nice fella
Reading your posts is like listening to a person speaking with marbles in their mouth.
Maybe I'm just a posturing, KKK/Nazi/Racist (TM) dipshit spouting off with mis-directed philosophy. That's certainly the cliché.
Or maybe I'm a learned, honorable person of a rare bravery speaking publicly in a manner that A) you, personally, will never understand B) Even my dumbest friends understood as true in their teenage years but chose to lie about for financial gain.
I guess it could be either.
The average 14 year old white American girl has had anal sex with an adult male (Elway Research, 2019. Jewish Friends of Denver made them delete the results and paid for the survey. You can't find it now. I lead the project).
82% of America Caucasian teenage girls are on anti-depressants.
1 in 7 teenage Caucasian American girls have had an abortion.
1 in 3 Caucasian teenage American females have had suicidal thoughts "more than once a week." (probably because racist/sexist white males fucked them up. Not because feminism is the philosophy of low IQ children and pedophiles, right?)
...except all that research is fake because gender doesn't exist. Except when it does, re, sexism.
You can't eat fish out of the ocean for legitimate fear of mercury.
38% of American white tail deer "have no homeland" per American Heritage Society.
Every white guy I know whose dad made less than 50K a year is on smack and basically dead.
Honor Culture is lost. Paganism is dead.
But hey man maybe you're right. Maybe the New Jewish World is a great future. Maybe I'm just hateful and uneducated.
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