Hay long time no see Journeyman, it’s good to hear from you ~ well let me see if I can answer a few of this Q’s
If I can be of any further assistants to you let me know and I’ll do my best ~ summer work is slacking up some what now so you should see more of me around here……………
Ps………..this style of growing is very quick and very easy, I am coming to a close on my currant grow and I would say that I did not spin thirty minuets a day in my grow/room………………that is amazing and not many hydro system will let you live your live and grow your weed at the same time.
well I think the key word here is benefit, I am strictly specking from my own experience ~ I have found that if one is using an 8” net-pot that is plenty enough ~ I am rapidly approaching my second year in the Bio-Buckets and I have never lost a crop to anything!! Therefore I will assume that what I am doing is plenty enough ~ but on the other hand let me say that I like this idea and if designed right and implemented correctly it could serve very useful ~ problems that I foresee as disgust before is dead-spots but I do believe that there is a way around that so if you decide on putting this idea to use let me know and I’ll be glade to give you the rest of my ideas until then good luck.Would it be of any benefit to have a extra bucket with no plants, jest full of lava rock.
I would say that as long as one was not planning to grow trees in these 2 or 2 ½ buckets it should be fine ~ let me explain something to every one here about the Bio-Buckets root mass, I know every one has been told about it and I cant speck for every one just for myself and my Bio-System………….so if one were to decide on two gallon buckets to grow what I grow in it would not work, the root mass that is in my Bio-System would most definitely over flow a two gallon and come very close to over flowing a two and a half gallon buck ~ so I guess it all depends upon how large one wants to grow.Also curious if a bucket system could be done in 2 gallon buckets?
yes I would make all effort as a grower to use an inline pump vs. a submersible one for the very reason that you mention.would you reccomend an in line pump vs. a submersable?I would think an in line would avoid high temps in the rez.
If I can be of any further assistants to you let me know and I’ll do my best ~ summer work is slacking up some what now so you should see more of me around here……………
Ps………..this style of growing is very quick and very easy, I am coming to a close on my currant grow and I would say that I did not spin thirty minuets a day in my grow/room………………that is amazing and not many hydro system will let you live your live and grow your weed at the same time.