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Big $$$ behind the New Florida MMJ Initiative


Active member
......are you suggesting that by testing at high levels my driving is impared?

i use Cannabis to get relief from spasms so driving not under the influence is dangerous...


Hello all,

As a base line rule anytime you are influenced by a substance that is know to reduce reaction time and alter perception your driving in a less then optimal condition would you not agree?



Well-known member
...As a base line rule...

this mean to me an average but there are always exceptions.

...anytime you are influenced by a substance that is know to reduce reaction time and alter perception your driving in a less then optimal condition would you not agree?


agreed... how is that determination made regarding medical cannabis and who makes it?

id like to see the studies showing altered perception / reduced reaction time and dig into the test subjects.

how many in the study were heavy medical cannabis users for a sustained duration?

when i first started medicating w/Cannabis i didnt drive due to your above statments being true but over time i no longer get high or have any of the effects that slow or reduce reaction time.

im not saying you dont have a valid conern but where is the line drawn?

do we start revoking dl for anyone on pharmaceuticals that are known to sedate you or treat pain?


I suppose the firm will profit from the litigation from the new patients and caregivers defending themselves from and/or suing various law enforcement and government agencies. Don't get me wrong, I like the idea, but I have a hard time believing a law firm would do anything that involves losing money. lawyers are like pit bulls to me, you don't wanna need one, but if you need one it better be a good one.


I suppose the firm will profit from the litigation from the new patients and caregivers defending themselves from and/or suing various law enforcement and government agencies. Don't get me wrong, I like the idea, but I have a hard time believing a law firm would do anything that involves losing money. lawyers are like pit bulls to me, you don't wanna need one, but if you need one it better be a good one.

He's doing it because of his Father. He's putting up 3 million of his own money, not his firm's.


Registered Non-Conformist
Hello all,

As a base line rule anytime you are influenced by a substance that is know to reduce reaction time and alter perception your driving in a less then optimal condition would you not agree?


Leading, Loaded question.. haha..


Regardless how FL gets it done, it's gotta start somewhere. Gonna go thru the Growing Pains, if you'll pardon the pun.


Active member
Fuck the off topic bull^^

A GREAT MAN HAS RISEN,be cool and FOLLOW!!!!!!!!
DOnt DISS.....that shit is easy?

i posted this NEWS here someplace the INSTANT i seen it on news!
Gotta LOVE THIS NEW HERO......and the powers be with him.

THIS STATE IS A MAJOR DOMINO and if we get it,every state will follow..
GLAD to SEE people at ICMAG acting like the army WE NEED,THANX!!!!!!


Hello all,

Are you suggesting that medicated people should be allowed to drive or that the testing levels inordinately low?

Impaired driving has by its nature an inherent danger.

Question then becomes what is impaired?


What im saying is the testing for active thc is flawed. Mot.only that but this New Approach group lied to the voters jers by telling us they "had to" include duic and no home grow sections to get people to vote for it and colorado proved that to be a lie. Why should i as a patient be subject to a dui if im sober? The way it works here in wa thats what patients face and its bullshit.
Just saying, keep your eyes open and look to the future. Make damn sure you fully understand concequences of a shitty law.


Now wa lawmakers are busy trying to merge recreational and medical laws which is going to hurt patients. Just beware of bad bought and paid for laws...


Active member
You have to stick the crow bar in the crack.

To get something to open and we have a battering RAM!!
Waaaaaaahahaha commin commin commin....
Get the word out...put up signs....network!!!


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
"If you want to get immoral, go get you some tequila. Then we'll talk about immorality," he said. "Tequila makes marijuana look like an Amish bride." John Morgan

quoted for the truth !!!


Time for y'all to do your part. Below is the petition D/L site and the addy to send it to for medical canna in Fla. to have a chance in 2014. I have printed 10 to start and when I have those filled out I will mail them in and print 10 more. :biggrin:

http://www.pufmm.org/docs/Medical ...ion Form.pdf

Mail the petition and any contributions to:
People United for Medical Marijuana
P.O. Box 560296 Orlando, FL 32856


Active member
well, the guy is saying he has money, he has friends with money, and he is going to use that money to get it on the ballot...money gets shit done!!!

