect to not have a flood or for some of the pots to not be too dry. In my 6 plant bush grow that's going on 3 weeks, I had 1 pot create a small flood from constantly dripping, and another was a little too dry. The octagon had air bubbles clogging the line again. Enough of this self-doubt bullshit. I know DTW will produce better results and I'm done playing games. If I could be there 2-3x a week the blumats might work... and it would be great to play with them for the first 2 weeks and then not touch them for another 8 weeks while the crop finished... but that's not what I'm doing!

Sucks to hear the blumats are not working out for ya bob.

My setup is not as complex as yours with all the stacks, etc, but I've experienced quite the opposite with blumats. They have been nothing but bulletproof for me.

I set them initially and do not touch them again until harvest time. Aside from worrying about vertical canopy falling around I'd have no problem setting my blumats and leaving for several weeks. In a horizontal trellis garden with a large enough res and someway to gradually raise my lights I could easily visit 3 times total during an entire grow. Once to setup.. once at the flip to trellis/strip lowers, and once again at harvest time.

Here's to hoping you get em figured.. They really are the cats ass if you can eliminate the problem areas.


Active member
Good ta clean your system out from time to time Bro.......Shit `s stored in the fatty tissue of your liver and kidney`s so with a lean mean machine like you , yas should be detoxed in no time....

Thae big thing bout drug tests is for insurance purposes only , so do whatchas must to procure employment in your industry....

Do I see 65 degrees and 85% RH in that pic or is it the other way round.....

The Dayton humidistat looks like easy peasy , so hope things come back into range for yas with the WHH......

Good luck Bro....pullin fer yas over here....

Peace....Freds.....:ying:.....Edit:....DTW serves yas well in absentee growing...Do whatchas gotta do.....worked for me.....Lotta folks run em at remote locations but it`s all in where your heads at as budget allows.....Blumats take some time....

Sorry I ever mentioned em....Peace.....

temps are 85F and 65-70% RH. I can't get the RH any higher than that.

When the blumats work... they work great. Maybe the automatic purging will fix my problems? I'm not holding my breath though. I would love for them to start working in every pot...

Sucks to hear the blumats are not working out for ya bob.

My setup is not as complex as yours with all the stacks, etc, but I've experienced quite the opposite with blumats. They have been nothing but bulletproof for me.

I set them initially and do not touch them again until harvest time. Aside from worrying about vertical canopy falling around I'd have no problem setting my blumats and leaving for several weeks. In a horizontal trellis garden with a large enough res and someway to gradually raise my lights I could easily visit 3 times total during an entire grow. Once to setup.. once at the flip to trellis/strip lowers, and once again at harvest time.

Here's to hoping you get em figured.. They really are the cats ass if you can eliminate the problem areas.

It's not that I doubt you FF... but how? lol... Seriously, exactly how do you have yours set up? Every time I do it, there is air in the line, and too few or too many drips over the course of a few days. I mean I've been purging the line every week, to find there is air in the line every week! I think I've eliminated the air... I completely saturated the pots like you told me to, and then adjusted the cones to a cling. Not +1 or 2... to a cling. Some pots were still ending up too dry. That's with #5's. Hopefully it'll be easier in my #3's. I find that #2's and #3's are easier to get dialed.


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
I found with the blumats sometimes the rubber hose on the top will be pinched and closed out of the factory ....

on every blumat i ever used i pulled the brown tube from under the green pressure release and checked to see if it was stuck together...

this helped me out alot... you sure this is not happening to you bobble?

this may be why some are dry..... they are not getting any water due to the tube being stuck together... just a thought worth checking.


Active member
I found with the blumats sometimes the rubber hose on the top will be pinched and closed out of the factory ....

on every blumat i ever used i pulled the brown tube from under the green pressure release and checked to see if it was stuck together...

this helped me out alot... you sure this is not happening to you bobble?

this may be why some are dry..... they are not getting any water due to the tube being stuck together... just a thought worth checking.

I'm not using any of the stock tubing. I've replaced it all with longer bits of 3mm tubing. When I reset them this last time, I did have tubing stuck closed because the nutrient salts were holding it closed after air got in the line and the water evaporated. The end of one tube looked like it had a piece of perlite stuck in the end... when in fact it was salts shaped into a drop of water! lol...

I'm just saying after seeing a bunch of rooms full of 6' trees... lol... I miss my DTW grows. Even when I have a problem, it's corrected fast in DTW.

Hundred Gram Oz

Our Work is Never Over
:wave: Hi Bobble! Some very tasty looking buds there, your USD certainly looks dank, props!

IMO DTW is perfect for absentee growing. A good cycle timer, big enough rez, & waste rez that can take care of things for a week and your G2G! The plants will basically take care of themselves.

Looking forward to the future with your grows bro.



Registered User
Hey bobble... glad to see u back up and posting... fig'd u'v been slammed w everything.

Remember w we chatted bout the yellow ick on cuts... those bins will bring it about even faste r man. Those cuts u hooked up stayed in water cups w no lids for another day... but open to the air... like 3' from a t5... rh in 30's. Then to the rw starter cubes... same dealio... mid 30's rh w temps anywhere between 78-84. No domes... no misting... eventually dropped the light to 2', after a week or so. 2.5wks later... all rooted... no yellow ick... no death.

Trust me on this one... strip em like I did... cups to cubes... open air the whole time... no rh bumpin... just keep the light really high. I bet my keepers on this method routinely... got the whole library cut down again. It works every time bro. Peace