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BlueDigiBerry F2

John Deere

Active member
Update day. #2 and 3 are getting close to done and #1's a bit behind, as she's been from the beginning. Aromas are very full and sweet. I can't say specifically blueberry but definitely sweet floral berry mix with #1 still be full sweet and 2 and 3 being a bit more balanced, kind of a clearer snap to them. They all smell great. At this point I'd say #2 and 3 are very similar overall. 3 is a bit larger and branchier and 2 seems a bit frostier but they're pretty close.

#1 is pretty solid but 2 and 3 are a bit floppy. I accidentally broke a floppy branch on #3 today so I cut it completely off for a test smoke. I'm drying the buds on low in my dehydrator. Hoping to try it later tonight or tomorrow.

I'm heading out of town next weekend for a week so there's a good chance they'll all get chopped next Sat morning. I'll see how they look this week. My guess is 2 and 3 will be done, not sure about 1. I might just let her go and chop her when I return. We'll see how the week progresses.

Start with the group shot. I'm a hack photographer and today the flash pix came out better so here we go.

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ICMag Donor
awesome job, John_D - looking beautiful! The pheno variation doesn't appear to be that drastic at least given the ones were are seeing here...

Going to be interesting to see how they finish up and the nuances in how they smoke!



Gil Tokerson

Active member
yeah,I was kind of thinking being f2s, there would be more variation. But I know pictures can be deceiving, and it's hard to really capture the full "picture". I'm also wondering if environment plays a role. I know the same clone can look completely different in someone else's setup.
If it's not to much to ask JD, could you post a couple of pics of the plants you just took out of that room. I'd like to see how similar, or different something else looks in the same environment.
Regardless, they look great, and I bet they smell even better. Now I've just got to figure out how to grow out a bunch of plants in a space meant for 2!

Gil Tokerson

Active member
You know, looking at the last 2 pics you put up, that one kind of looks like VGs cut when grown outdoors. It looks like foxtails, just not quite as defined.

John Deere

Active member
Hard to make too many generalizations when we're looking at such a small number so we might as well get on with it.

Slight size difference but 2 and 3 are pretty much the same--faster growing and finishing, branchy, lots of side buds.

1 seems to be growing more like an indica--slower veg, very stout, minimal side branching.

I'm rethinking the chop. Now I'm leaning towards letting them go the week I'm gone. I'm just past 8 weeks now so that'd put me at 10+. I'm guessing the T5 slowed me down a bit so the extra time certainly won't hurt. I'll see how they look next weekend and make a gameday decision.

Gil Tokerson

Active member
Well,I went back and looked at VGs greenhouse grown plant, and it's really not a close enough shot to make a comparison. But I bet if you let them go till 10, they'll start stacking calyxes into little dreads. Of course the taste and effect are what really matter, but it's fun to look for passed down traits.

Gil Tokerson

Active member

not a great pic, but you can at least see that they're alive. There are 3 left that are about to stand up. I think they're all gonna make it! The seed shell was really stuck on most of them. I had to help it off most of them.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
great start gil!

john the plants look great, see what they look like in a week, but i reckon a couple of them at least may be better with another week after that. nice job already though.

i should have a drop of these seeds ready to go in a couple of weeks.


Gil Tokerson

Active member
ok guys,I need some help. I want to keep these guys kind of small, because I don't have enough space for 11 plants to stretch all over the place, and crowd each other out....but I want to be able to take a couple of cuttings off each one before the flip. So the problem being that to be bushy enough for a couple of cuttings, they'll be too big for my space.
So how do I work this out? If I trim then back to a few branches each when I flip, will that stunt then? If rather not take cuttings during flower if I can avoid it. They always act weird for a long time until they revert back to veg.
Thanks for any ideas

Gil Tokerson

Active member
Here's the space:

This is just 3 squeezed in there. It's about 2.5 X 5 feet. Under 1 600hps. I guess the most logical thing would be to flower the cuttings, and not the seed plants, but that also means I have to wait a little longer. :(

Gil Tokerson

Active member
OK guys, you're going to think I'm an idiot for just now noticing this, but to be fair I only get about 5 minutes a day to check on these guys. One of them is a quadrifoliate!

I don't really know what this means, except that it looks cool. What do you think?

Gil Tokerson

Active member
This is some funny shit. I search quadrifoliate cannabis on google images, and the first thing that pops up is a pic from our very own VG! Deep Chunk quad. So kind of funny that a seed from VG gives me one.

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