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bobblehead overtakes


Active member
Not sure if you'll catch my edit about the calcinced clay in my last post, but I wanted to expand on it a bit anyway. I love the floor dry, but I don't want a bunch of white rocks in my media when/if I need to dispose of it in my veggie garden (not a problem for you, but for others this may be a consideration). This is part of what lead me to start adding coco chips to my mix. It's a little early to have formed a concrete opinion on them, but from what i've seen so far i'll likely be phasing out the floor dry completely in favor of the chips. I like them better because the roots can grow right through them, instead of around them. This increases the amount of usable media vs adding floor dry, while still adding excellent drainage and aeration properties. They are also strong enough to help prevent compaction.


Active member
Not sure if you'll catch my edit about the calcinced clay in my last post, but I wanted to expand on it a bit anyway. I love the floor dry, but I don't want a bunch of white rocks in my media when/if I need to dispose of it in my veggie garden (not a problem for you, but for others this may be a consideration). This is part of what lead me to start adding coco chips to my mix. It's a little early to have formed a concrete opinion on them, but from what i've seen so far i'll likely be phasing out the floor dry completely in favor of the chips. I like them better because the roots can grow right through them, instead of around them. This increases the amount of usable media vs adding floor dry, while still adding excellent drainage and aeration properties. They are also strong enough to help prevent compaction.

I had read that the oil absorb was not the same thing, and turns to mush... If you say it holds up I'll check it out. Can't hurt any. As for the chips... Oh boy... So I went to my favorite hydro store cause they always have what I need... So I go looking for the coco chips, with hydroton as my backup plan... I walk in, notice things have moved around a bit. I ask where the coco is, and they point back. I realized I had walked right past it. 4 blocks of botanicare coco, and a whole pallet of B'cuzz fluffed coco. The guy was telling me about how great the bagged stuff is and bla bla bla.. and I'm like "yeah, but I need a lot..." Anyway, so I tell him that I'm only getting the hydroton cause they don't have chips and I'm starting to detest perlite... and he tells me that the mines where they get the clay for the hydroton are tapped out, and so when it runs out it's gone. At this point my mind is just blown... I'm gonna have to do some research... and maybe special order my coco when I need a lot.

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
Here is what you fogged with. For everyone else to use this it is 1/4 teaspoon per gallon of water with a wetting agent like dawn. It cost me $188 for a quart which will last for like for everrrrrr. I think you can get it for about $100 on amazon.


I also would say that the NAPA floor dry does not break down. I have been running the same stuff for almost a year. I top dress with it and just take it off the top and put on the next plant that needs it. It turns tan when wet and white when dry so I know if the plants need more water then they had the day before.

Edited: it is 1 teaspoon per gallon.

silver hawaiian

Active member
.... I just bought some hydroton. I live in a med state, so what if I have hydroton in my flower beds when I'm done growing there? :D


Most of our potted plants (flowers) outside have 4-5 little pebbles near the surface, .. Only twice has someone asked "What are those things?"

"Oh, .. Hmm. Weird. Just rocks, I guess."

silver hawaiian

Active member
W/o a bunch of leaves the cut can't transpire as much and should be less likely to wilt.

:yeahthats: I try to not get TOO crazy with my cuts in re: removing fans, but there is definitely a happy medium -- and I've found that seems to lean towards a less-is-more.

You could also spray Wilt Pruf on your cuts, though that seems a bit like just throwing in the towel. :)

Edit. I should probably read the whole thread before replying to posts one-by-one..

bobble, are you using the standard blumats in that tree grow? I thought I was getting by just fine with two standard blumats in a 5 gal pot, .. But when I harvested that plant, the bottom of the pot didn't seem too saturated. I have a sneaking suspicion that what it really wanted was a Maxi (or two).

Also, is that standing water on the floor on the R of the big tree grow? I know you're a seasoned man, but that'd give me some nerves in re: fungus gnats. (Only from experience, I humbly admit).


Everything is looking fantastic!


Active member
That's why I was specific about getting napa floor dry. Some brands of oil absorbent are made of clay, and yes they turn to mush. There are a couple other auto stores that sell a calcined clay oil absorbent, but I can't remember which they are. Anyway napa is everywhere and floor dry is ~7 bucks for 2 cuft. Fwiw i've been using the same batch of floor dry for at least a year and it doesn't seem to have broken down at all. I order my chips in bulk also, mainly because I havn't been able to convince my hydrostore to carry them. I really liked the first batch of hydrofarm planting chips, but this lastest batch came in much smaller pieces with more stringy coco mixed in. Thinking I'll try vgrove.com or wherever freds was getting his coco from, they have different sized chips available in compressed blocks. Botanicare compressed blocks are nice, good consistancy and low salt with all the ones i've had. I like the GH cocotek a lil better though. More salt but it's much coarser, so it drains better. I don't really care about salt content any more, everything gets the shit flushed out of it. Big assed smart pot and tough tote make that an easy job ;).


