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bobblehead overtakes


Active member
Found this via my name tag via google , mention on page 151 ( now deleted , from my days all those years ago on OG)
Interesting thread ! I wonder is the Reaper , no-one, bandit-uk still around ? Or any of the other Piss_ants ( as krusty called us) still around ?

Lol I rember johnjaffa , but my old OG handle was lovellybudly on OG and uk420 :)

I'm very confused...No offense dude, but when was your name mentioned? lol Always happy to have an old timer around. teehee.


New member
If you search my old user name on google it was on page 151 with a copy of a OG post I made in 2002 , but I believe all the old OG post have now been removed .
I was along with a few other OG old timers one of the first to convert to krusty buckets with a 60kw grow . Did a few threads pulling between 800g and 1200g per plant .


Active member
If you search my old user name on google it was on page 151 with a copy of a OG post I made in 2002 , but I believe all the old OG post have now been removed .
I was along with a few other OG old timers one of the first to convert to krusty buckets with a 60kw grow . Did a few threads pulling between 800g and 1200g per plant .

So you know Freds from back in the day! :D

Welcome aboard. You're just in time for the tail end of my show. Shutting this house down in July.

If you still have a pic of that 60k don't be shy...


"I'm not a pezzamist, I am an optometrist"
bobblehead overtakes

Oh boy, here we go again! Poof goes the post, you know it's coming...


Yeah I know the 707 is clone only I wish I had half no make that 1/8 of what you guys have availible to grow. I am in a very non friendly state and to find anything good as clones go I have a better chance of getting 20lbs from a 100 watt floresent light ;) I am going to making a trip out to CO and cali this summer to see some old high school friends maybe I can get my hands on some things to bring back with me. Thanks bobbles you grow is looking good my friend keep up the great work buddy.


Found this via my name tag via google , mention on page 151 ( now deleted , from my days all those years ago on OG)
Interesting thread ! I wonder is the Reaper , no-one, bandit-uk still around ? Or any of the other Piss_ants ( as krusty called us) still around ?

... tr!ed to p-em , didnt werk.... just p0sted cause u asked about....

... Reaper p0pd in evry once in a while to p0st ''still around''....

... havn0t n0-ticed bandit-uk on this board....

... havn0t n0-ticed no-one on this bo@rd @ that h@ndle for some tyme....


...Teresa & BlueHaze p0st from tyme to tyme.... &.... HyGradeChronic p0pz bak up evry now & then ... & DHF p0stz @ this bo@rd.. ... prolly prolly-n0t couple more here & there.... 0lde, new & 'tween tyme nix/h@ndlez.... maybe maybe not.... 0h... & maybe /\/\0d-skwad p0pz bak up sumtymez 2..... 2 m@ke kwik werkz uv 0lde-tyme thredz/nix/etc/etc..... teehee....

... a l0ng l0ng tyme ag0.... in a galaxee far far away... there 0nce was a buket system........

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Active member
Those who are interested in Mistress' post regarding the origins of kfb.. if you google "lovelybudly icmag" page 151 of bobblehead overtakes appears as a link. You have to view it as cache to see the post, clicking on the link doesn't work. I'll provide the link later if Anti or Arminius or someone doesn't beat me to it... I'm not in front of a PC.

Nothing really disappears on the internet... It's only hidden.

Edit: http://webcache.googleusercontent.c...lehead+overtakes+151&cd=3&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us

Krusty = Serapis. It's a long post... Interesting read.
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Active member
I am capable of anything I put my mind to.

Fixing the pump was actually really easy. Now that I know what I'm doing I could easily do the whole procedure in 20 mins, including pulling, reinstalling, and priming the pump.... Cake.



Active member
Headband @ 1 week - I got all of the lights firing this week.

Headband @ 3 weeks- I removed a lot of sucker branches and upper fan leaves.

I really enjoy the simplicity of this room. I have no regrets about hanging a few reflectors... Say what you will... I'm strong. Next week I'm filling up the middle. Maybe horizontal, maybe vertical...


Active member
Goat and Straw DD @ 9.5 weeks- Chop time. These plants didn't flush out like I would have expected with a 2 week RO flush... Its weird, 1 of each flushed well, and in different locations... They're all supposed to behave the same on their respective sides? lol... Nature. All the same, this was my best crop in a long time, and I didn't do anything! I went in there once to put the branches in the horti-trellis. I went there 1 more time to remove a few large fan leaves. I never went in the room again. I'm gonna try for a more hands-off approach from now on.

Golden Goat

Straw DD

This is what I have to show for my efforts the past few months... It's not much... but it's just the beginning. This will put me in the green. Finally.


All the same, this was my best crop in a long time, and I didn't do anything! I went in there once to put the branches in the horti-trellis. I went there 1 more time to remove a few large fan leaves. I never went in the room again. I'm gonna try for a more hands-off approach from now on.

im finding this too. the more i fuck about the more i fuck things up.
its hard not to fuck about tho.


Active member
im finding this too. the more i fuck about the more i fuck things up.
its hard not to fuck about tho.

It's easy not to fuck about when you're only at the grow 1 day a week, and everything you do or don't do counts. My time is better spent growing more plants than playing around with established plants, over-training... Don't wanna put all my eggs in one basket and all that business.

I'm pretty excited... Cause next week I'll have 10.8kw in flowering lights! At this house. :moon: That's a record for me. :D and again, I'm only visiting 1 day a week! (taking work home aka trimming) :woohoo: To each their own... but knowing where I'm coming from, that's huge! All future grows are going to be so much easier with the experience gained at this house.

It would still be ok with me if it all burned down.


Active member
I'm pretty excited... Cause next week I'll have 10.8kw in flowering lights! At this house. :moon: That's a record for me. :D and again, I'm only visiting 1 day a week! (taking work home aka trimming) :woohoo: To each their own... but knowing where I'm coming from, that's huge! All future grows are going to be so much easier with the experience gained at this house.

It would still be ok with me if it all burned down.

Congratulations! Glad you've hit a milestone for yourself.

so which room is next to come down?


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
I really enjoy the simplicity of this room. I have no regrets about hanging a few reflectors... Say what you will... I'm strong. Next week I'm filling up the middle. Maybe horizontal, maybe vertical...[/QUOTE]
