trump is an ass... no question about it, in the previous 8 years, when we had a 'black' president, from chicago , the average murders were 550 a year... he must be a racist tooooo... or didn't give a shit
but i do understand the 'rage...' the obama birther bullshit, black voters waiting 10hrs to vote, etc etc.. but how many of the gangbangers are waiting in line to vote, or even know about the birther bullshit... or even know who obama is...
chicago is a wonderful city, that does not give a fuk about black crime -
maybe one of those dead gangbangers if given a half a chance, could have grown up and found the cancer cure or the cure for als, ... but no one gives a shit...
I think Hammer addressed the gangbanger thing very well.
They are criminals. Nothing more.
Placing them in the racism conversation is just a diversion.