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Black Ra1n's Grow Journal

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Outdoor grow update.....

Outdoor grow update.....

Hey TML, these carpets are going to produce huge!!!. I've been doing the peg method now for 5 years and every year the yields get bigger and bigger. I'm going for 1.5 - 2 pounds a plant this go.

Hey all well the outdoor is looking great. I transplanted the Jack, H, Afghan's and the mysterio into big pots. I'm going to be bending these babies to see how much I can get off this container grow. The upright MxA is getting put into the ground tomorrow, I have all my plots ready. I have 4 M39 clones that have to go out as well as 4 other MxA's. The Ak's are just about near 5 nodes so they should be showing sex soon. I'll take some clones and I'll do the peg method on one of them, if I get any females. The MxA I have drying is ready to be trimmed and I have to remove the seeds, then I'll give her a go to see how she tastes.

On with the show....

MxA peg, she's close to 3 feet across for only 5 weeks of veg.

PPP week 5, also close to 3 feet across.

Here's the transplanted Jack, H, Afghan's and Mysterio.

The WW, hasn't really done much yet.

Now for a group shot .....

Some pics I took last night, the sky was awesome....

Thanks for stopping by.... Happy Canada Day!!!!

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Registered Medical Patient
Lookin nice, my friend!!!I got my babies back home now, so I have new pics and updates!!! See ya later. Peace

- Z

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Damn B bro, I wish I had the property to go all trailer park boys like you are. I am much too close to people to grow out a field and cut out a growing area, I am very jealous...:)
This is going to be quite an outdoor show.


Active member
looking really nice on the outdoors grow br :yes: - sorry to hear about the early indoor chop - but oh well - better safe than sorry - and yes there are some folks waiting to hear about how the MxA smokes :wave:


Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
ZeusOGrefugee, I'm glad you have things back up and running, I'll be over to check out your thread.

Dr Dog, glad you like my trailer park grow man hahaha.

Hey sugabear_II, hey man the report is in...... thanks for stopping in.

Maroc x Afghan Report..............

I popped 3 seeds, all ended up being females.
I flowered #3, which was sativa dom.
One of the easiest plants to clone I've ever seen.

Smoke Report.

The smell is lemon/spicy. The taste is like a great hunk of Moroccan hash on inhale. The exhale is very spicy and surprising. The high hits soft then escalates to a nice even buzz, more of a hash buzz which I love. I would recommend it, I wasn't too impressed with the sativa side of this strain, but it also needed 2 more weeks to fully peak.

Well that's it for now, I'm off to plant some more clones outdoors.


Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Hey all... thought I would post some pics of the finished product. I had some nice MxA finger hash last night. I trim with surgical gloves, I then stick them in the freezer for a few days, the finger hash comes off so easy. The finger hash was some of the best hash I've ever had and knocked me on my ass. :bashhead:
All in all I'm pretty happy with my little grow, the 39 is top notch and the MxA is going to be a nice addition to my stash.



The jars O weed.

Outdoor grow is going nicely. I added 4 M39 clones to the list of what I had. I also have 2 Ak's and a possible skunk to put out soon. I'm popping some of the 39 crosses I have right now and will probably put a few of them out as well to see how the mix's turned out. I'll post the outdoor update on Sunday, they grew quite a bit this week and I gave them all a nice dose of N today.

Take care....

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Registered Medical Patient
Nice stash pics BR...that MxA looks like some trippy sativa man!!!I gotta grow me some sativas next time round, Im gettin tired of indicas, they make me lazy!!!Maybe in Oct, when Im in Humbolt, I can snag some nice cuts!!! Anyhow, lookin great, and Ill see ya around.Peace
- z


Snow Grower ~OGA~
That sounds like a delicious report
Me wants M X A :yummy:
Lemon Spice is right up my alley!

I think I'll have to try your finger hash methods :yes: I usually go barehanded and stick to stuff for a few days :biglaugh:

Gotta give you major props on the outdoor garden bro :respect: :bow: amazing spot you have there...looks like pure sun and a dedicated gardener :canabis:

Great job bro...keep up the great work! :smile:


Active member
mighty fine work, Black Ra1n!! :headbange

i'll enjoy the show over here looking for bits of finger hash! :muahaha:


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
love them pics Black ...say ...the PPP is that traind al over the ground?? she's gonne look sic when she's done i'm shure of that....

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Outdoor update!!

Outdoor update!!

