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Blatent election fraud thread

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Well-known member
I'm not going to look up made up left wing words. I don't put people in all sorts of categories like you do. Left or right both can be good people, you just want to demonize everyone.
i mean all words are made up. you think god delivered us the words liberals and conservatives or something lol?

but okay just trying to point you in the right direction.

St. Phatty

Active member
2000 in Florida was BLATANT election fraud.

Calling for a state to stop counting when the lead was 534 votes - in a state the size of Florida ?

it was quite obvious that something was going on besides a presidential election.


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
That 2000 election turned out to be heads we lose, tails we lose. Bush was and still is a POS. Yeah I voted for him. Gore was crooked and took sacks full of cash from poor buddist monks, and even dressed up in one of their robes. We have had a lot of those elections of lose/lose, and it is amazing how much people want to lose their way vs the other guy's way.

Trump really threw a wrench in their game. They didn't take him seriously the first time, and he won. This time they took him seriously, how could they not with the rallys?, and he still won.

They have pulled out all the stops this time. This is far more involved than a laptop or two with kiddie porn or emails


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
from the daily beast

On Friday, 16 assistant U.S. Attorneys wrote a joint memorandum to Attorney General William Barr saying that they had seen no evidence of widespread voter fraud, directly contradicting President Donald Trump’s false claims that he has won the election instead of President-elect Joe Biden. The federal prosecutors who penned the letter had been tasked with monitoring the presidential election for any interference, malfeasance, or fraud around the country. Barr issued a memo on Monday that seemed to give legitimacy to Trump’s lies, authorizing prosecutors “to pursue substantial allegations of voting and vote tabulation irregularities prior to the certification of elections in your jurisdictions in certain cases.” The federal prosecutors wrote that Barr’s directive, which reversed longstanding Justice Department policy, “thrusts career prosecutors into partisan politics.”


biden winning popular vote by like 5% of the votes total, something around 6 million, right? over six million fraudulent votes??

trump would have to turn multiple states in a complete historical first, isn't it 306 electoral votes biden got? trump's version of a "landslide" win...

bipartisan ballot counting, overseen by officials, no proof of substantial fraud...

6 million plus fraudulent votes in the most secure election ever, and the democrats didn't even cheat enough to give beyotch mccomrade the boot?!

those yelling about fraud are looking more and more like brainwashed cultists and russian trolls.


Active member
oh really?
two law firms quit the cases today because they knew they had bupkiss...

and here's a picture of a chicken wearing birkenstocks,explain that!
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]View Image[/FONT]

Reminds me of a funny joke.

Q: Why did the chicken scratch the floor.

A: Because he wasn’t wearing birkenstocks!


The Tri Guy
Frankly there's fraud in every election. What you want is someone who can get things done. Someone who can put a competent team together. May the best fraudster win.


Active member
By Felicia.


Judges have dealt double blows to President Trump's longshot attempts to disqualify enough ballots to win the presidency.

On Friday, a Michigan judge rejected an injunction claiming election irregularities were rampant in Detroit's Wayne County. Trump supporters' lawsuit claimed the vote count was plagued by fraud, but Circuit Court Judge Timothy Kenny said the suit didn't prove he should halt certification of the vote or order it to be audited, Bloomberg reports.

Also on Friday, a federal appeals court in Philadelphia rejected Republicans' attempt to toss out 9,300 mail-in ballots that arrived late, CBS Pittsburgh reports. The suit was filed by legal group Porter Wright Morris & Arthur, which withdrew from representing Trump's campaign earlier Friday.
By Felicia.


Judges have dealt double blows to President Trump's longshot attempts to disqualify enough ballots to win the presidency.

On Friday, a Michigan judge rejected an injunction claiming election irregularities were rampant in Detroit's Wayne County. Trump supporters' lawsuit claimed the vote count was plagued by fraud, but Circuit Court Judge Timothy Kenny said the suit didn't prove he should halt certification of the vote or order it to be audited, Bloomberg reports.

Also on Friday, a federal appeals court in Philadelphia rejected Republicans' attempt to toss out 9,300 mail-in ballots that arrived late, CBS Pittsburgh reports. The suit was filed by legal group Porter Wright Morris & Arthur, which withdrew from representing Trump's campaign earlier Friday.

