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Very cool setup...love the clay and plantlet thing....what strain? They make NICE thick buds for plantlets...looks like minimal side branching unless u have done that...
That is pure plantlet at its finest!!! Cant even see if there is a screen holding up those donkeys....kicking big time!!! YT
Well glad to see everyone still enjoying the thread I quit growing all togather for a while but live in Cali now and getting back into it

hey stoney i know you were running 16 600w over the 4x8's i was wondering how you dealt with electric when running all of those? did you just hook up the lights and the electric company didn't say shit or did you bypass the meter or did you have a good excuse? did the electric company ever call you asking why/what you were using all of that electric for? I'm looking to do something similar in size to yours but im a bit worried about electric suspicion because even though I'm legal on a state basis, I'm not federally so I'm a bit worried about electric was wondering how you dealt with it? thanks
hey stoney i know you were running 16 600w over the 4x8's i was wondering how you dealt with electric when running all of those? did you just hook up the lights and the electric company didn't say shit or did you bypass the meter or did you have a good excuse? did the electric company ever call you asking why/what you were using all of that electric for? I'm looking to do something similar in size to yours but im a bit worried about electric suspicion because even though I'm legal on a state basis, I'm not federally so I'm a bit worried about electric was wondering how you dealt with it? thanks

Correct me if I'm wrong guys but I've always understood the electrich company is a business. They could care less what your doing as long as your paying. And as far as governmant they're not allowed to just see electric use of individuals unless your under investigation already.
Correct me if I'm wrong guys but I've always understood the electrich company is a business. They could care less what your doing as long as your paying. And as far as governmant they're not allowed to just see electric use of individuals unless your under investigation already.

while that is true, some companies have cash incentives (I've even read about members on this site that know people who worked for electric companies that verify this) to call out suspicious activity. i remember i read a news article of a sheriff in texas who ordered an investigation on anyone using a certain amount of watts per month. and even if the electric company doesn't call the cops they still might want to make sure theres nothing wrong with your electric when all the sudden you're drawing huge loads of power


Well one thing you can do is tell them your runing a home based business like computer repair and you want a commercial account they'll usually just switch it tell them the name of your company and keep it under your personal credit and you'll just deal with a different department when you call


New member
I came very close to doing your areo system pirate.Now I do perpetual 3 by 3 flood tables like stoney.Loved your setup though.I let the girls finish there stretch then put 2 in one pot,they get along fine


New member
Hi Stoney!

Congratulation for your growroom!!

I do not speak English very well but I shall like discussing with you because I have projects similar in your.

Is it possible to speak by e-mail or in private?

Thank you beforehand;)



New member
still work?

still work?

I would like to ask you , how it's formula work now? Because they merged some of these additives.
I would like to work with your formula because it's looks like super :)
Thank you for your help!

Advanced nutrinets custom chart


I posted our custom chart for any of u that need help using there nutes,This is what i use.and how i use it.

Start clones on 0.4-0.6EC/200-300ppm For 3-part use a 1-1-1 mix or Sensi Bloom A+B for the first 3-5 days after transplant then switch to a 3-2-1 mix or Sensi grow A+B as soon as new growth starts.

Vegetive range 0.6-1.4EC/300-700ppm

As plants grow increase the strength of the nutrient solution by 0.2EC each time, an increase every 5-7 days should be fine. Always make sure that the EC/ppm of the addatives you add doesn't exceed 1/2 of the total EC/ppm of the final mix (At least 1/2 to 2/3 of the total mix should be A+B nutrient). If needs be lower the concentration of the additives by adding water after they are all in the tank, then add the A+B or G-M-B to reach the target EC/ppm.

In veg use the Additives as follows:

Voodoo Juice: Start it at 0.5mls/1L and progress up to a max of 2-3mls per litre. Use 3 weeks on then 1 week off ( If doing a longer veg)
Barricade: Always add at the rate 1ml/10L
Fulvic: 1ml/1L
Humic: 1ml/1L
Sensi Zym: Start at 3mls/1L and progress to 5mls/1L
Carbo Load: Add 3mls/10L if using Voodoo juice (Dissolve in 1L of Hot water before adding to the tank)
B52: 1ml/1L
Piranha: 0.3g/1L (Use 3 weeks on and 1 week off if going longer in veg)
Tarantula: 0.3g/1L (Use 3 weeks on and 1 week off if going longer in veg)

Aim to have plants feeding at 1.2-1.4EC/600-700ppm bfore switching to 12/12.

