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Black Ra1n's Grow Journal


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Wow them macros are pretty sweet, can actually see the nice ambering on the M39 trichs :yummy:

Congrats on the AK ladies...guess you just needed the power of estrogen :biglaugh:

I'll be talkin at ya soon :wink:

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
New Cross....

New Cross....

Hey Dog, yeah I know we only get to do it once a year here, but then again if I could do it more, I would probably get into trouble :)

Hey Budless, yeah she picked me out some beauties. She is now official seed picker for all my grows. Those are 48's, I've never grown 47 or 48 before so it should be fun. The outdoor is doing great, I checked it today but I forgot my camera so I'll have to wait till the week-end.

Hey TML, man I picked that 39 just at the right time. I smoked a nice little nug last night in my wooden pipe (of which me and a buddy will be producing soon for the consumer market) and it hit so hard, it was like I was a virgin smoker, I love the organic ferts lol, no more harsh aftertaste even with mega flushing you still get a bit of the chemical taste.

Take care guys and thanks for popping in.

Okay, one of my M39 cross's is up. I tried popping these seeds in paper towel and it didn't work so I threw them in some really ugly soil and one popped.

It looks quite a bit like the ak beans I recently popped, so I'm thinking this one is M39xAK48 which will be a killer cross IMO. I also have 4 more other 39 cross seeds in paper towel, one has one hell of a long root already, but I'm out of pro-mix so I'll have to get some tomorrow. I'm really looking forward to these crosses.

I started to put the emergency blanket in my rubbermaid bins today and lets just say it's a very time consuming ordeal. I'll get my bulbs tomorrow and rough it up, try to take some pics later. I'm going to run those two ak's in there and pollinate a few buds with straight 48 pollen I have in the freezer from a few months ago.

Well that's it for now.....



Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
hehehe i had 2 back off a few posts 2....lucky i have this tagged ...otherwise i would of lost a big chunck.....
i'm surtenly gonne stay tuned for those crosses 2 grow up....btw nice jar shots :D


Grower of fine herbs...
Hey BR,

Nice to see that your back on your indoor game already. Your outdoor ladies look awsome man. Im sure we have pretty simailar climates so i know what you mean when you say you can only grow once a year outdoors, just isnt enough time with regualr indica/sativa strains. I was looking into a strain on here call Gurilla Gold, it starts flowering outdoors in early july and will finish by the end of august with a big payoff. But anyway the grow is lookin great cant wait to see what your rubbermaid setup looks like, hope you dont mind if i drop a pic of my new rubbermaid setup. Peace bro and grow safe.


Im puttin screens over these ladies to see if i can pump up my yeild let me know what ya think.

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Hey Zeus, take care man, thanks for stopping by.

Core, hey man it's been a while since you popped in, thanks man.

NorthernKronic, yeah we probably have the same climate. I like your bins, I would put one big scrog screen across all three of those bins, out of chicken wire and burst your yield big time. My bin is going to be an enclosed bin, and if I can fit 6, 42 watt CFL's in there I'll have 1000 watts for 3.4 cubic feet of grow space - the light fixture, but I'm not getting that technical. Think I should be able to get some half decent bud off that scrogged.

Here's some trees we had carved at work, the poplar's are pretty much dead so we just topped them and had this guy carve the faces in. He did an amazing job and all with a chainsaw.


Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Now the trees will be watching me golf too? geez
cool shit man, I just got back from the course with my son, and he said he thought the tree was looking at him, lol

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Outdoor update!!!

Outdoor update!!!

LOL dog, man I hope that package turns out good for you. Take care bro.

Well another outdoor update. Not as much growth as last week, but the temps have been a tad on the cool side, but the rain sure has helped me out. I'm still pegging the outer growth on the MxA, PPP and Widow. Also have a small peg down with a M39, but it won't really take off for a few weeks.

Here's the peg down. The MxA is on the right, left is the PPP and up front is the Widow, which has finally started to branch out. Veg week 7.

Here's the pots, veg week 6.

The scrog is starting to fill, and that is another potted M39, veg week 3 on the plants, week one on the scrog.

Here's that upright MxA, she's getting pretty tall now. Veg week 7.

Next 2 are MxA's, veg week 3.

