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New member
stoney you still out there? I admire your hard work and dedication to creating top notch medicine. Id like to chat a bit on some SOG.

First question, was it hard to sleep at night living with a plant count over 200? Ive noticed that the lwoer my plant count the better sleep i get.
Hey stoney AWESOME THREAD!!! NIIICE GARDEN AND YIELDS!! i have a similar setup, but i have (2) 3x3 botanicare tables with one 600watt hps in a super sun 2 reflector over each table. I was thinking of adding another table and adding a lightmover so that the two 600 watt lights would cover all 3 trays.
I would have all 3 tables in a row so the foot print would be 3x9 feet. You were able to yield really well with two 600 watt lights over a 32 square foot area. In my case, i want to use the same amount of wattage as you but over 27 square feet, and narrower by 1 foot (3 foot wide trays versus 4 foot wide trays).
Stoney, do you think this system would work well in terms of YIELD? thanks for the input and for documenting your grow.


New member
Sacred Outlaw, that is exactly the same setup I have. 3x9 with two 6" air cooled hoods on a light mover. Except I have two 1,000 watts. I just read all the pages of this journal and was going to ask the same question that you did. Hopefully we hear an answer. I was thinking about going with larger hoods to get more coverage. Not sure if that is necessary though. I'm also wondering how low I should run the hoods. I'm about to start a SOG with coco and perlite in 1 gallon pots, hempy style.


New member
I just finished reading elsewhere on another forum that two 600 HPS for a 3x9 footprint is ideal. Still wondering if bigger reflectors like the magnum would be better, close to the tops or regular hoods a little higher up...


Well I'm still around and safe I'm actually residining in Cali now I just don't have time yo log in like I used to and yes 2 600s on a mover over a 3 x 9 foot print is great


New member
Well I'm still around and safe I'm actually residining in Cali now I just don't have time yo log in like I used to and yes 2 600s on a mover over a 3 x 9 foot print is great

Happy to see you back. And glad to hear that all is well with you. I am in Central Cal after relocating from the Bay Area. I am still trying to get things figured out and dialed in. Question for you... How close to do you feel a 600 should be to top of the plants if air cooled and on movers?


New member
I have read this thread at least a dozen times. Stoney, thank you very much for sharing this information. So valuable, I'm sure your expertise has helped hundreds and hundreds of people - at least.


Active member
Big Grow

Big Grow

Dude you have a serious grow. You have put in a lot of time and effort. You can tell that you have it dialed in correct. Great job.


Well glad to see everyone still enjoying the thread I quit growing all togather for a while but live in Cali now and getting back into it

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