Perlite definitely turns to dust , but the chunky/coarse shit takes longer and served me well in Hell with very few options , so I dealt with it and added back every run with my re-used stringy fibers and chunks/husks/chips/whatever the fuck ya`ll wanna call em.....

Bobbles....vgrove.com has everything you need if yas got a safe drop delivery addy....but.....why can`t yas get the dicks at your hyfro whore store ta order yas some "coco croutons" by Grodan......

I mean.....I`m sure they order there shit from horticulturesource.com or with enough buyin power straight from manufacturer....

Put down a deposit and pay the difference when the shit comes in.....I will say this....The husks from vgrove were the best addition to my medium I ever had , as Mr D expressed in that beyond the rootzone aeration factor , they actually accept roots and welcome penetration in every nook and cranny they can get through......

Knew a couple chicks that enjoyed that as well in my younger days.....:moon:...anyways.....I used the 16 oz clear cups with my cuts , but there`s no reason why the 9`s won`t work .....Hell...they might work better......regardless.....80% RH and 80 degrees ambient temps will up the cut game guaranteed....

Gettin rid of them critters seems ta be a big issue these days.......and...Gladta see more positive action in a less chemical way , but if nuclear war`s needed then pull the trigger...and....

You know....when it all boils down to it.......As far as you`ve come in the last yr or so along with the problems left and right , as well as security and family issues......

I`m way fuckin proud of yas for acquiring real estate and much experience under yer belt as a 1 man show , while realizin what it takesta be self sufficient and roll with the punches.......and....

Thanks for the pm.....I`m not goin anywhere cuz as you know , my old heads at the other places don`t need much help cuz over there I`ve schooled em for a long time and they get it......so....

Folks here need help , and if some can`t handle the truth , then I`m sure they`ll figure it out sooner or later......

Not a word I`ve ever posted has done anything but help folks , and not once has anyone ever come back and said what I told em didn`t work.......but rather.....extreme......

Thanks for increasing my yields and teaching bout environment over lumens as long as adequate wattage per sq ft was employed....

4 rooms goin and hoonin is whatchas need for catchin up , payin da bills , and gettin yas a new pair of shoes......cuz.....

We know you`re on yer feet and busy......Respect....and yeah.....I KNOW you`ll be my vindication.....bet on it.....

Holler ....Freds......:ying:.....
Last edited:

Guest 88950

...Not a word I`ve ever posted has done anything but help folks , and not once has anyone ever come back and said what I told em didn`t work.......but rather.....extreme......

Thanks for increasing my yields and teaching bout environment over lumens as long as adequate wattage per sq ft was employed....


Thank You, you have helped me so much w/o me ever askin a thing.

If ya want to learn some shit..........stalk DHF's post's


Active member
:yeahthats: I try to not get TOO crazy with my cuts in re: removing fans, but there is definitely a happy medium -- and I've found that seems to lean towards a less-is-more.

You could also spray Wilt Pruf on your cuts, though that seems a bit like just throwing in the towel. :)

Edit. I should probably read the whole thread before replying to posts one-by-one..

bobble, are you using the standard blumats in that tree grow? I thought I was getting by just fine with two standard blumats in a 5 gal pot, .. But when I harvested that plant, the bottom of the pot didn't seem too saturated. I have a sneaking suspicion that what it really wanted was a Maxi (or two).

Also, is that standing water on the floor on the R of the big tree grow? I know you're a seasoned man, but that'd give me some nerves in re: fungus gnats. (Only from experience, I humbly admit).


Everything is looking fantastic!

1 tropf blumat seems to do the job on a #5 SP... I've found the trick is to put the cone and the end of the tube on opposite ends of the pot. Then you just need a saucer underneath, so any runoff can get soaked back up, shutting the blumat off. My pots have a constant drip once the roots are well established. This is all speaking from my limited experience... but I have played with quite a few cones if that makes up for anything.

Slow down grasshopper... lol... That floor is a major mess with leaves and water and tubing and you're absolutely right it's a recipe for disaster! Flower Farmer said I needed to take my socks off and flood the floor. So I did. I like to rush things when I get excited and you'll notice that in all my pictures I could have done some more cleaning. I pulled out the shop vac after pics were taken... and decided that you guys are just gonna have to take my word for it that the floors are clean... Except the wet floor holding all those plastic shavings from cutting up the tote for my heat exchanger. That'll be easier to clean up once the carpet dries. So all the grow room floors are clean. I'm trying to make sure these bugs don't spread ya know?

