I was somehow under the impression that the blumat regulator delivered 35 psi. Damned if I can find a reference so I'm probably mistaken.
Per the literature it has the capacity to handle up to 500 drippers which turns into a lot of flow if an 8mm line pops off. That's a function of the design, of the size of the internal passages in the device.
I'll never run more than 18 drippers, our 3 person household Colorado maximum plant count for personal growing. Poking around for a way to extend the time to disaster led to... chicken nipples & what's apparently a much lower flow regulator.
I've also been leery of using the blumat regulator because of its 87 psi inlet pressure rating. Denver Water keeps the static pressure in our old neighborhood at 85-90 psi because of small mains & small supply lines to homes. Until a few years ago our line from the meter into the house was 1880's vintage lead pipe with an ID of 1/2". Don't even try to shower & run a lawn sprinkler at the same time.
took me a minute to find where i read the 1 bar thing because i looked everywhere else first. it's on the package ....
and of course the package is in every language but english. the second line says something like "ready to install and adjusted to 1 bar".
the one part of the blumats i don't worry that much about is the 8mm line. if you have ever tried getting those things apart you stop worrying about them popping off pretty fast. i'm more worried about them bursting but poly line has been around a long time and the failure rates are low. nothing is bulletproof
chicken nipples are awesome! i'm gonna get a pair just so i can say i have em probably end up using them too
didn't know about the restriction on the inlet pressures. that ISN'T on the package but it probably should be. good information! thanks!