Zeus, man that MxA is some good smoke. I think it would have been even better had it went another 2 weeks. Later man, take care.

Hey TML, man there's some MxA beans with your name on them. I'm sure you'll enjoy the flavor. Thanks for the outdoor props.

Canadian Herb, thanks for the kind words, stick around for the outdoor show, it's going to be one of my best to date.

Budless, yeah I know everyone wishes they had space outdoors to grow. It is by far my favorite way to grow.

Sleepy, thanks for the kind words, grab a seat and I'll heat up the knives :)

Core, hey bro, there is actually two strains bent over. The one on the left is MxA and on the right is PPP. I'm also bending over some White Widow and some M39.

Okay update day is here. Had some awesome growth this week. The pegged down grew about a foot. I started to let them grow up in the center and I'm just pegging down the outer growth now. I pinched the top nodes to slow down the upward growth and to strengthen the branches, you'll see why when the is in the 5 week of flowering. The tops get so heavy they start to bend over and cut off light to the others. This year I'm also going to stake them up and move them around more to even out the light penetration. The WW is finally starting to lengthen out a bit. All the pots you see are huge pots, they normally house 10 to 15 foot trees. I wanted to make sure they'll make the whole life cycle in one pot.

Here's the MxA and PPP. It's hard to tell just how big they are, but believe me they're about 4 feet across and have a ton of upward branches that will start to climb.

The pots.

White Widow, there's also a potted MxA which is getting scroged and a M39.

I thought I would try an outdoor scrog .. here's the before.

The after, should work nicely.

I also have the upright MxA, 2 more MxA's and 2 M39's, but I just put them out so they haven't really done much yet.

Here's a good outdoor tip to stop pesky animals from ripping out your newly planted plants. I put rocks around mine, it's the only thing that has seemed to work over the years. I've lost tones of plants to damn animals, they normally just rip them out, drag them a few feet and leave them to die. The rocks seem to devert them away.

Well that's it for now, this week I hope to finish my rubbermaid CFL cab. I'm on my way to pick up my AK's that my buddy was looking after for me.

Take care...

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Snow Grower ~OGA~
man...your outdoor garden looks better and better everytime I see it :yoinks:

Keep up the great work man :yes:


Registered Medical Patient
looks great bro, keep it up. I cant wait to see the harvests u get off this O/d grow!!! ! # per plant??or more???Peace

- Z

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
I'm back with the indoor :)

I'm back with the indoor :)

TML, thanks man, I'm really happy with everything. I just can't wait till those ladies start shooting pistils then the fun starts.

Zeus, hey man .... as far as yield goes, last year I had one 39 that I pegged and I took a pound off it. I was late putting her in the ground and I stopped pegging her way too early cause I got busy at work. This year I'll be much more persistent with my practices and hope for 1.5 for each of the pegged ones. I don't think the WW will produce that, it seems to just be taking off now.

Thanks for stopping in guys.

Okay I went and grabbed my Ak's, both of which are females of which I have to thank my wife cause after I popped the first 3 and all were males I had her pick 2 out of the rest of the beans and she picked females :) I'm building my rubbermaid bin cab as we speak and should be completed in a week or so for those 2 ak's.


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Registered Medical Patient
Take clones off those Ak's buddy, u never know what ull get!!! Good luck.peace, oh, and check ur email!!!

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Hey Zeus, I'm going to grab some clones next week. I'm taking some cuts off my outdoor as well to keep some moms for this winters indoor.

Well I was bored and broke out the IPM microscope from work.

Here's some bagseed that a buddy gave to me. It smells like skunk and hits nice.

Some MxA shots, as you can see it should have gone a bit longer, but I had to chop her.

The M39, I'm really impressed by this organic grow. She tastes amazing and hits nice and hard.

Here's the money shot.



Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Damn B bro, I must have missed a post or two, killer looking dude, if we only did not live in Canada you could do that magic all year. Awesome shots as well, making me jealous!!! I am going to have to find that camera manual I have some competition.
Very nice job growing too dude, and yes grab some AK clones.


Haha! Good job with the AK's. Let the wifey pick all your seeds from now on. Women must have a sixth sense about the whole thing! I'm glad to hear that you finally got them. However I must ask; Is it AK-48 or AK-47?

Glad to see your outdoor grow is growing so vigorously. I'm only allowed to let my plant get 4-6 hours of sunlight a day. Even with such small windows of time for it to get sunlight it sure as hell makes a difference in the growth of the plant during the dark periods.