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Big F-ckin' Problems For Emeryseeds Customers!!

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Seems to me that the first thing that must be challenged is state law vs fed law. The governors of states with med mj laws must take a stand against the imposition of fed law over their state's rights, and if the governor of such a state isn't willing to do that, then vote one in that is. (California case in point). Has to start at the lower levels of gov to effect a change. Must be a starting point, right?

Just a suggestion, but perhaps would be helpful to others who don't tend to follow politics much to have ALL states listed in some chart showing their current governors and senators with either a PRO mj symbol or ANTI mj symbol, then folks could just refer to their specific state of residence and understand a bit more of how to properly exercise their voting right...vote those out that are not pro cannabis. But, what do I know. Maybe NORML has such a chart?



RED145 said:
Yeah,I love the post too,another Idealic daydreamer thinking theres gonna be some kind of civil war in the U.S,your kiddin rite?I mean, I'm for the whole "movement" too,have been for 25 yrs,we havent won anything!!!The fed's are not after you,WHAT,tell that to the 5 to 8 people who get busted for possesion in my town weekly,or the 15 people that got busted growing here last year!The Fed's are after anyone they can get,dont think differently.And it's like that across america,yeah,your ideas are sound,but theres alot of dudes standing strong in prison rite now,I believe it's 1/3 of our prison system full of MJ cases!!The "joke" would be not to take this seriously!We live in a country were fully 3/4 of the citizens are for decrim,is it happening?I think not!We live in a world were science can prove the benefits of mj,does it matter?I know it doesnt,pleez refer to all the above.There is no standing up to them,whadda ya think were gonna grab our shotguns and form a militia!!!Outgunned,Outmanned,and beat is all we are,mj will live,it has for thousands of years,underground,secretly,as always! and since all this has happened,and Gypsy is the new King of Seeds,just who do you think they'll come after next,what makes ya think your so safe here?
and fuck you too for calling people spineless,I like to think of it as common sense,I got kids,a life,and way to much other shit to lose over this,whats just a plant or a seed to us,is a 3 year jail term to them! :wave:

Yeah Red, fuck me for speaking some truth, eh?
This isn't JUST about Medical MJ or even seeds for that matter.
You can thank my spineless ass for the Patriot Act, maybe even your spineless ass?
We have LET the US Gov. pass legislation that will inevitably cause civil unrest for our children. They say it's to protect our freedom, they say it's for our best interest, but when it's comes down to it WE are the ones that will pay dearly for it.

If you believe this plant is safe, medicinal, and you should have a right to smoke it, (yet you have "Kids and a family and other things") and you will not stand up, then you have become the "new" American,
The one that will take advantage of freedoms giving to you but you will never fight for freedom yourself.
I have been ready for the DEA to come through my door. I have things set into place. I will not be swept under the carpet and not heard.
You should be ready yourself, FOR your family, kids and other things.
It's time to either shut up or be heard.
Your not doing any favors by telling people that have the will to fight that they can fuck off.
I have a family too; all of us have a "family" as well. I'll even give you this, I am a business owner. I have ALOT to loose. I made a choice and a lifestyle change.
If you’re scared, if you have a family, you’re in a very oppressive state etccc. Maybe it would be best if you didn't put these things at risk.
I am not saying we should go smoke a joint at our local police station. We all need to be careful, but not silent.
Too many of our brother's are dead or in jail that fought for this.
As time goes by we are getting more and more rights, but until there is a "final blowout" everything will be their way.
Everyone has got to be ready to deal with these un-just laws.
Some have the wits to do it and make a difference.
Some will take advantage of our culture and then roll over.
Which one will you be?

I was not calling anyone spineless. :joint:
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I ain't going anywhere either, but I also ain't going out on a limb.

I fully realise my vote counts for naught. Like I said, 70% favor decriminalization, yet they do what they want, and build more private interest prisons. But simply growing and maintaining the status quo, living a secret life, always looking over our shoulder, gets us nowhere.At best it just keeps us from jail.

I don't know what the answer is, I know private interest groups and lobbyists control our government, and ultimately my voice is lost in the cacophony of those who have money to spend on their interests.


Andy Milonakis said:
you don't need to be 'public' to be an activist... make f2's, pass them to your friends. teach your children how to grow. it won't be illegal forever.

Everyone has a role.
And every role has the same consequences.
We are all in this together.
(Stepping off my soapbox now)


Dutchgrown said:
Seems to me that the first thing that must be challenged is state law vs fed law. The governors of states with med mj laws must take a stand against the imposition of fed law over their state's rights, and if the governor of such a state isn't willing to do that, then vote one in that is. (California case in point). Has to start at the lower levels of gov to effect a change. Must be a starting point, right?