Laughing Jim

Active member
Best of luck passing a Medical Marijuana bill in Florida...the two major problem that i see are:
1. too many old people set in their ways, absolutely believing the marijuana madness campaignes that began in 1933 and continuing to this day...
2. Too many Christians who have moved from Northern states to take advantage of Florida's weather.

I REALLY hope it passes...


Registered Non-Conformist
Looks like a solid majority of voters FOR. So, unless the will of the People is ignored by Moralizing Politicians and Judges (quite common as we all know, elsewhere) it should come to pass. Fingers crossed for Florida.

If for no other reason that I hate to see Prison Business Schemes work, as they do in the Sunshine State. With no MJ Users to incarcerate, or less, we throw a wrench in the Prison-for-Profit scenario.


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
Looks like a solid majority of voters FOR. So, unless the will of the People is ignored by Moralizing Politicians and Judges (quite common as we all know, elsewhere) it should come to pass. Fingers crossed for Florida.

If for no other reason that I hate to see Prison Business Schemes work, as they do in the Sunshine State. With no MJ Users to incarcerate, or less, we throw a wrench in the Prison-for-Profit scenario.

Americans support MMJ by about 80%.

do you really think that is going to influence the backwards ass, southern, bible belt politicians? not likely.

in states(located in the southern US) where actual voters don't get to vote on such issues i don't expect any movement off of prohibition until they are forced to changed by federal law.


Registered Non-Conformist
It is the South. There is the Hugely Successful Prison For Profit System that runs on Potsmoker arrests..

But, I still think It will get done. People who are 64 today, were 18 in 1967... During maybe the most revolutionary period in our history.. Certainly Since then, it hasn't been as "interesting" in this Country. (IMHO, just since Reagan all things have gone downhill with FORCE Culturally)

I hope that Things will change even in the Sunshine State. The Economy sure could use it.

The above comment about Northern People Now in Florida defeating the MMJ proposition is not going to be an issue at all. My People are just one example of many such Families. Mom is going to campaign for Morgan, Crist and MMJ.

Mom: 72 yrs and NOT a pot smoker since 20 years ago +/-. Although she might vaporize it if I gave her my Volcano. haha.


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
It is the South. There is the Hugely Successful Prison For Profit System that runs on Potsmoker arrests..

But, I still think It will get done. People who are 64 today, were 18 in 1967... During maybe the most revolutionary period in our history.. Certainly Since then, it hasn't been as "interesting" in this Country. (IMHO, just since Reagan all things have gone downhill with FORCE Culturally)

I hope that Things will change even in the Sunshine State. The Economy sure could use it.

The above comment about Northern People Now in Florida defeating the MMJ proposition is not going to be an issue at all. My People are just one example of many such Families. Mom is going to campaign for Morgan, Crist and MMJ.

Mom: 72 yrs and NOT a pot smoker since 20 years ago +/-. Although she might vaporize it if I gave her my Volcano. haha.

the bolded sentence is key. those who participated in the freedom revolution of the mid to late 60's are now going to lead to changes in the fucked up draconian drug laws in this country. as well as some other freedoms that consevatards fight tooth and nail against.

i'm beginning to believe that the greatest generation in america may have not been our WWII vets, but those crazy hippies of the 60's.

I left that hellhole called Florida....I wouldn't live there even with medical cannabis. As soon as they start losing money for pot arrests, they will begin messing with people for everything else that is trivial and increasing sentences.


Active member
^^got that right!!

it is a HELLHOLE to say the least.......
Lets hope they loose money hhahaha!!!

THE HUMIDITY IS ENUFF TO TAKE,frikin make ya brain dead.
i call it the stroke state,and ive known/seen many die in the sun here.......

Like i said "the only thing its good for is MJ"most people in FL bite the
hand that feeds them.....thieves lowlifes scum all around the place????
i dont blame ya at all......wish i could get out also!