Last two are M39's, veg week 3.

Well that's it for now, I still have a few more to put out later that I'll be lightly training them, probably bending them over. One is that skunk bagseed, the others are my own crosses if I can get them out before the outdoor starts flowering. Hope you like the update.

Take care all.

B/R :rasta:


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
hey black ..i just stole something from you....hehehehe ..you gave me a great idea on personal scrog's...i woz thinking of building a few personal scrog'' for my pots but this seems easyer in use....i woz thinkg of using pvc tubing but yours looks cheaper and userfriendly...just some sticks and chickenwire a bit of iron wire...:yes:

ohw and the Garden Looks awsome man...wish i had space like that :smile:


Registered Medical Patient
very nice BR...Damn, I wish I could grow ganja in its natural habitat!!! I guess Ill just have to grow vicariously through you, like the TOOL song!!!LOL Keep it green man, as always. Peace

- Z


Snow Grower ~OGA~
I love that amazing outdoor garden of yours :canabis:
It's filling in so lush and fast...you are going to be one happy dude come fall! :woohoo:

Those tree carvings are awesome! :yoinks: That guy did a great job :yes:

I thought there was alot of variety in this years garden...with all the packages you are recieving I can't wait to see how much variety you can fit into next years :wink:

Great job buddy :D


Grower of fine herbs...
Hey BR,

Damn dude your outdoor is looking fly my friend i really must say. Next summer i want to take my outdoor serious and trek out good soil to my plot so that i can get a decent yeild. I want to use a simalar technique to your pegging it looks like its working sweet for you. I think i may just end up making seperate screens for each tub in my closet, it would make it so i could take it to the tub to water, but either way the screen will help my yeild im sure. Your grows looking ill my friend. Keep it up!


Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Such B S

Such B S

Hey Core, there is no stealing just sharing ideas lol. Thanks for the props man.

Hey Zeus, I'm a TOOL fan :) take care man.

TML, I'm looking forward to starting some new projects soon. Thanks for the kind words. I'll take some pics next week of the peg grow so you can see just how big they are.

NorthernKronic, man I swear by this technique, it's all about lots of bud and if you can get all the bud you need off one plant instead of 10, why would you do it any other way? It's safer to have a few plants then to have many. Can't wait to see those big scrog's you have man, it's going to be killer!!!

Hey all I just read this today in the paper, it got my blood boiling. This is the reason why we get such a bad wrap. They only publish the bad and never tell of the medical benefits this plant gives.



Marijuana is a mind-altering drug with
more than 200 slang terms to describe it. Its
main ingredient is THC, but it also contains
more than 400 other chemicals, the effects of
which are not fully understood. What we do
know is that the effect of the drug depends on
the strength of THC, which is the
mind-altering chemical. THC is
absorbed into the body’s fatty tissues
and traces of THC can be
found in a person’s urine for several
days (for light users) up to several
weeks (heavy, chronic users) <---- (is there a scientific formula to figure that out?)
after last use. Short-term effects of
the marijuana consumption
includes problems with learning
and memory, distorted perception
(touch, sound, sight and time), trouble
problem-solving, loss of motor
coordination and increase in heart rate. Longterm
effects include some kinds of cancer as
well as respiratory and immune system problems.
Indicators of use include the following: does
your child appear dizzy or have trouble walking?
Is she silly and giggly for no reason? Does
he have red, bloodshot eyes? Does she have
poor short-term memory? About two or three
hours after use, when the early effects fade,
does he get very sleepy? Are there signs of
drug paraphernalia, including types and
rolling paper? Is your strange odour on clothes
and in the bedroom? Does she use incense or
other deodorizers? Is he using eye drops?
Other things to look for are increased absenteeism
or truancy; lost interest in sports or
other favourite activities; depression; fatigue;
carelessness with grooming; hostility and
deteriorating relationships.
Marijuana and driving don’t mix! Marijuana
impacts negatively on all skills required to
drive safely: alertness, concentration, coordination
and reaction time. A marijuana user
has difficulty judging distances and reacting
to signals and sounds of the road. In fact, a
marijuana user exhibits all the
same lack of coordination’s on standard
“drunk driver” tests and police
have the ability of charging someone
under the criminal code for the
offence of driving while impaired.
Addiction Services of Eastern
Ontario is an Ontario Ministry of
Health funded organization that
provides clinical services to those
with addiction problems. We have
trained counsellors on staff who
can provide you with information,
assess the level of an alcohol or drug problem,
develop a treatment plan and provide a counselling
and support program, all at no cost to
you. We have offices located throughout the 5
counties and can be easily reached via our
toll-free number: 800-272-1937. Any information
provided is strictly confidential and
release is controlled by the provisions of
provincial laws.