Just a suggestion, but perhaps would be helpful to others who don't tend to follow politics much to have ALL states listed in some chart showing their current governors and senators with either a PRO mj symbol or ANTI mj symbol, then folks could just refer to their specific state of residence and understand a bit more of how to properly exercise their voting right...vote those out that are not pro cannabis. But, what do I know. Maybe NORML has such a chart?


You are absolutely correct on all accounts.
There are a few grass root efforts that are making life more livable by the day.
I get allot of "Action" alerts and rallies in my email.
There are lists compiled that have how all our congressmen have voted.
We need to stay firm with congress, they are slowly coming around and they can make things happen.
There are many new bills coming in near future, which are very important.
The least people can do is write to their congress rep.
They DO listen.
There have been many people in my area that have fought back and won.
Go to NORML find some info in your area and get listed on action alerts.
Just a couple months ago congress voted down a bill that would have taken the money from the DEA to prosecute medical users. It was voted on in the past and lost.
But you know what? This time around it had a WHOLE lot more supporters in congress.
Who knows maybe next time it's back up for voting (and it will) every states cannabis users will have signed a petition, and the law will be passed.
There is allot of great Karma out here in the West.
Like everything in the US (enviroment, gas prices, house prices, etccc) the west coast sets the stage and then is slowly adopted by other States.
Let's hope this will be the trend for cannabis. :chin:


New member
there will always be worries and concerns when you are commited to expressing your freedoms under the watchful eye of the "MAN".But we must always stand our ground and not be scared into submission.There will always be dificulties in our fight for freedom!! Dont give up!!Lets start thinking of some new ideas!!


Active member
I did 7 years in the joint.....did'nt scare me...made me smater, and more bitter...i will grow till i die. i love this plant. i eat sleep breath it.....GROW ON FRIENDS. atleast within our own world and families we are happy .....it is the secret garden...


:fsu: Damn. I know better than to read these type threads. :bat:

But since I got pulled into it, I can't help but to take offense at some and agree with others. I guess on the whole I have to agree with the consesus that what we are doing is illegal - we KNOW it, and we chose to continue doing it knowing there are serious consequences. The only apparent option in this state of affairs is to pay greater attention to damage control - minimize the circle of prosecution, don't take everyone down with you.

Agreeably a sad situation in Italy for 50-70 people to fall by involving their IP address use, but to turn that into a statement that the US can do it too is stretching it a bit. The last article I read mentioned a total of active IP addresses somewhere in the neighborhood of 200,000 times those busted in Italy. The US is quite a bit larger and has a few more users to even contemplate that they all could be tracked or anyone would even want to - unless you pull a Marc Emery and dare an entity with the resources to take you down if they can. US citizens are getting busted in larger numbers every day than that situation in Italy, IP addresses is at the bottom of the list, I'm sure, of methods used to ultimately bust them. I was a government network administrator for nearly 20 years - believe me, if they have a cheaper way to bust you they aren't going to hire technicians and install resources to do it. Not to say they don't already have those resources in place and aren't already tracking us - and again, it comes down to how big a fish you are for them to come after. Hell I had to fight tooth and nail for another NT server and bridge for nearly 2 years before I could get it approved. Bottom line is, take the Italian IPs there were busted and multiply them by about 200,000 times and you begin to comprehend the logistics involved, and the chances of your one randon IP being monitored without suspicion placed on yourself.

Another statement thrown around freely seems to be 70 or 80-some % of the US "favors" relaxing marijuana presecution or medical use. Sorry if I sound cynical, but if that's the case then the 20-30% that want to kill (OK, maybe a little harsh - how about hate) any pothead or anyone associated with the Devil Weed have followed me around all my life just to be my neighbors. I have never met a neighbor that wouldn't hesitate for one second to turn my ass in if they knew what went on in my grow room. And it certainly doesn't help to have our lawmakers snicker and jeer the marijuana lobbyists with "pothead" jokes to the media or peers - our "leaders" and "lawmakers" see our culture as a 60s' joke and ignore it as such. I think our number one priority is to overcome that and educate to dispell the Bush Administration's evangelical crusades and the DEAs free use of enormous public funds to headline their lies and propoganda. No one on capitol hill wants to admit to smoking pot or associating with the culture for fear of career backlash from their peers, they care less what their constituents think - their careers take top priority. They need to see how ridiculous and trivial their denials appear to us, and how an accountability and honesty opinion is affected by their continous misleading statements and skewed poll results slanted to further their careers.

