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Big Buddha Cheese and Blue Cheese also Sam Skunkman Skunk/Haze x mixed seeds x Bay 11


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This clone BC grew big, fat buds from top to the bottom. This is a really nice plant.


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Well-known member
Harvested all the plants, dried them for about 14 days and have jarred up all the Blue Cheese. I will be jarring up the Cheese today. The Sam Skunkman crosses are drying.
The three Blue Cheese plants yielded similarly. 46, 46 and 42 grams. The major difference between the three plants is that two were grown in organic soil and one was grown in a fast draining 5-1-1 soil mix. The soil mix is, 5 parts aged pine bark fines (Sold as Soil Conditioner at Lowes in 1.6 cubic foot bags for about $4 each.), one part peat and one part perlite. Add 3/4 cup dolomite lime per 14 gallons of the 5-1-1, mix thoroughly, wet it to a nice moist consistency and not too wet; no need to water or turn during the two weeks. I cover it and put it in the unheated but insulated garage. Stays between 45-50 degrees F all winter. After two weeks it’s ready to use.
I used this mix on a clone of one of the other Blue Cheese plants that was growing in organic soil. I trained the plants growing in organic soil by topping several times. The plant grown in the 5-1-1 mix was a far superior plant. I fed the plant in the 511 mix Dyna Gro Foliage Pro the whole grow start to finish. I started with 1/2 teaspoon per gallon and quickly went up to 1 teaspoon per gallon every watering.
I didn’t veg. the 511 clone nearly as long as I should have and I knew it. I was eager to try this new soil mix. I know the plant would have been much larger and yielded much better had I vegged it my normal two months.
The 511 plant still grew to 42 inches tall and only yielded 4 grams less than the much longer vegged and trained organic plants. The differences that stand out between the two differently grown plants is that the 511 plant has very large and nicely shaped buds from top to bottom and much more resinous. They both have very fragrant buds that translates very well to the flavor when smoked.
I just smoked my first 511 bud and I really enjoyed it. Burns very well with a nice clean ash. The flavor is very nice with a smooth berry and a little astringent menthol. Very smooth on the lungs and throat. Very mellow but not couch lock high that is very friendly and enjoyable.
I don’t have any of what most people call, chemical nasty tastes or affects, from growing “with chemicals“ with this bud. This soil is so well draining and doesn’t retain moisture very long. The roots take a nice drink and then it’s gone. Unlike peat based soils which retain water very well, break down and start to compact pretty quickly. This fast draining feature of the 511 soil results in a clean and pleasant smoking experience.
The 511 plant grew straight and sturdy. The branches supported the heavy buds with no staking required. The plant showed some early signs of a nitrogen deficiency and I increased the Dyna Gro to one teaspoon a gallon, ph 6-6.3. It corrected the deficiency within two weeks and that told me I could have probably fed it full strength much sooner. Other than that little bump in the road, the plant was very healthy from start to finish.
I’m very impressed with this soil mix. Very cheap to make and the plant seemed to thrive in that environment. The organic buds are very good too but not nearly as good as the buds grown in the 5-1-1 mix. Not what I expected at all.
When I read about the 5-1-1 mix I was very impressed with the info. and I trusted the author whose advice I’d applied on different occasions in the past with great results. The info. was all about vegetable, outdoor gardening and house plants. There was no info. on anyone using it to grow pot. I figured that since all of these other plants thrived in this mix, there is no reason why marijuana wouldn’t thrive in that soil. Luckily I was right and it succeeded far beyond my expectations. Highly recommended soil mix.


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Gman 420

nice looking cheds mate! i have some original big buddha family farms blue cheese in veg at the mo will be flipping them in the next week or so hopefully they turn out decent haven't had cheese in years


Well-known member
Thanks. I’ll bring out some partially cured buds and take pics soon. I got my seeds from BB a little before he said that he now had a “true clone”🤨 of the original and used that to make the current Cheese seeds. He may have used it on all of his old crosses.
Regardless I’m enjoying both the Cheese and the Blue Cheese. The yield average was 38 grams for the six plants. The three Blue Cheese had a yield of 42,46,46 grams. I processed the Cheese plants as one group and got a total yield of 87 grams for the three. So 29 grams each. I can see these numbers on the low end of what these can yield. Plus there is quite a bit of trim that went into the freezer for hash.
It’s hard to judge the high quality because there has been very little curing however I’ve really enjoyed what I’ve smoked so far. Eagerly awaiting the final product.