That article was written by some guy from addiction services. Thanks eh!

Here's an article on the benefits.


The Benefits Of Marijauana
By Joshua Levine
Health Correspondent - Every 2nd Saturday

Are you sick of hearing your girlfriend nagging you about letting go of your pot pasttime? Have you been hearing a lot of negative things about the use of marijuana lately? Would you like to know what the real deal is behind the use of this infamous drug? Then read on because you're in for a surprise.

One of the saddest things in North America is the lack of clinical trials on marijuana use. Many other countries in the world have already performed such tests in order to destroy myths about this drug, which has been in use for thousands of years... mainly for medicinal purposes.

The data from previous studies, published in numerous books and scholarly journals, covered such matters as marijuana's effects on the brain, lungs, immune and reproductive systems; its impact on personality, developmental and motivational states; and its addictive potential.

Although these studies did not answer all remaining questions about marijuana toxicity, they generally supported the idea that marijuana was a relatively safe drug -- not totally free from potential harm, but unlikely to create serious harm for most individual users or society.

The following list will hopefully demystify several myths about marijuana use and help answer a lot of serious questions:

health risk myths & realities

Marijuana Overdose
There is no existing evidence of anyone dying of a marijuana overdose. Tests performed on mice have shown that the ratio of cannabinoids (the chemicals in marijuana that make you high) necessary for overdose to the amount necessary for intoxication is 40,000:1.

For comparison's sake, that ratio for alcohol is generally between 4:1 and 10:1. Alcohol overdoses claim approximately 5,000 casualties yearly, but marijuana overdoses kill no one as far as any official reports.

Brain Damage
Marijuana is psychoactive because it stimulates certain brain receptors, but it does not produce toxins that kill them (like alcohol), and it does not wear them out as other drugs may. There is no evidence that marijuana use causes brain damage. Studies performed on actual human populations will confirm these results, even for chronic marijuana users (up to 18 joints per day) after many years of use.

In fact, following the publication of two 1977 JAMA studies, the American Medical Association (AMA) officially announced its support for the decriminalization of marijuana.

In reality, marijuana has the effect of slightly increasing alpha-wave activity in your brain. Alpha waves are generally associated with meditative and relaxed states, which are, in turn, often associated with human creativity.

Marijuana does impair short-term memory, but only during intoxication. Although the authoritative studies on marijuana use seem to agree that there is no residual impairment following intoxication, persistent impairment of short-term memory has been noted in chronic marijuana smokers, up to 6 and 12 weeks following abstinence.

What other myths have been going around about smoking a doobie ?

more marijuana myths

Heart Problems
It is accepted in medical circles today that marijuana use causes no evident long-term cardiovascular problems for normal persons. Marijuana smoking, however, does cause changes in the heart and body's circulation characteristic of stress, which may complicate preexisting cardiovascular problems like hypertension, cerebrovascular disease, and coronary atherosclerosis. Marijuana's effects on blood pressure are complex and inconsistent as of yet.

Chronic marijuana use has not been found to alter testosterone or other sex hormone levels. In contrast, heavy alcohol use is known to lower these same testosterone levels.

Reproductive Damage
No trustworthy study has ever shown that marijuana use damages the reproductive system, or causes chromosome breakage. Studies of actual human populations have failed to demonstrate that marijuana adversely affects the reproductive system. Claims that marijuana use may impair hormone production, menstrual cycles, or fertility in females are both unproven and unfounded.

The Immune System
Studies in which lab rats were injected with extremely large quantities of THC (the active compound in marijuana) have found that marijuana (in such unrealistically huge quantities) does have an "immunosuppressive effect" in those lab rats, in that it temporarily shuts off certain cells in the liver called lymphocytes and macrophages. These macrophages are useful in fighting off bacterial, not viral, infections.