LOL local (D) judges are expected to do that we will see what the Supreme Court says


Active member
LOL local (D) judges are expected to do that we will see what the Supreme Court says

Don't think you understand how the SCOTUS works.

What case are they going to bring up?

They have the Pennsylvania case on the three day extension for mail in ballots. Which are set to the side and are around 11k.

Even if SCOTUS ruled those ballots invalid it's not enough for tRump to take the lead. Keep hanging on. Feast some more on Newsmax.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
yeah...doesn't work like that,a lower court if not several lower courts need to hear the case first,you don't get to go straight to the supreme court
Don't think you understand how the SCOTUS works.

What case are they going to bring up?

They have the Pennsylvania case on the three day extension for mail in ballots. Which are set to the side and are around 11k.

Even if SCOTUS ruled those ballots invalid it's not enough for tRump to take the lead. Keep hanging on. Feast some more on Newsmax.

I understand how it works just fine 237 sworn affidavit from election workers testifing about multiple violations concerning roughly 600,000 votes according to Guliani .It's going to SCOTUS a recount aint gonna do it PA is getting audited and people are going to jail.

Chevy cHaze

Out Of Dankness Cometh Light
ICMag Donor
Dear Team America,
You are free to vote for whoever you want but please realise that you get what you deserve- both in positive as in negative terms.
Now about the Trump administration I have to say it was a bit scary to watch all the weird or even openly hostile and immature stuff happening over the last 4 years. I could not see a bigger picture in all of this, some of it was just plain stupid.

Now all of this is not my battle, but just flagging up that that's what I think the majority of the "rest" of the world has been seeing and thinking over that period, with dropped jaws and in complete disbelief.
Again, it's all yours, we don't care too much, but as we all live in a pretty globalised world in 2020, saying stuff like "America first" and starting trading wars and putting ridiculous tariffs in place is quite offensive to everyone outside of the USA, especially since your economy, like most other countries, relies on exporting goods and services. And that's not selling wheat from Idaho to California, I'm talking about international trade.
To think you can help your own economy by blocking out the rest of the word, that you also rely on for your own growth from selling into your country, reminds of Kindergarten days, playing in the sandbox.

So, why America first? What makes the USA special?
It does simply not work that way unless you have your way with the rest of world via your military.
It's a balanced global system that also, unfortunately, relies on exploiting third world countries with help from corrupt regimes.
BTW this is the same for the US, Russia, Europe... the first world countries rip off everyone else.
So, if you withdraw from global trade and agreements that affect everyone by isolating yourself, withdrawing from common responsibilities like emission regulations etc. you are doing one thing only really: Setting up your own demise.
This is btw not just starting, you're well down the road already. As someone in their 40s who frequently travels to the US (even this year) for work, I can say I really love country and people, but the last 20years it's been constantly downhill for you guys from what I've seen, no matter which party's at the helm, but accelerating towards worse like a Corvette over the last 4 years.
Please decide wisely which direction you want to travel in the future, as the future in this globalised world is together (even if you're the greatest, remember international trade is the foundation of your wealth) not alone.

The world can survive without the USA, but the USA can't survive without the rest of the world nowadays (at least not if trying to sustain current wealth) so everyone please stop acting like you can. Reminds me of England a bit these days...

Alone and on your own you die economically.

Everyone relies on everyone in this world and disrespecting this causal relationship will cause a lot of problems and pain on both sides, so why go down that road in the first place?

I think either way, you're smart enough to figure it out eventually, I'm just afraid it could take a long, long time if you don't approach the challenge with an open mind and decision making based in reality.

All the best from the UK,


The Tri Guy
Just for the sake of balance, I'm also from the UK, and hold the opposite belief. Not taking a pop at anyone, different people hold different views on some things while sharing views on other things. The problem only arises when someone says if anyone disagrees with me on one thing, I'll disagree with them on everything.
In my expierence the rest of the world needs us alot more than we need you.
USA is energy independent.
Greatest military on the planet
We can maufacture for us by us.
Great farmland and industry
We've been the worlds piggy bank and the worlds police to a buncha ungrateful arrogant
Nations who wanna stick their hand in our pockets and talk shit behind our backs.
That's why America 1st


if we are the world's piggy bank,

... how many trillions in debt are we?

anyway, how many of those countries we are policing actually wanted or still want our help?

i'm sure many places would be glad to have no american boots on their soil anymore.
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