Well-known member
One gram Organic Cheese bud after curing a few days. Very nice smell when you grind the buds. Very clean, bright, sweet smell with a funk edge and a menthol smell that burns the nose slightly. The taste is flavorful you get a berry and sweet floral taste with a cheesy slightly funky aftertaste. The high is what I’d call an every day smoke that is always enjoyable, relaxing but not coach lock and just enough energy to keep you functional. You just feel good. Big fan so far.
This has not cured yet but early samples are very promising and I’m really enjoying the smoke. Very optimistic that the cure will make the Cheese even better. Good times ahead.🕺


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A Blue Cheese bud grown in the 5-1-1 soil mix and all nutrients supplied by Dyna Gro Foliage Pro. Then photos of that bud broken up. After you tap on the photo to enlarge, tap the large photos to get a zoomed in look.


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Cured for 16 days and the Blue Cheese is really starting to come into its own. Currently my fingers smell of tar and rubber after smoking a joint. I got my first taste of berry and it was a smooth, creamy smoke.
Potency seems to be right up there where it should be. Very enjoyable experience so far tonight. Very pleased with how it’s coming along.


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White Label Seeds-White Widow circa 2012ish
Bought some White Label White Widow Seeds 12 ish years ago as Regular seeds. They were reasonably priced and I was a new grower, so I gave them a shot.
I’d read up on them and people had some hate for White Label seeds but I found some positive things as well, so price helped me decide.
I also wanted to try making seeds and thought this would be a cheap way to play with breeding.
Grew 5 of them out and let the 1 very nice, healthy male throw pollen. Made some seeds and labeled them with my very professional labeling system. Tallest, best, short. I stored them in a tupperware container, inside labeled sandwich bags. They have been in the frig. for over 12 years.
I planted six seeds as a germination test. They all sprouted so I decided to grow them. I didn’t have any space in the tent and I hadn’t planned on growing more plants. I put them on tables in one gallon pots outside the tent. I opened the doors on both sides and pushed the tables close to the tent. Enough light came out to get them to grow. So I wasn’t trying to get much out of them but I didn’t want to prove they could germinate, toss them and then plant the other seeds later.
I put them in the tent after I harvested several large plants. So they were grown normally for about 4 or 5 weeks after vegging and most of stretch in weak light. The three females responded very well and I ended with three nice small plants.
Eager to smoke these. Cut this one down today.


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Well-known member
Some Skunkman Skunk/Haze crossed with mix seeds buds. Looks like some hazy buds. Love the smoke. Nice potency, functional, calming and relaxing. Smells a little woodsy and with a potent, slightly stinging your nose lemon oil fragrance. Very nice! Taste is mild but also pleasant.
Overall very pleased these very old seeds that I made 12 years ago were still viable. Pretty proud of myself for keeping the seeds viable all these years. Never took them out of their container or the frig. and they lived on like champs. This was a fun experiment to determine if these seeds were viable and resulted in some nice bud that was fun to grow. I’ll chalk this one up in the the win column.🕺


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An organic Blue Cheese bud photo and then a couple of photos of a Mosca freebie from about 4 years ago; sorry don’t remember the name of the strain. It turned a burgundy and purple color pretty early in flower. Pretty little plant. The size was my fault. Kind of grew it as an experiment to determine if the seed was viable. It was so I grew it out in a small pot. It’s drying but I think the yield will be much more than I thought I’d get and I’ll be pleasantly surprised by whatever it turns out to be.
Tap the larger photo to zoom.