But this is only for the duration of intoxication. There also exists some evidence that marijuana metabolites remain in the lungs for up to seven months after smoking has ceased, possibly affecting the immune system of the lungs (but not by turning the cells off).

This said, doctors and researchers are still not sure that the immune system is actually negatively affected in realistic situations since there are no numbers to support the idea. In fact, three studies showed that THC might have actually stimulated the immune system in the people studied.

Smoking marijuana has the potential to cause both bronchitis and cancer of the lungs, throat, and neck, but this is generally no different than inhaling any other burnt carbon-containing matter since they all increase the number of lesions (and therefore possible infections) in your airways.

The Gateway Effect
Marijuana use has not been found to act as a gateway drug to the use of harder drugs. Studies show that when the Dutch partially legalized marijuana in the 70's, heroin and cocaine use substantially declined, despite a slight increase in marijuana use.

If the stepping stone theory were true, use should have gone up rather than down. In reality, it appears that marijuana use tends to substitute for the use of relatively more dangerous hard drugs like cocaine and heroin, rather than lead to their use.

Thus, oftentimes strict marijuana laws themselves are the most significant factor involved in moving on to harder drugs like cocaine. Such is the case in Nevada and Arizona, the states toughest on marijuana use.

the potential benefits

# Because smoked marijuana contains a variety of combustion compounds, it can damage the lungs and possibly the immune system. Several health committees recommended the development of an inhalation device that delivers pure THC -- the active ingredient in marijuana -- to the lungs. Such a device has not yet been created.

# There is some evidence -- but no scientifically valid studies -- that marijuana is useful in treating some forms of epilepsy and spasticity caused by multiple sclerosis.

# Some studies show that smoked marijuana is effective for some patients in relieving nausea caused by cancer and chemotherapy.

# There is evidence that marijuana may improve the appetite and help patients gain weight. This could be lifesaving for AIDS patients who develop wasting , a severe weight-loss condition.

# Smoking marijuana is effective in lowering pressure inside the eyeballs of some patients with glaucoma. A word of caution, however: the drug also drops blood pressure, and this could compromise blood flow to the optic nerve and damage vision.

So there you have it. For additional information on the benefits of marijuana, I highly recommend the book The Benefits of Marijuana : Physical, Psychological, and Spiritual by Joan Bello.


On a better note lol here's a few bags of popcorn bud from last years outdoor. I get lazy and only trim the big stuff, the small stuff gets put aside to either make hash or oil, this is going to be some bubble hash. Thanks to my buddy who lent me his bags, I'll post the final product in a few days. The herb is in the freezer for a couple days.

Take care all you mind altering pot heads LMFAO!!!!!

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Active member
nice post blackrain...

of note is a recent study that compared smoked cannabis and vaporized cannabis and found that it is an effective and safe way to intake thc

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Thanks sugabear_II, I get fired up when I read dumb articles like the first one. I have a vap, the only prob with it is that it takes for ever to get to the right temp to vap weed. It does give you a nice buzz though LOL, guess I'm just too impatient :) Take care man, thanks for stopping by.


Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Nice articles.
I have been checking out some of the other area of this website, found some interesting conversations in Tokers den, about God. I cannot believe some of these people.
Anyways, just dropping in to say hi, take care bro

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me

Any idea why you have three leaves, I get this with everything I clone


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Dr. Dog - I get that 3 leave thingy alot too. It usually happens to me when I cut a clone in early flower, or when I re-veg a plant, or even sometimes when I early sex a plant and then put it back into a vegetive state.

Great find on the articles BR :yes: An interesting read indeed.
I think that first article sounds like it was written back in the 1950's :biglaugh:

Being a heavy smoker, the only negative effects I've seen on myself from pot is of course a little coughing now and then. Also...I hafta agree it affects the immune system in some ways. I notice I seem to get sick easier if I quit for a few days to decrease tolerance. I guess the immune system is used to working with the bud :confused: Guess I should just never take breaks :biglaugh:

Good stuff with the new avatar

Beauty bags of trim! :yummy: Lookin forward to seeing the final product :lurk:


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
hehehe sharing would be the correct term :biglaugh:....say ,nice read you posted up....:yes: