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Blatent election fraud thread

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Active member
Show of hands right now.
If fraud is found
Will you denounce Joe Biden as the pretender he is ?

If the fraud is the result of Biden’s actions.

Just not due to made up bullshit.

Remember when Biden met with the Russians at trump tower to discuss adoptions.


Active member
LOL local (D) judges are expected to do that we will see what the Supreme Court says

I believe that Justice Scalia already has.


At the beginning of the week, Bill Barr instructed a bunch of his federal prosecutors to root out election fraud in their districts. Yesterday, they reported back, no fraud was found. Meanwhile, Trey Trainor, trump’s personal FEC Chair, stated that there was blatant election fraud, while another FEC commissioner said there was NO fraud.

Me thinks that Billy and Trey should get together, as each has something the other needs...kind of like in this song:



Active member
if we are the world's piggy bank,

... how many trillions in debt are we?

anyway, how many of those countries we are policing actually wanted or still want our help?

i'm sure many places would be glad to have no american boots on their soil anymore.
Yeah bro we get it you hate America
Also, here's a phrase for you to google
Military industrial complex.
It's a global thing. check into it maybe you can get some actual knowledge as to how the world works


Active member
Yeah bro we get it you hate America
Also, here's a phrase for you to google
Military industrial complex.
It's a global thing. check into it maybe you can get some actual knowledge as to how the world works

And now that creepy joe chitbag got elected you can expect that industrial complex to swelll...like a cyst


Active member
I understand how it works just fine 237 sworn affidavit from election workers testifing about multiple violations concerning roughly 600,000 votes according to Guliani .It's going to SCOTUS a recount aint gonna do it PA is getting audited and people are going to jail.

Listening to Giuliani is your first problem. Giuliani is scum for the brain.

SCOUTS isn't going to save your savior Trump. The fat lady is singing.

St. Phatty

Active member
Listening to Giuliani is your first problem. Giuliani is scum for the brain.

SCOUTS isn't going to save your savior Trump. The fat lady is singing.

Giuliani knows New York really well.

If they turn NYC into an amusement park ride, he could be the Guide/ Comedian.

G.O. Joe

Well-known member
The path the data from the dominion electronic machines went through servers in Germany. Trump just seized them using the Army. He left the CIA out of this op.

No wonder he fired esper. I hope they form military tribunals for the traitors, with public hangings the rapid result. I would go to DC for that.

The real conspiracy story is that those who are conspiring against the Donald are all elected or appointed republicans who are literally running and investigating the election. Proof that the deep state is republican!

What happened to the laptop and all the other manufactured outrages of the last 30 years? Amazing how all that disappeared after election day. All the charges against dems magically go away, EVERY TIME, when the prosecutors are republican AG's or republican committees in the house or senate. Oh, they put on a show to pretend that they're not deep state operatives - like the Fox crew do - but then when you think everything is safe in their hands and THE TRUTH IS ABOUT TO BE EXPOSED!!!, the story ends silently and it's on to the next outrage. King Donald is right about Fox and the fake news they're putting out, you know.

Obviously if these people can't be trusted, the only people who can are Alex Jones, Q, RT (and other internet persons and sites paid to provide Russia-approved material), and Joe Rogan. The constitution obviously needs to be changed to put them and Ivanka in charge.


Well-known member
I understand how it works just fine 237 sworn affidavit from election workers testifing about multiple violations concerning roughly 600,000 votes according to Guliani .It's going to SCOTUS a recount aint gonna do it PA is getting audited and people are going to jail.

all of those affidavits (to date) have already been ruled out as hearsay. no matter how many times chumps geeks squat, shit, and scream "here is more proof!" judges are gonna toss it. when your lawyers quit, they know they have exactly nothing. but you keep right on squawking. i love the desperation in your voice...:biglaugh:


Well-known member
if we are the world's piggy bank,

... how many trillions in debt are we?

anyway, how many of those countries we are policing actually wanted or still want our help?

i'm sure many places would be glad to have no american boots on their soil anymore.

and they would get their wish if most of the world did not want to have Russia & Chinas boots on their necks.


Well-known member
Show of hands right now.
If fraud is found
Will you denounce Joe Biden as the pretender he is ?

there is fraud in every election. there has been no evidence (that a judge would consider) that there is any large quantity of votes anywhere that are fraudulent. so, there is no reason/evidence anywhere except in your fearless leaders mind that President-Elect Joe Biden is a "pretender"...:good:


Active member
Really Amy, advocating terrorism? You think that makes you sound reasonable or even close to a decent person? Wanting more bombs set in the UK to blow people up, blow the limbs off kids as they shop with their parents is acceptable and desirable is it? I lived through the Irish bombings, met the mother of one of the kids injured in one of the bombs. Unbelievable that that's your response to the UK.

My apologies.
That was not my intention. The song has a similar melody to the other song and i thought the bitterness of those times were a thing of the past.
I will remove it.


The Tri Guy
Thankyou, until a new generation that has not lived through those times, is the oldest generation alive, there will always be resentments on both sides. Everyone is trying to move on and raise their kids better.


Yeah bro we get it you hate America
Also, here's a phrase for you to google
Military industrial complex.
It's a global thing. check into it maybe you can get some actual knowledge as to how the world works
don't put words in my mouth. i am a patriot. i love this country. one of my favorite things outside of the big old forests on the east coast? the freedom to criticize my government's actions.

if you think being a patriot is falling in line and only singing the praises of your own country, you might wanna try moving to the north half of the korean peninsula. i think you'd like it there. they never openly talk smack about their leader. true patriots.

White Beard

Active member
I understand how it works just fine

237 sworn affidavit from election workers testifing about multiple violations concerning roughly 600,000 votes according to Guliani
and this, young Skywalker, is why you fail...

.It's going to SCOTUS a recount aint gonna do it PA is getting audited and people are going to jail.
Tears of helpless anger taste the best...

The path the data from the dominion electronic machines went through servers in Germany. Trump just seized them using the Army. He left the CIA out of this op.

No wonder he fired esper. I hope they form military tribunals for the traitors, with public hangings the rapid result. I would go to DC for that.

This comment brought to us by the letters RT, and Q...

The real conspiracy story is that those who are conspiring against the Donald are all elected or appointed republicans who are literally running and investigating the election. Proof that the deep state is republican!

What happened to the laptop and all the other manufactured outrages of the last 30 years? Amazing how all that disappeared after election day. All the charges against dems magically go away, EVERY TIME, when the prosecutors are republican AG's or republican committees in the house or senate. Oh, they put on a show to pretend that they're not deep state operatives - like the Fox crew do - but then when you think everything is safe in their hands and THE TRUTH IS ABOUT TO BE EXPOSED!!!, the story ends silently and it's on to the next outrage. King Donald is right about Fox and the fake news they're putting out, you know.

Obviously if these people can't be trusted, the only people who can are Alex Jones, Q, RT (and other internet persons and sites paid to provide Russia-approved material), and Joe Rogan. The constitution obviously needs to be changed to put them and Ivanka in charge.
Bravo, Jo - and thanks!

don't put words in my mouth. i am a patriot. i love this country. one of my favorite things outside of the big old forests on the east coast? the freedom to criticize my government's actions.

if you think being a patriot is falling in line and only singing the praises of your own country, you might wanna try moving to the north half of the korean peninsula. i think you'd like it there. they never openly talk smack about their leader. true patriots.
He’ll NEVER believe any ‘patriot’ could possibly disagree with him, no ‘liberal’ could possibly love this country at all - much less like HE does, no ‘real American’ could possibly criticize HIS president for anything he’s actually said or done....
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