Bottom line for this grower is the same as it has always been, my lifestyle is part of an underground - ridiculed and harrassed by society at every chance, and will be that way for the rest of my lifetime with no changes evident in the near future or that of my offspring, unfortunately. Security is still the means to survival and secrecy the vessel to financial and family stability. There will always be the Chicken Littles around yelling about the sky falling and the religious fanatics warning of impending doom if we don't repent. The sad fact is that marijuana shouldn't logically be a part of the equation and our choice to use it will always present a risk and reason to mistrust for those that don't.

I've never let anyone or anything make me bury my head in the sand and fear for my life, but then again I never let anyone know what goes on behind the closed locked doors of my home. Common sense has to prevail as always and tempers have to be checked at the door or mass hysteria will take over and the idiots in control now will have won in spite of our feeble attempts to change how the world percieves our culture. As Rez has said - fear and ignorance are their number one weapons, as long as we challenge their fear tactics and continue to educate the unaware life goes on. I'm not going to admit they won and act like the pothead they want everyone to think I am.

That said, peace. (Admittedly, some of this is on thread topic.)

Oh, and that West Coast comment about setting the pace and the rest of the country following eventually is laughable if not arrogantly egotistical - typcial of how most Americans view Texans. Sorry, but tumbleweed and six shooters don't set the pace of America. :bat: (Detroit had passed medical marijuana long before western states thought to vote on it, and how many western states have decriminalized use across the board (not just say it, but actually do it - most western states STILL prosecute and jail for pot offenses as well as remove your drivers license and limit your civil liberties - to my knowledge Ohio is the only state that allows you to LEGALLY possess for personal use).

:yoinks: I almost forgot the wireless router suggestion - it's only useful if you DON'T secure your network, it has to be accessible by the general public for that defense to be plausible. I don't let paranoia get that tight on me, I've always had my wireless network open and unsecure, I just let my apps and local machines encrypt with internal keys. Who cares is someone needs my wireless to access a porn site with my connection. :woohoo:
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Non Conformist
Very good points being made here...

Very good points being made here...

I think the points made by DG and Legit User are going to be the only way anything is going to get done. These are the same princeples the NRA uses; makeing every one aware of whats happening when these votes for our law makers come up. The NRA will send out premade cards for you to sign and send to your reps.,senators,and even the Prez. if need be... Alot of these issues would go totally unnoticed by the common person,but the NRA sets them out for us. I think if NORMAL would use more tactics like these it would help alot. To get the ball rolling maybe someone could start a thread here on NORMAL alerts to help make us all aware of whats happening.... UNITED WE STAND DIVIDED WE FALL!........ HOLY SHIT! IM READY TO START A ROIT !!! VIVA REVOLTION !!!! j/k hehe STAY SAFE.... BC


Non Conformist
I type to slow... sorry

I type to slow... sorry

That was very a profound post 1 Toke.


B.C said I think if NORMAL would use more tactics like these it would help alot.
NORML has been doing that for years and we have permanent offices on capitol hill to get those cards into the faces of our politicians, whether they like it or not. It would further the cause if more would visit the site, sign petitions, and actually get involved with meetings and mailings to our representatives. Activist means becoming educated in your cause and actively participating in it.

Unfortunately, most politicians brush NORML off as laughable weed smokers or "those potheads" again. We need to show them just how laughable we aren't - let them know at every turn that they are where they are but for the grace of god - and our votes. United we are a force to be dealt with, and they need to realize that their careers depend on dealing with us once and for all.
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I would like to apologize to Rez for goofin OT on his thread. Sorry man. Now that the thread is being civilized I can too. I will speak my mind on a few things mentioned.

If Marc Emery's main objective was to Overgrow the World why did he sell his wares for way too much money and short his customers on the Breeders Seed Count?
This doesn't seem cohesive to what his plan states. He put less seeds in growers hands and made it necessary for them to grow a less diverse gene base due to lack of funds for stock and less funds to supply their grow due to Genetics at 2 - 3 times what they can be had at Other reputable brokers. Even if he gave all of his earnings to where he says they went he has used a false Mission Statement to wrangle in his customers.

Now that he has been snagged he is Openly asking for help in the form of CASH. This bothers me a lot. It seems to me that when others of our kind (growers and lovers of MJ) are caught they come to Us for Advice not fundage (although we are a Kind people and have benefits for their cause such as the situation with TP). This leads me into the next issue......I have given a lot of money to NORML and very little change has actually happened and in the case of the Feds trumping state law on a National Level we are steps backward. I'm wondering where the $400 dollars ME took from me went (and to support) and I'm starting to think I wasted my energy and $$ with NORML.
So what I do now is grow the best weed I can and give it away at Every possible chance.


Active member
1tokeOverLine said:
:fsu: Damn. I know better than to read these type threads. :bat:

I know exactly how you feel, 1toke! I get sucked into these threads as well but hardly ever post to them as I can't ever seem to get what I want to really say into words for a post. However, I will give it my best shot.