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Well-known member

Time to get up and start baking. The Blue Cheese has been curing about a month after a 16 day dry. Almost all of the chlorophyll is gone with just a very slight vegetal flavor left. Extremely smooth light to medium berry flavor.

I’ve been sampling after about a week in the jar and the berry flavor comes out more and more as the chlorophyll leaves. The sell of berries is stronger than the taste. The smell of freshly ground Blue Cheese is very, very, nice. Sweet, creamy berries. Right now it is very smooth with a clean burning white ash, easy on the lungs, throat and sinuses. For growers like me, who have sinus issues, you will appreciate that. I’m eager to compare the overall smoothness and flavor now to about a month from now.

I’ve learned so much this grow. I was a very poor grower until this grow. Always experimenting will all kinds of variables and also wanting to try all the different strains. I was like a kid in a candy shop. I wanted to experience it all. I enjoyed learning about all of the different grow methods and all of the different strains. I enjoyed learning about the history of growing and breeding marijuana. I was also excited to be passionate about something again. I read an article about hobbies where the research showed that they usually last about seven years. Had old hobbies that I was passionate about but that passion did fade a lot for those over time. It has been awhile since I had something I was passionate about.

The biggest issue I faced was that my partner’s family didn’t approve of my marijuana growing. She was supportive; not outwardly disapproving, not loving it but not giving me shit about it. The aggravation it caused her with her family probably spilled over to her being a little more short tempered towards me overall but she handled it like a champ. I also want to get along with the person I live with and a good way to do that is to not cause her grief. So I had to make my grow almost invisible and I only did one grow a year. I felt it was to best for the overall vibe in my home.

When I get into something I’ve always dove right into the deep end. I want to try it all. With the limited amount of time and space, I tried to cram in a bunch of different stuff with each grow. As you guys know there are issues you can run into with all of the different styles of growing. Different strains require different treatment. So naturally I wasn’t really a grower so much as an experimenter and a fireman.

Constantly putting out fires that pop up with this method and that method, this strain and that strain. Bugs, diseases, deficiency’s, too much light, too little light, not being able to afford enough or the right gear at certain times. Buying gear with limited funds that turns out to suck. Like some now very popular led manufacturers early blurple lights, while not cheap for me at that time, turned out to have much lower light output. I set one up a couple of months ago and tested that light with my new light meter. Let’s just say the manufacturers published light output test results weren’t anywhere near what I got. This light had not been used much at all because of the poor results I had while using it so it was basically new. Waste of money.

Struggling with environment issues. At times not being able to exhaust the air from the room while also trying to keep the humidity down so I didn’t get fungal issues. I got them anyway and also trying to keep the smell down to keep peace in the home. Always troubleshooting and problem solving. I loved it though. I found it interesting as hell. As you guys age you’ll find it harder and harder to find things for which you are passionate and find fascinating. I felt lucky that I had found something like that at my age. Many years of what seemed like drudgery to me of working the daily grind, all the issues that go into “ the work environment “, family life struggles, health issues, deaths in the family etc. etc. can suck a lot of the joy out of life. Finding that joy and passion about something again is a beautiful thing.

I was inspired by a documentary I saw many years ago about the founder of Toyota and a quote from an interview he had a few years before he died. The interviewer was asking him questions about this great success story and that great success story and the founder stopped him and said (as best as I can remember but the point is accurate), Everyone always asks me questions about the successes I have had in my life and no one wants to ask me about the million failures I had in order to become successful. Those are the interesting and important questions.) Talk about self confidence, determination and a powerful will! I’ve tried to adopt that attitude towards growing. Keep going, keep learning, don’t let failures get you down. Enjoy the journey.

While my grows were fun and interesting and while overall poor results didn’t get me down, they were disappointing. I’d have a bunch of different strains going at the same time in one and two gallon pots so I could cram way too many plants in my grow space. Have something like 20 plants in my 4x4 and end up with only a few ounces. Now that I look back on it maybe I was experimenting with trying to create new types of plant fungal diseases. Not consciously but I sure as hell couldn’t have done a better job of creating the right environment for it.