Way to keep me on my toes though... ;)


Active member
Perlite definitely turns to dust , but the chunky/coarse shit takes longer and served me well in Hell with very few options , so I dealt with it and added back every run with my re-used stringy fibers and chunks/husks/chips/whatever the fuck ya`ll wanna call em.....

Bobbles....vgrove.com has everything you need if yas got a safe drop delivery addy....but.....why can`t yas get the dicks at your hyfro whore store ta order yas some "coco croutons" by Grodan......

I mean.....I`m sure they order there shit from horticulturesource.com or with enough buyin power straight from manufacturer....

Put down a deposit and pay the difference when the shit comes in.....I will say this....The husks from vgrove were the best addition to my medium I ever had , as Mr D expressed in that beyond the rootzone aeration factor , they actually accept roots and welcome penetration in every nook and cranny they can get through......

Knew a couple chicks that enjoyed that as well in my younger days.....:moon:...anyways.....I used the 16 oz clear cups with my cuts , but there`s no reason why the 9`s won`t work .....Hell...they might work better......regardless.....80% RH and 80 degrees ambient temps will up the cut game guaranteed....

Gettin rid of them critters seems ta be a big issue these days.......and...Gladta see more positive action in a less chemical way , but if nuclear war`s needed then pull the trigger...and....

You know....when it all boils down to it.......As far as you`ve come in the last yr or so along with the problems left and right , as well as security and family issues......

I`m way fuckin proud of yas for acquiring real estate and much experience under yer belt as a 1 man show , while realizin what it takesta be self sufficient and roll with the punches.......and....

Thanks for the pm.....I`m not goin anywhere cuz as you know , my old heads at the other place don`t need much help cuz over there I`ve schooled em for a long time and they get it......so....

Folks here need help , and if some can`t handle the truth , then I`m sure they`ll figure it out sooner or later......

Not a word I`ve ever posted has done anything but help folks , and not once has anyone ever come back and said what I told em didn`t work.......but rather.....extreme......

Thanks for increasing my yields and teaching bout environment over lumens as long as adequate wattage per sq ft was employed....

4 rooms goin and hoonin is whatchas need for catchin up , payin da bills , and gettin yas a new pair of shoes......cuz.....

We know you`re on yer feet and busy......Respect....and yeah.....I KNOW you`ll be my vindication.....bet on it.....

Holler ....Freds......:ying:.....

I'm telling you the microbes are what's gonna get rid of the bugs... because they aren't going to die right away. First the critters take the microbes for a ride around to visit their friends. It has to work. It just costs a little more and takes a bit more work... but no pain no gain.

My shop will order anything I ask for. It's just more convenient to show up unannounced and walk out with 8-10 blocks and a few bales of perlite. I'm realizing more what's open to interpretation in making things work, and what can't change. Little clay pebbles or chunky perlite... There's no difference in my situation. The hydroton is the size of a large chunk of perlite. Not nearly as big as the fox farm perlite rocks I see for sale at the hydro store.

There's more to everyone's story... My regular followers have been on this roller coaster of an adventure with me and know I've come from sleeping with my grow in a 1bdrm apt to having a 1bdrm apt to live in and a separate house to grow in in the past 2 years. Oh, and a new used truck and a big HDTV. :D I tore down my setup after I got 1gpw because the DEA detained me in a dispensary raid, and I needed to get within legal numbers and hide the evidence that I would do anything otherwise. Not many knew about that except the few I told and those who heard it through the grape vine... and people want to criticize because I only pulled 1gpw once... Like it can never happen again and I'll never do better. Blow me. It's just harder when you can't walk downstairs during the commercials to find out something went wrong... or monitor a bug problem daily. You have to adapt and figure shit out. I could have never guessed my water pump was going to die. Now I know the signs... and since I got it fixed, the iron particles are decreasing. My pressure tank was rusted out and sending iron particles into the house. My RO comes out at 0 EC, pH 6.0. It doesn't get more perfect than that... I don't have to adjust pH once all the additives are in and everything is mixed up.

Wait till I'm better financed and I have mini-splits in every room keeping my temps on point... ha ha... That's the next house though... Cause this one needs to be retired after next winter/spring. It's a real shit-hole. lol...

silver hawaiian

Active member

I never doubt your abilities and knowledge - but I wondered if the haphazardness was just a symptom of the nothing's-going-rights lately.. :respect:

You're a unique guy, with an attitude like another dude I bet is successful, AeroKrafter.

