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Big F-ckin' Problems For Emeryseeds Customers!!

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New member
i wonder if " karma " has anything to do with ME's problems? I happen to know for a fact that customers of ME where usally not recieving what they actully ordered,unbenounced to marc. He had no hands on involved in sending or pakaging his product and the one responsible was willingly decieving customers for YEARS.I know this for a fact and wish that this came to light long ago_OOOPPPSS!!the cats out the bag!I guess it dosnt really matter anymore,but people who orderd from him in the past have a right to know.


Bakin in da Sun
Einsteinguy said:
Sorry Rez
Had that question on my mind for a while and it came out in wrong thread.
Your anti ME stance that wrap arround comment got my mind wirling.

know my spelling sucks , I'm a Math Physics Guy.
And yes I do go to the bookstore the old fassion way.

hope I add to this site and not just another troll.

Einstein :badday:

I dont know what its worth, but i always found your threads/posts very informative. You have one of the more proffessional setups on these boards, your NFT grows always make me drool.

take care,

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
LegitUser said:
Paranoia seems to be the biggest downfall in our movement.
Everybody has known since day one that they could possibly be busted.
After reading this thread one might assume that the whole Culture is coming to an end.
The Fed's are not after you, they want to shake down the industry and weaken it.
They never succeed, and they never will.
After the Raich/Ashcroft trial there were raids in California, everyone was freaking thinking they were next, some clubs closed (IMO because they knew they were doing something other than trying ti help prop 215 patients).
For what? Everyone is still around, 4 new clubs have opened in my area.
This is a first place Trophy for them, they have plenty of 3rd place trophy's like us.
This is a minor setback, don't act like it's the end of the world.
This is all Government propoganda, nothing has changed.
If your scared then they won.
The US is headed for a civil war, the feds do not listen to the people and spit on our rights. They are walking on thin ice. I predict they are going to fock with the wrong person and then we will ALL finally come together and tell the US that it's not OK and we will NOT let it happen.
We are all making history right now, don't make our movement a joke.
Don't let them win and confirm that we as spinless as like they think.

.....Stand Firm!......we shall Overgrow!

....I love that post....


I agree with that one ^^^

I agree with that one ^^^

^^^ I agree, great post, LegitUser. :joint:

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
We shall grow on to the end, we shall struggle to grow, we shall grow in our basements and outhouses, in our lofts and conservatories, in our sheds and spare bedrooms, greenhouses and garages...... We shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength with seeds as our ammunition, we shall defend our growing for it is a basic human right, whatever the cost may be, we shall grow right up to the beaches, we shall grow on the landing grounds and propogate from the air, we shall grow in the fields and in the streets, we shall grow in the hills and the valley's.....

We shall never surrender, and even if, which I do not for a moment believe, this Island or a large part of it were subjugated and starving, then our growers beyond the seas would carry on the struggle, until, in God's good time, the Old World, with all its power and might, steps forth to the rescue and the liberation of the new.



Yeah,I love the post too,another Idealic daydreamer thinking theres gonna be some kind of civil war in the U.S,your kiddin rite?I mean, I'm for the whole "movement" too,have been for 25 yrs,we havent won anything!!!The fed's are not after you,WHAT,tell that to the 5 to 8 people who get busted for possesion in my town weekly,or the 15 people that got busted growing here last year!The Fed's are after anyone they can get,dont think differently.And it's like that across america,yeah,your ideas are sound,but theres alot of dudes standing strong in prison rite now,I believe it's 1/3 of our prison system full of MJ cases!!The "joke" would be not to take this seriously!We live in a country were fully 3/4 of the citizens are for decrim,is it happening?I think not!We live in a world were science can prove the benefits of mj,does it matter?I know it doesnt,pleez refer to all the above.There is no standing up to them,whadda ya think were gonna grab our shotguns and form a militia!!!Outgunned,Outmanned,and beat is all we are,mj will live,it has for thousands of years,underground,secretly,as always! and since all this has happened,and Gypsy is the new King of Seeds,just who do you think they'll come after next,what makes ya think your so safe here?
and fuck you too for calling people spineless,I like to think of it as common sense,I got kids,a life,and way to much other shit to lose over this,whats just a plant or a seed to us,is a 3 year jail term to them! :wave:


Like Red said, not a matter of being spineless, it's a matter of doing what's best for you and yours. We have kids too, and I cannot expose them to any more risk than I already am. Security is and must always be the #1 prority.

