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Blynx's 1 sqft CFL cab & other CFL micro cabs


ICMag Donor
Here's the single C99 BX1 at the end of the 2nd week of flowering

C99 BX1

Day 14 Flower

The top still has some room to get closer to the lights. If they aren't close enough after the stretch ends this week then I will raise the container up closer to the lights.


ICMag Donor
What sort of tape etc do you use with a snapped stem Blynx? Cheers

I use scotch (cellophane) tape.

I should clarify that I'm not taping the stem tightly and it's not done as a permanent fix (the plant handles that). As you can see in the pic below, the tape started coming undone.


The tape forms a 'tube' that creates a micro-environment, inside which the plant will heal itself. Kinda like a self-graft.

After I snapped the above stem, it was literally hanging on by a fiber or two from the outside of the stem. The main part of the stem was completely broken through.

I opened the tape up (and removed it after the pic) and you can see how the plant completely grew the stem back together.




ICMag Donor
Here's the results from the last round of the 1 sqft CFL cab.

1 sqft CFL Cab

Wet weights



Dry weights


and here's some progression compilations of the different plants

Chesaw flowering progression



Grape Krush F2 flowering progression



Katsu Bubba Kush x Sour Diesel iBL flowering progression



Sour Creek flowering progression




I use scotch (cellophane) tape.

I should clarify that I'm not taping the stem tightly and it's not done as a permanent fix (the plant handles that). As you can see in the pic below, the tape started coming undone.

The tape forms a 'tube' that creates a micro-environment, inside which the plant will heal itself. Kinda like a self-graft.

After I snapped the above stem, it was literally hanging on by a fiber or two from the outside of the stem. The main part of the stem was completely broken through.

I opened the tape up (and removed it after the pic) and you can see how the plant completely grew the stem back together.

I was wondering if you can use scotch tape, excellent thanks Blynx!

Latest harvest looking as mouth watering as ever!


Hi Blynx, read through it all and I'm super impressed with your documenting skills. It's a big help, thank you for taking the time and being so careful and methodical.

I'm curious about a couple of things

Do you veg and flower with warm white 2700k bulbs (the seem to be in the pictures) or veg with cool white 6500k bulbs first?

Do you always flower for 70 days now with any strain grown under cfl or is it just that you have been growing strains that are ready in 70 days?

How hot does it get in the box / what do you consider the best temperature?

I notice the yield is pretty similar regardless of the number of plants, I wonder what you would get with one plant and a very large pot where it could really stretch it's roots.

Cheers and thanks again for posting all that.


ICMag Donor
Hi Blynx, read through it all and I'm super impressed with your documenting skills. It's a big help, thank you for taking the time and being so careful and methodical.

I'm curious about a couple of things

Do you veg and flower with warm white 2700k bulbs (the seem to be in the pictures) or veg with cool white 6500k bulbs first?

Do you always flower for 70 days now with any strain grown under cfl or is it just that you have been growing strains that are ready in 70 days?

How hot does it get in the box / what do you consider the best temperature?

I notice the yield is pretty similar regardless of the number of plants, I wonder what you would get with one plant and a very large pot where it could really stretch it's roots.

Cheers and thanks again for posting all that.


All my clones are vegged under cool white cfls from the moment they are taken until they go into flower. Once they are in flower, I switch to the soft white bulbs.

When running plants under CFLs in the 1 sqft cab, I decided to go with 70 day runs for consistency purposes.

The cab stays pretty cool, I would guess 70s during lights on and cooler at night (cab is in a cool basement). It's got a powerful blower in it so there is plenty of air movement. Keeping temps low is one of the most important things when growing in microcabs.

I don't think one plant would necessarily do better. I think it would take a lot more vegging and training to get the same yield I do with multiple plants. IMO, it's easier, and faster, to get the area filled with multiple plants than it is do it with a single plant.

You can only yield so much in a given area, in a given time.

If you are yielding X from 4 runs with veg/training. Are you better or worse off than getting X from 5 runs with NO veg/training.

IMO, they are the same and it's up to you to figure out which works best for your situation.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
New growers should be directed to you for sure. Simple and inexpensive set up, yields better than many costly grows.


ICMag Donor
I flipped the scrog cab to 12/12 after 16 days of veg/training.

C99 BX1

Day 00 Flower

Before training


after training




ICMag Donor
Here's the 1sq ft cab at the end of the first week of flowering

1 sqft CFL Cab



Seeing lots of new growth in the first week of flowering. I've already had to start super-cropping some of it.


Active member

With this extended testing of the 1 square foot. i would LOVE to see you add co2 and compare your overall yield from an enriched environment to a passive environment. a sentinel with a bottle is the dream set up. I'm working on just that for my cab so i can do some testing on gains using it in the micro enviroment. its probably more then a few months off, with the exception of superpedro i know of no one using it in a micro environment....


ICMag Donor
Here's the single C99 BX1 at the end of the 3rd week of flowering

C99 BX1

Day 21 Flower

The stretch appears to be over so I raised the plants a little bit by sticking a couple pieces of 2x4 under the pot


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