..Lots on your plate. Lofty goals. But the brains and attitude to get there.

You've bitten off a large bite. Might've wanted a sip, got a gulp. But you're approaching the solutions in a real committed way. ..To the point that I think once you're in a place where you're happy with the growS, you won't feel like it's a shithole.. I mean, you may still be like "This place is a shithole," but it'll be YOUR shithole, by god.

My shop has the Grodan crouts. Lemme know and I can grab 'em for you next time.


Active member
i found pressed blocks of coco at a nursery here in town for 13 bucks a brick, one brick is like a bag and a half of canna coco and this shit is clean, i still flush it but dont think it needs it, also found some real course coco chunks in the same sized bricks at a hydro store, cant remember the price but mixing the two 50/50 seems to really work well,


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
i found pressed blocks of coco at a nursery here in town for 13 bucks a brick, one brick is like a bag and a half of canna coco and this shit is clean, i still flush it but dont think it needs it, also found some real course coco chunks in the same sized bricks at a hydro store, cant remember the price but mixing the two 50/50 seems to really work well,

Ok stupid question time; I was thinking of going pure CoCO for outdoor but I think you would want the perlite and other moisture holding characteristics of traditional soil holds?

Is this correct or could one run "pure" CoCo outdoors? I know a few guys over in the OD section say they are doing pure CoCo?


Active member
mega you could do it with coco especialy if you use blumats or some sort of auto watering, as we all know coco will breath and dry out fast so you got to keep it moist


Active member
Hey Bobble havent really been here much lately, but good to see you are still at it. Onward and upward. I have been dealing with one issue after another as well, just got to keep keeping on, as Im sure you already know.
I also recently started brewing tea with caps, and it definitely helps with cuttings, and just overall health at every stage so far. Stuff is like mothers milk. Be sure to throw some alfalfa in there, or just get some powdered triacontanol off ebay. Ive never had Root Aphids, but everything I read says that the tea will help take care of that. You are using EWC's right?
I was having pretty good success with cloning, but now things have gone from ok, to very good. The tea is for sure one of the reasons why. I was using actinovate before I got the bennies because of the rot/fungus issue I was getting , but I dont even need that any more. I just hope it will take care of the Botrytis also...
I also just threw some cutting in 16oz clear solo's, with pure coco, as Ive read Fred suggest many times. Im hoping it will shave some time off the Chem4D Ive got. I only filled each cup about 1/4 a way with coco, compressed down a bit. Im wondering if I should have filled them more than that, they look fine so far though.

Also another thing that might help you with the cuttings, Supernatural's RootBurst. Stuff makes them blow up.

And Fred's thanks so much for all your knowledge droppings. Im always looking for your posts when Im on here.


Active member
Mega adding perlite doesn't increase water retention. It increases drainage and air capacity, causing your pot to dry out even quicker. I did a water only mix outdoors with coco being a big part of the base media, worked awesome. I see no problems with going straight coco outdoors as long as you can keep up on the watering. Your using 200 gal. smarties right? Shouldn't need water more than once a day, maybe twice when swelling ;). There's always drippers or blumat maxi's too......


Bobble, that 1200w room is looking nice and green, headband looks good too. you got anything else going right now?

MEGA - i have used straight coco outdoors, in smartpots, with great results.. just make sure to keep up on the watering, or automate that shit.


Active member

I never doubt your abilities and knowledge - but I wondered if the haphazardness was just a symptom of the nothing's-going-rights lately.. :respect:

You're a unique guy, with an attitude like another dude I bet is successful, AeroKrafter.

..Lots on your plate. Lofty goals. But the brains and attitude to get there.

You've bitten off a large bite. Might've wanted a sip, got a gulp. But you're approaching the solutions in a real committed way. ..To the point that I think once you're in a place where you're happy with the growS, you won't feel like it's a shithole.. I mean, you may still be like "This place is a shithole," but it'll be YOUR shithole, by god.

My shop has the Grodan crouts. Lemme know and I can grab 'em for you next time.

No dude, I think that house is nothing but trouble... My allergies go crazy cause of all the cat hair and mold... The middle of the house has no insulation. In the winter I have to drive over some expressway that is always iced over and there are regular multi-car pileups... I would rather close the place down, pay what I owe, and use my equity to get a mortgage to buy another house with a basement. Tearing the house down might be a hasty decision.... but not growing there will have been a calculated decision.

i found pressed blocks of coco at a nursery here in town for 13 bucks a brick, one brick is like a bag and a half of canna coco and this shit is clean, i still flush it but dont think it needs it, also found some real course coco chunks in the same sized bricks at a hydro store, cant remember the price but mixing the two 50/50 seems to really work well,

Yeah man I used to see coco brick at the HD and Lowe's... The hydro store would have 100's... Chunky and fine. People around here are sold on the B'cuzz prebagged stuff. I've always used bricks and I don't like change...

