I was looking for something I could pick up today. Not over the internet. Thanks though you guys.
If your piss is green and smelly you better go get checked out...cuz that ain't healthy
If your piss is green and smelly at least try taking hydration more seriously. I know an individual who almost killed himself by not drinking water for several years. He literally only drank mixed up sugary crap and energy drinks instead of water along with a consistent fast food diet. He started to faint and/or reverse any time he exerted himself the least bit physically, I nearly slapped him as he told me his eating habits. Started taking hydration seriously and is doing much better these days.
More on the topic of this thread I wanted to let the op know that yet another very sick person has found relief due to this recipe. Got many 11mg doses of these into the hands of some very sick people who never previously used cannabis and the only one I heard back about is stronger for them. The usual story with him, terminal cancer patient, losing weight fast and steady, takes a bho pill and 30 minutes later he is feeling hungry, keeping food down now and feeling stronger for it. It made my week to hear such positive results and I owe so much of that good feeling to the information in this thread. Big thanks to all who have shared their experiences here.
I was looking for something I could pick up today. Not over the internet. Thanks though you guys.
Dude? A 2x4? Do you eat these right away? I try to make these for patients, I don't think they want the risk of food poisoning. I make a couple hundred at a time and it seems to last my patients and I about 6 months. I wouldn't want bacteria growing on the outside of the pill for 6 months.
I ended up just buying some 3/8 plastic and drilled holes all the way through the plastic. Then I used a polishing bit after I punctured the first couple pills trying to take them out. I polished the inside of the holes so no sharp edges. Then I took a prep-board that fits in my freezer and placed in below the plastic. Then I take and fill all the pills, place in the freezer. Once frozen I place the tops on the pills and pick up the plastic only leaving the pills behind. Worked for me.
Edit: BTW Slowandeasy, the milk carton sounds WAY EASIER!!!!!! Good call on that one.