Way too many plants crammed right up against each other, not being able to exhaust the air in a small grow space. Overwatering and leaving the runoff in the drip tray thinking the plant will eventually suck it up which created more humidity. I was doing things I knew were wrong but thought I could get away it if I had good air movement. That’s like trying to cure cancer with aspirin. I knew it was stupidity but that’s what over eagerness, limited time, space, growing conditions and lack of patience will get you. Lots of activity and experiences with poor results.

I did make some enjoyable pot, while having fun and giving myself something to look forward to each day. I enjoy taking care of plants but watching a bunch of grows on here, YouTube etc. where growers were growing great pot, with big, beautiful, healthy plants with great yields, I wanted what they had. I was tired of playing around. It was time to get down to business.

I decided I needed to also stop nickel and dimeing everything, bite the bullet, spend the money and get all the gear I needed. I was lucky enough to be in a position to afford better gear but being an old skin flint from way back, every time I spent the money I squeezed the shit out of every penny as it struggled to leave my account.

I needed to simplify. Pick one grow style, a couple of strains and very few plants for my grow space. Learn to train plants for better yields and ditch the stupid idea that training is not natural and stresses the plant. Stupid, puritanical idea. I got my gear, I had my plan and now it as time to execute.

Set up my 4x4 tent, installed my shiny, new, $700 led bar light (I let out a low skin flint growl when I see that number), made my organic soil following the recipe I got here in the Organic growing section, using all RO water, only 4 plants in 5 gallon pots, installed fans and took off. I intended to Scrog it but got lazy and didn’t do it. I did practice training techniques with mostly successful results but still have work to do in that dept.

I was sticking to the plan and everything is going great and then I got that itch. I thought, I still have a bunch of seeds I need to try so I’ll set up the 2x2 and start just a few more seeds and veg. in there. A few more? Yeah right. Ended up with seven more.I justified it by thinking that if I keep them in smaller pots and shove them to the edges of the tent it won’t be too cramped in there. What can I say? Old habits die hard. Rome wasn’t built in a day. Hell in the past I would have put 20 more in there.

Luckily my slight😉 cramming didn’t cause too many problems and I had very healthy plants with almost no problems. I dried them in much better conditions than in the past and the results have been the best I’ve ever done for quality and yield. I can now say that I was a good grower for the first time and not a dabbler, playing around, experimenting. I wouldn’t trade my messing around and experimenting days for anything. It was what I wanted to do, I had fun but it was time to move on and I’m glad I did.

My whole morning wake and bake has been great. It’s a shame that some strains that became successful many years ago get forgotten and overlooked over time. I get it. New stuff comes out, it sounds great, it looks great, everybody is ravin’ about it, you gotta try it. Been there a thousand times.

After having fun with new strains it’s helpful when you are trying to simplify to go back to strains which you know you can grow well and you like because you have grown them in the past. I grew Big Buddha’s Cheese and Blue Cheese in the past and even with all of my efforts to fuck them up, I had good results with them. So when it came time to implement my new plan I decided to go with them and I’m glad I did.

That joint on the scale was mighty fine this morning. Very happy and proud of that. I think I’m finally starting to become a real grower. At 65 years old it shows that it‘s never too late, don’t worry about the problems, all of the issues you have to deal with trying to grow, stick with it. It’s worth it when you do a good job. 🧗‍♂️


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Thanks. I think the way I grew this plant this time is why it looks so good. I’ve grown the BC from Big Buddha several times in the past and another batch in this grow, none of them looked like this.

Wow great grow man, hats off to you, those are some tasty looking buds!

Very intresting plants Blue cheese normally grows extremely squat and wide these almost look like they have kush in them.

How were the terps, any kush notes?