Ok stupid question time; I was thinking of going pure CoCO for outdoor but I think you would want the perlite and other moisture holding characteristics of traditional soil holds?

Is this correct or could one run "pure" CoCo outdoors? I know a few guys over in the OD section say they are doing pure CoCo?
Mega adding perlite doesn't increase water retention. It increases drainage and air capacity, causing your pot to dry out even quicker. I did a water only mix outdoors with coco being a big part of the base media, worked awesome. I see no problems with going straight coco outdoors as long as you can keep up on the watering. Your using 200 gal. smarties right? Shouldn't need water more than once a day, maybe twice when swelling ;). There's always drippers or blumat maxi's too......

Actually adding perlite does increase the water retention in coco because the coco has more room to expand. I think it's like 10-20% perlite. When you start adding more perlite, then there is less coco to hold water, so it doesn't hold as much.

Hey Bobble havent really been here much lately, but good to see you are still at it. Onward and upward. I have been dealing with one issue after another as well, just got to keep keeping on, as Im sure you already know.
I also recently started brewing tea with caps, and it definitely helps with cuttings, and just overall health at every stage so far. Stuff is like mothers milk. Be sure to throw some alfalfa in there, or just get some powdered triacontanol off ebay. Ive never had Root Aphids, but everything I read says that the tea will help take care of that. You are using EWC's right?
I was having pretty good success with cloning, but now things have gone from ok, to very good. The tea is for sure one of the reasons why. I was using actinovate before I got the bennies because of the rot/fungus issue I was getting , but I dont even need that any more. I just hope it will take care of the Botrytis also...
I also just threw some cutting in 16oz clear solo's, with pure coco, as Ive read Fred suggest many times. Im hoping it will shave some time off the Chem4D Ive got. I only filled each cup about 1/4 a way with coco, compressed down a bit. Im wondering if I should have filled them more than that, they look fine so far though.

Also another thing that might help you with the cuttings, Supernatural's RootBurst. Stuff makes them blow up.

And Fred's thanks so much for all your knowledge droppings. Im always looking for your posts when Im on here.

Yeah I ordered Alfalfa and EWC's as well as the Root and Foliar packs. Thanks for sharing your experience with them!

I'll tell ya what bro... Life isn't easy and sometimes you just have to roll with the punches. It would be easier to just setup some flood tables and hang some reflectors... but how much fun is it to do the same thing as everybody else? lol...

Bobble, that 1200w room is looking nice and green, headband looks good too. you got anything else going right now?

MEGA - i have used straight coco outdoors, in smartpots, with great results.. just make sure to keep up on the watering, or automate that shit.

Thanks shcrews... That's everything right now. I should be loading up the octagon next week for sure, or the plants will be overgrown (assuming a disaster doesn't happen in the next week). I have another house lined up for this fall. I'm just waiting for the current tenants to move out and negotiate the land contract. I'm going to do a legal grow there because I'll be living there. I don't grow in my current apt and I feel great about it... but I could use the extra income. I'll definitely be making the best of my basement at the new spot.


"No dude, I think that house is nothing but trouble... My allergies go crazy cause of all the cat hair and mold... The middle of the house has no insulation. In the winter I have to drive over some expressway that is always iced over and there are regular multi-car pileups... I would rather close the place down, pay what I owe, and use my equity to get a mortgage to buy another house with a basement. Tearing the house down might be a hasty decision.... but not growing there will have been a calculated decision."


you have been beating your head against a lot of things in that house since day 1 boss. if it does not look like a win situation in long run you should pull the plug and cut your losses ....... you know the situation better than any of us do. go with what you know man!


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
Mega adding perlite doesn't increase water retention. It increases drainage and air capacity, causing your pot to dry out even quicker. I did a water only mix outdoors with coco being a big part of the base media, worked awesome. I see no problems with going straight coco outdoors as long as you can keep up on the watering. Your using 200 gal. smarties right? Shouldn't need water more than once a day, maybe twice when swelling ;). There's always drippers or blumat maxi's too......

I'm only in 45 gallons for my biggest and it would be MUCH easier to use Blumats on my outdoor grow....something to consider for next year.

Bobble needs some cool pics brah to inspire me! Hope things are smoothing out for you!