We live in a country where at least 70% of the populace favors decriminalization, yet the war on drugs grows more intense by the day. Y'all figure it out yet? They don't care what we want...........just keep the tax revenues flowing please............and throw up another smoke screen to hide the real issues......
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Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
....Well I'm sorry man.....but I ain't about to roll over and give up.......you should have the right to grow this plant for medicinal or recreational use ......where ever you are......


Don't get me wrong Gypsy, I ain't rolling over and giving up either, but we need to change our tactics. Simply growing is not having an impact....they catch us they build more prisons, simple fact.

The only weapons we have are our vote and equal access to the same propaganda machine they have. We need to come out of the grow room and stand up and be counted and fight their misinformation with real facts.70% support decriminalization, and we cower behind computers and locked growroom doors and safe addys. We need a leader.. Said leader does not have to be squeaky clean, Jah knows none of our politicians are. The question is who?

Show me a plan, and I'll stand up to fight back....but if we're just continuing the status quo...well, back to the locked doors.....
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Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
........lets face it neither of us live in a true democracy.......I actually live in a monarchistic autocracy most of the time and my vote don't make any difference at all.....does yours?

....Leaders just become targets.........It would be impossible for them to bust half the population for growing this plant......so I am happy to continue in my quest to grow more growers aiming at getting most everyone that uses cannabis......growing it.


I feel and agree with both of ya's,i'm not trying to come off a smartass or a know it all,I'm just a seeker of knowledge like everyone else,and I LOVE this place,any answers or thoughts are appreciated,I dont wanna leave and I really dont wanna go back to jail,I'd like to leave that shit to the young guns,I just wanna feel safe,and Gypsy,I'm with ya,it's un-natural to say that something natural is illegal!!!never will i agree that a plant should be considered illegal!!but i can think like that more better from this e-z chair than them cold stainless steel benches! :sasmokin:



North Americans being upset by the charges stemming from emery's
legal issues are seriously overwrought,these kind of things have been going on for as long as I've been aware of the marijuana scene.
There are no resources or manpower,or budget,to track tiny growers,or even Big Ops,online,and THERE HAS NEVER BEEN A SINGLE CASE WHERE INFO GATHERED SOLELY ONLINE WAS USED TO MAKE A POT-GROWING BUST.

Fear IS The Mindkiller,and to create dischord and paranoia is EXACTLY what would make LEO most happy and continues to encourage the WOD.

Please,take a deep breath,everybody,and don't all become 'activists',at once.

If anybody has any Q's,fire away,but please,all this fear is counterproductive.

Yeesh,it makes my f*cking skin crawl,all this worry,for nothing.

Grow,you bastards,GROW!! :D :D
(I for one,am cutting several dozen clones today!)

*%@*&#@*!! WOD,not gonna' beat ME today.

That's how it IS.



I agree w/ you Gypsy...anyone who thinks their vote counts (GB or US) is deluding themselves. Most voters are either misinformed or ignorant of the true issues...so much easier to let CNN do our thinking for us. Big business, special interests, and powerful lobbyists have been running the US government since the early 20th century, and we have seen first hand what the popular vote is worth in the 21st century.

I will continue to cast my votes because it is my right, and I keep thinking that someday people will WAKE UP and see what is REALLY happening around them. Probably won't happen anytime soon though.
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I for one just planted some beans this week and took a few clones. Marc brought his problems on himself, sorry if you dont agree.

The fact is that the US gov isnt going to legalize pot with the steps that have been taken. How much $$ has been raised for legalization? Who is our voice( not the clown prince of pot) that can be taken seriously and have an educated debate on MJ?

As long as the image of MJ users that everyone see's is a 17 year old kid smoking at his homes house, while drinking underage. We will never move forward. Alot of well respected adults could help, however in todays climate a person like that has way to much to lose. Its a catch 22.

Mainly it is people like MArc Emery, Ricky Williams ( Dolphin player who wanted to smoke pot and live in tent) and Mcully Caulkin ( HOme alone kid busteed with Pot and pills) that steal the spot light and make us look like idiots. Interesting how Montel Williams is a very smart , well respected articulate man who could do so much for the movement. But you dont see much aortime with him expressing his views. Why? Because if they give him the same air time as idiots like Emery he would actually help out a great deal. So instead the have Emery bust on AOL for all to see.

News only reports stupid shit to freak you out. News doesnt tell you 4 billion made it home safe today, instead it tell you only abou tthe few that died. News and media reports bad news, nothing to help.

I think after 25 years of fighting it may be time to switch the strategy
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