I agree wholeheartedly with everything you said but let's not forget what is at the crux of all the anti-cannabis issues here. Since the onset of the Marijuana Tax Act of 1937, it has been the special interests of big business that instilled and have perpetuated the lies and deceits upon the American public. It has never been, nor will it ever be, based on facts as to whether or not pot is harmful or whether it is a detriment to socieity at large. As long as the likes of Dupont, all the major oil companies and the remaining enterprises of William Randolph Hearst are alive and well, Marijuana will remain the scourge to society that Hearst, Dupont and Harry J. Anslinger so successfully brainwashed the world into believing that it is.

It still completely blows me away to think that all the evil that these laws have brought into the lives of so many people were created from the rediculous and shotily-created propaganda that is now almost 70 years old! And yet, with so many studies and facts to contradict these scare tactics, most Americans still hold the archaic attitudes of these neandrethal morons. In an age where advancements in lifestyle, technology and progressive attitudes are boasted, even by our own politicians, we as a society have still not been able to educate ourselves about cannabis and rise above the ignorance of our Father's generation.

Since my reintroduction to cannabis some year and a half ago, I have become almost evangelical about the herb and it's many uses. In fact, I have been known to boast that cannabis (through it's many uses and potential implementations), in and of itself, could very well save this planet! I won't go into how this could very well happen as I feel I would be "singing to the choir", so to speak. But that is the VERY REASON why, until this generation of political officials are decomposing in their graves, we won't see legalization and positive implementation of it's vast uses. As long as there is a buck to be made by keeping it illegal, we will be secluded in our homes/grow rooms trying to preserve the genetics of our sacred herb to pass onto the generations whose leaders will finally have the BALLS to call an end to the heracy!

Like I always say, if you want to find the real answer to any illogical injustice . . .

Just Follow The Money Trail People!!!


Sorry Again but I can't seem to let this go....

Sorry Again but I can't seem to let this go....

A comparisson was made Between ME falsifying Strains (his Blueberry was Not Blueberry and HS's and SD's was) and a private deception between a breeder and a beggar/thief. There is none to be had IMHO. A broker selling questionable Genetics and a breeder Giving Away a clone (not selling to the public or a broker although the clone was cloned and was made public by the thief at upwards of 1500 or 2G's a cut) have Nothing in common. ME lied at least to me and probably more of his Customers about his Genetics and Rez Lied to the right person for the Right Reason and this is None of Mine or Yours... EG (business that is). It was between Them. The news had to come out because of the Dubious nature of the hustle. You should have taken this up with Rez much sooner and in Private.
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Great post 1Toke.
I would just like to clear one thing up.
Ohio has not decriminalized anything. (If I am wrong, please link me)
They put MJ on the lowest priority list, but like the western states, you'll still get nailed by the Feds.
The Ninth circuit court ruling was the biggest advance in medical MJ.
In my county your allowed 24 plants and 1lb of cured cannabis.
The local police can do NOTHING. If they do, when the D.A. gets the case he throws it out.
Here in California people are trying to find a way to tax and regulate it.
This is a great approach IMO, as we can show the greedy federal gov. that they too can profit from it.
Unfortantely we are going to have to show the feds what's in it for them.

My biggest question is: when it becomes reclassified--regulated--etc.. How do they release the millions of americans on parole or in jail for simple possesion charges? :chin:


But the clubs in Cali weren't all playing by the rules. Greenhouses and backyard grows were everywhere and this scared people. A weed prescription still called for a Doctors visit and they Made $$$$$ on seeing you as well. Weed never became affordable and $$$$ once again gripped the weed. Cali is a case of some really good ideas and a lot of push that really lacked Practical Application. You have to admit the Party was on but the Sick still suffered. Cali had the best and worst chance at being a Foundation Building State but crumbled when the Feds put their foot down (and this does not include the Good People of Cali who grow and give it away their foundation is strong and all those Good Ideas still exist. They did not crumble $$$$$ pooched the deal once again). Things kind of turned for the worst eh? I haven't heard about Raids in other Tolerant States. I'm not trying to pick on Cali but I have. I feel we should ALL become Enlightened as a Country. Pussy footing around a bit here and a bit there has gotten us led in circles. Be looking for a thread in the Tokers Den or Law & Politics by WWM that will ask a very important question that may prove pertinent to these kind of discussions. After (hopefully) a bunch of Ya'll posting your Ideas I will make some of mine known.
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New member
Scary shit!

But, as many have said, we can't let them win. Take proper precautions (both in real life and the internet) and grow on goddamit... I know I am. :)




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