The blue pheno looks fantastic 👌


Well-known member
Thanks LCG. I want you to click on the thumbnail of the photo with the bud on the scale and then click on the large photo. When you do that it zooms in. Look at the resin on this bud. This is one of the smallest buds on the plant.
As far as kush influences, I don’t know honestly because I’m not a kush expert. I know Big Buddha used an Afghani and crossed it to a Cheese clone to make his Cheese, so I’m sure there is some Kush in there. I don’t know if he used a different Afghani over time but I do know with his new Cheese he claims to now be using thee original Cheese clone. I’m assuming Exodus. I’d be curious to try it.
The other photo is of the plant from which this bud was taken. It was a beautiful plant with nearly fist sized bud clusters from top to bottom. One of the most perfect looking plants I’ve ever grown. Too bad some of these great strains are not in fashion. They still have a lot to offer.
This particular plant was not trained in anyway, it’s au natural. The other Cheese and Blue Cheese plants were topped three or four times. I topped one Cheese plant too many times and I stunted its growth. I had to lift it on some up side down empty pots so it was even with the canopy. It yielded alright at about 35 grams.


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Very intresting, pure sativa did say it was a cut of exodus he was using the other day but its now listed as "2004" cheese I believe.

The original bc from big B grows very squat and has very strong side branching very compact.

What you have grown and pictured looks like something BC i have grown recently, its also very frosty, tall, pine shaped buds from top to bottom and matches your description quite well im quite surprised.

Did you keep the Blue leaf pheno with the lime green buds?

Excuse the poor picture, only one I have on this phone, similar structure for sure.


Yes I completely agree, but for some cheese is always in fashion lol

Looks like a lovely smoke, very easy to trim also!

Well done!
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Well-known member
Thanks again. Yes your plant looks very similar to mine. No I didn’t take any cuts. That plant is actually a clone of a plant that was growing in the tent. It finished faster than the multi topped plants. The multi topped plants were also vegged quite a bit longer than the clone. I think the clone was only about 14 inches tall when I put it in the flower tent and the topped plants were 24 inches tall when they went in.
I’m not taking any cuts because I have quite a few seeds I bought in the last year and I need to see what I have. The next grow is going to be Sour Diesel. A breeder named Katsu, famous for Katsu’s Bubba Kush which helped start the Bubba craze. Look up his web site, he’s on IG too if you do that sort of thing. He always uses elite cuts. He made some Sour Diesel seeds using a New York City Diesel cut he obtained and crossed it to a Sour Diesel male from Stoney Farms, in collaboration with Stoney Farms. It’s called Sour Diesel IBL and they are regular seeds.
I plan to grow out maybe six seeds out of the ten I have or I may germinate the whole batch. Hopefully find a good male similar to the one used in the cross and pollinate some branches of the best females to make some F2 Seeds. I’ve had good luck in the past creating seeds and frequently end up with hundreds of seeds. If it’s successful and I do get a nice batch of seeds, I’ll send you some.
I used to get seeds from the Attitude seed bank in England and also from Mandala seed bank who used to be located in England. I think the Mandala bank has moved to Spain, I got some seeds from them a couple of months ago ( Satori and Kalichakra) and they shipped out of France, which was weird but it worked out fine.
All of that to say, I don’t know how shipping to your country is handled these days but I did get a couple of money envelopes pinched by the mail service there back when I was buying seeds from Seedbay right here on ICMAG many years ago. If it’s no problem now though, I’d be happy to send you some for free of course if you are interested.


Well-known member
LCG you shouldn’t be surprised that you plant and mine look very similar. I’d be surprised if they didn’t. At this point I’d be surprised if they were dramatically different. I don’t know how many phenos that the BB BC there are but I think there is probably quite a bit of of consistency in a seed crop coming from his producers.

I know Greenhouse was making seeds for BB and every seed pack I bought from BB’s site has been rock solid. I grew a strain from Subcool and one from Archive that produced females from seed that looked like clones when fully grown. Personally I appreciate the breeder weeding out a bunch of different phenols for me.

I want seeds from the best plant to come out of the breeding. Really not a fan of a breeder that puts out seeds and then tells me, you could get four different phenos. If that is the case then it’s very possible that I wouldn’t get the pheno described in the description or the one I see in the photos of the strain. I bought the seeds to get that!