Flowering range 1.2-2.1EC/600-1050ppm

Flowering formula for 8 weeks using Advanced Nutrients 2+ program.

Notes: Throughout the bloom period from weeks 1-8, Use these additives as follows:

Sensi Zym:-5mls/1L Carbo Load:-1mls/1L (Dissolve in 1L of hot water before adding to the tank)
Barricade:-1mls/10L (Dissolve in 1L of hot water before adding to tank)
Fulvic Acid:-1-2mls/1L (Always match Fulvic and Humic dosages)
Humic Acid:-1-2mls/1L (Always match Fulvic and Humic dosages)
B52-1-2mls/1L (Do not use in weeks 1+2 of bloom)
Mother Earth Bloom:-1-1.5mls/1L
Voodoo juice:-1.5mls/1L (use in weeks 1+2 of bloom only)
Tarantula:-0.3-0.6g/1L (use in weeks 1+2 of bloom only)
Piranha:-0.3-0.6g/L (use in weeks 1+2 of bloom only)
Bud Blood:-0.3-0.5g/1L (use in week 1 of bloom only)

Every water change flush pots thouroughly with fresh ph’ed water.

Note: If you feel that the plant you are working with needs a higher EC at any stage of the bloom period it is fine to increase the strength of the feed by rasing the amount of A+B or G-M-B that you add to the mix, BUT ensure that all the other additives especially Big Bud and Overdrive are kept at the levels stated. Never exceed a total EC/ppm of 2.1EC/1050ppm.

Heavy Feeding:-

Week 1:-Add equal parts of sensi bloom A+B or G-M-B to reach 1.2EC/600ppm

Week 2:-Add equal parts of sensi bloom A+B or G-M-B to reach 1.2EC, then top off
with 0.1EC/50ppm of Big Bud to reach 1.3EC/650ppm (You need 0.1EC or 50ppm of Big Bud this week)

Week3:-Add equal parts of sensi bloom A+B or G-M-B to reach 1.2EC/600ppm,
then top off with 0.2EC/100ppm of Big Bud until a reading of 1.4EC/700ppm is reached (You need 0.2EC or 100ppm of Big Bud this week)

Week4:-Add equal parts of sensi bloom A+B or G-M-B to reach 1.2EC/600ppm then top off with Big Bud until a reading of 1.6EC/800ppm is reached. (0.4EC or 200ppm of Big Bud)

Week5 (Peak strength):-Add equal parts of sensi bloom A+B or G-M-B to reach 1.2EC/600ppm then top off with Big Bud until a reading of 1.8EC/900ppm is reached. (0.6EC or 300ppm of Big bud)

Week6:-Add 3.0mls per litre of Overdrive, then top off with equal parts of Sensi Bloom A+B or G-M-B until a reading of 1.6EC/800ppm is reached. (0.5EC or 250ppm of Overdrive)

Week7:-Add 2.5mls per litre of Overdrive, then add equal parts of Sensi bloom A+B or G-M-B until a reading of 1.4EC/700ppm is reached. (0.4 or 200ppm of Overdrive)

Week8:-Drain tank of all nutrient solution, flush pots/growing medium thouroughly with water at the correct ph. Refill the tank with fresh water, add 2.5mls per litre of Final Phase, set the ph and run system/water pots with this solution for 10 days. If using a recirculating system eg Drip, Flood and drain, DWC (bubbling buckets) etc make sure that you change this flush solution every 3 days during the 10 day period. This is because once the water has been running round the system for 2-3 days it picks up nutrients that are excreted from the plants roots, and then becomes a weak feed solution again, which is not ideal when trying to clear unwanted nutrients in the plant(s). By changing the solution every 3 days you are getting rid of these unwanted nutrients from the system, and forcing the plant to rid itself of excess.

Note* i use 0.1ec = 50ppm /1.0ec=500ppm / 2.0ec=1000ppm
ok i cut and pasted this from another site i don't think they let me post the link but for all who wants it this chart works
[URL=https://www.icmag.com/gallery/data/500/22826Picture_080-thumb.jpg]View Image[/url]

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