Them big Sativa spears is what I see. Un topped structure is a lot like a minora. The candle holder Thingy.
Telephone Poles????????????????? Is that the same as banana / dick ?
Man...once the males show any balls at all they don't waste anytime. Most prolific ball growers I have seen to date. If flowers come on this hard I may have to reconsider.
I watered last night and remember vaguely thinking yea this one and that one probably males...tonight it is like some porn star studs...holy moly.
that one was cut back and rebudded,so not sure it is a tru rep. but now that you mention it.yeah very similar to my algerian in struture.. thats the only affican (ish) that i hav ran. just about doubles in stretchCool lookin male..the nug structure is VERY african........I'm going to do something with these blockheads next grow around...