If the there is a good chance that I won’t get that, then I don’t want to waste my time or money gambling that I have a 25% chance of getting the plant pictured and described. I want a high level of consistency from my seeds. If it ends up that I don’t care for that strain, then at least I know I got the breeder’s best shot. I also learned something. The description of the plant got me to buy it. I thought that was something I would like. If it turns out that I don’t like that, we’ll now I know.

When I see something in the future with a similar description, regardless if it’s the new, best thing out there, I know it’s not for me. That’s a big deal. You can now narrow your search dramatically. With so much out there from which to choose, narrowing the field is very helpful. I don’t like wasting five months of my valuable time and money growing something only to find out I really don’t like it. You have to go through that experience several times in order to determine what you do like but growing is much more enjoyable when that experience is infrequent.

I want to shout out to BB who also sent some nice swag with each order. Buying from him was a smooth transaction and I got my seeds very quickly for an overseas shipment. I think I got them in about a week to ten days. I tracked the package and it arrived in country very quickly and then took about a week from that point to get to me. If I recall accurately I think the package arrived in the US about five days after I placed the order. I was impressed by that because I have experienced long delays with shipping and receiving packages from European countries.

My daughter lived overseas in Spain for over a year and she traveled quite a bit while staying with friends in different countries.I sent her many packages during that time and experienced some real nightmares with both delivery from me to her and shipping from her. So for BB’s team making it happen so smoothly was impressive.


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My current project-Ace Seeds-Honduras/Panama Fem. I call her Medusa.


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Blue Cheese ONE month cure Review

It’s good medicine for me. Relaxation comes on quickly and you start loosening up your neck and shoulders. Exercising them a bit, moving the your head around and loosening up your shoulders like you do before a workout or yoga session. I wasn’t thinking I needed to do that or that I was overly tense in my neck and shoulders before I smoked but the high loosened everything up and I started doing loosening up exercises.

It was a relaxed frame of mind. Everything mellowed out and things that were bothering me got shoved off to the side. The BC helped me sort out all of the things I wanted to do and needed to do but I hadn’t yet prioritized. I hadn’t realized how much I needed to take the load off my shoulders that was created by having too many things on my plate.

I did it to myself by taking on too many projects at once that I thought would be no problem but turned out it was causing me too much stress. The BC made me aware that I was tensing up. Probably was tense most of the time but when your awareness is dulled by burdens you don’t realize the tension you are carrying around.

I was able to focus, prioritize and make a schedule so I can tackle this stuff a little bit at a time rather than trying to think about all of them, all the time. The BC relaxed me enough so I could calm down, focus and tackle the issues. One thing I almost forgot to mention was that it is also a great pain reliever. It’s not a pain KILLER but it does reduce pains like I have. Sore shoulders from some impingement and bursitis. If people don’t realize the long term effects from long term, intense workouts from playing sports for years, they need to think about it.

I’ve probably done thousands of push ups, lifted tons of weight. Played baseball, football, basketball for many years and then dumped basketball when my body failed to grow to basketball player size, switched to wrestling and had my body pulled, yanked, twisted and contorted in many ways. As you get older all of that strenuous use catches up to you. I have hip pains, back pains, both shoulders hurt. The BC was able to help me mostly forget those pains. The head high is also very kind.

THE BC tastes great, smells great and is good medicine for what ails you. I wouldn’t have known the BC was capable of evolving to such good medicine after taking samples along the way. One month cure has transformed it. Looking forward to the month two review.

Review of The Cheese will come in the future. It needs to cure longer. Smell is fantastic though!

Photos of the BC. Click on the thumbnail and then click on the larger photo to zoom. Rotate photo to panoramic 9x16 for full view. It’s shot that way and shows best when viewed that way.

The Big Buddha Blue Cheese gets a score of 10 for what it offers and from a big picture view compared to others, 8.5. Overall value- 10. Seeds are cheap and I found a nice Blue pheno in my 5 pack. If you took cuttings from that plant you could have a great crop in the future for next to nothing. Oldie but a goodie.


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