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Yeah, Hama and Krunch should go over to the TC forums, kids are hitting like high 20's and super low 30's even lol. Its nuts, im just guessing here, but the 30+ returns i've seen are always a sour d or headband lol. Its gotta be the combined total cannabinoids, this is why some dank og's, even though tested in the low 20's are getting 25 % plus oil returns, because of the range of other cannabinoids in the og/sour/ chem-y strains. This is also my guess as to how these "super" or "elite" strains are being bred to be so potent. More cannabinoids then just the usual ones.
Leave my name out ya mouth kid, I don't know what the hell your talking about.I agreed with sour deez.I don't need to go any where, This is where "I" belong,you need to go over with all the noobs at TC. 30%+ I doubt it, probably not purged, lots of moisture and tane left to make up all that weight. Gtfoh cumbelly!


30%+ I doubt it, probably not purged, lots of moisture and tane left to make up all that weight. Gtfoh cumbelly!

30% has been reported multiple times, from virtually everyone who has ever run Rockstar ( I haven't personally, but maybe some of our Canadian brethren can chime in. Cats with crystal clear sap, too so I doubt it was a result of improper purge.

1 ml of butane weights .577 grams. There would have to be much more butane then physically possible to askew the results by that much.

Most people will say it comes down to genetics, and while that is key, environment is a huge factor. I think it was D-Note who said the first time he blasted his own crop that was grown with love under an HPS was his first yield in the upper 20s.

Nature vs. Nurture-- It's ultimately both/and rather than either/or.


30% has been reported multiple times, from virtually everyone who has ever run Rockstar ( I haven't personally, but maybe some of our Canadian brethren can chime in. Cats with crystal clear sap, too so I doubt it was a result of improper purge.

1 ml of butane weights .577 grams. There would have to be much more butane then physically possible to askew the results by that much.

Most people will say it comes down to genetics, and while that is key, environment is a huge factor. I think it was D-Note who said the first time he blasted his own crop that was grown with love under an HPS was his first yield in the upper 20s.

Nature vs. Nurture-- It's ultimately both/and rather than either/or.

Show me some crystal clear sap.
I've looked around, most of the cats on here are the ones that know what they are doing. I'm gonna go with their numbers, and guess what? mine are the same, go figure.
Show me some crystal clear sap.
I've looked around, most of the cats on here are the ones that know what they are doing. I'm gonna go with their numbers, and guess what? mine are the same, go figure.

i wonder.... he does have some good points. from my experience, outside grows seem to produce a higher percentage return then inside, and genetics for sure are important.

but i truly wonder what extraction process they are using, and if they are refining, as the closed system i am using pulls most everything (according to the scope) and my returns are, at best, i would say 25%.

having made that statement, each time i hit a record return, we have bettered it. who knows what these boys are doing behind closed doors, or who they are? hard to imagine masterminds not investigating what's on the net though. hmmmm......
LOL i've never seen anyone so obviously mad and embarrassed and sad on internet forums that their genetics aren't as good as they thought they were :)

Sour Deez

30% yield :bigeye::yoinks: i thought i was doing big things with 22% haha

I must say im "hooked on erl" as they say. Everytime i see buds i find myself wondering what kind of BHO it will make lol


Everytime i see buds i find myself wondering what kind of BHO it will make lol

Guilty as charged. Usually I just take a small nug and give it a gentle squeeze while I smell it and think to myself, "This is gonna make some tasty oil!"

Generally if the scent/aroma of a particular strain does not vibe with me, I don't run it. Don't need to smoke the flower or run it just to be sure. The fragrance pretty much tells the story for me.


Guilty as charged. Usually I just take a small nug and give it a gentle squeeze while I smell it and think to myself, "This is gonna make some tasty oil!"

Generally if the scent/aroma of a particular strain does not vibe with me, I don't run it. Don't need to smoke the flower or run it just to be sure. The fragrance pretty much tells the story for me.

So true, I know cats that won't buy trim to run unless they do a test run. I keep telling them as long as there is some visable thc and a good smell and you're good to go. We are not doing alchemy, just spraying for gold.
did a big run today with a friend, personal largest project so far. Ran a whole bunch of trim, not sure how much exactly, but an assortment of strains were involved. yielded ~20grams. pretty darned happy with it! was sprayed with power 5x, about 8 or 9 cans. Sat in a water bath until bubbling stopped, water was swapped out several times keeping it nice and warm. Then the bubbles were popped and then went in and out of the oven at 150 for a period of 25 minutes or so, in for a few out for a few. let me know what you guys think!!


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That is some fucking beautiful stuff! I'm pretty ignorant about this stuff so I cannot tell what extraction technique you used to make the stuff? Also, how stable are the different extractions. I need something that degrades less than, i dont know, 5% a month. Is this possible?


lookin good e.l maybe look into a vacuum pump to get a really nice purge with larger batches. From the pic it looks like it would be a good glue oil for grabing dry crumbly budders that wont stick to the dabber.

what flavor you gettin from that erl?

have oily day everyone!:)
i really would like to get a vacuum pump, just have to wait for the fruits of my labor to come in so i have some additional funds. It was made from a mix of trim, but for me, the strongest flavor that comes through is the purple diesel. Im gonna go take a quick hit to get the flavor in my mouth so i can describe it better...ok yep, definitely got that distinquished purple flavor with a diesely undertone accompanied by a nice kushyness. The best flavored oil ive made from trim for sure. Also a few pictures from this morning after a day of stirring and sitting out


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did a big run today with a friend, personal largest project so far. Ran a whole bunch of trim, not sure how much exactly, but an assortment of strains were involved. yielded ~20grams. pretty darned happy with it! was sprayed with power 5x, about 8 or 9 cans. Sat in a water bath until bubbling stopped, water was swapped out several times keeping it nice and warm. Then the bubbles were popped and then went in and out of the oven at 150 for a period of 25 minutes or so, in for a few out for a few. let me know what you guys think!!

25 minutes at 150 is to long, 10 min intervals is better. With that much you should use multiple catch pans or a vacuum. Water bath and oven is redundant. I wanna get a little toaster oven for heating before vacuum, or a really nice hot plate.
i didnt leave it in the oven for the whole 25 minutes, only about 5 minutes or so at a time, so in for 5 out for 5, so a total of about 15 minutes in the oven, i was trying the oven just as a way to speed things up as opposed to the water bath, which seemed to be taking forever. i would have definitely used multiple pans had i known it was going to be soo much. i am going to try and pick up a hot plate before my next run, which should i try to pic up first, hot plate or vacuum?


id get both a hotplate is just good to have on hand and there only like 25 bucks. a vacuum pump will give you a nice clear sap/shatter with less effort. IMO thats what you want. Im going to buy one in the near future, but for now hot water baths do just fine since im only purging 2-7 grams at a time.
my personal batches are generally speaking a pretty nice sap/glass, but these larger batches were actually shooting for more of a budder. Oil is not big in my area, and as we are trying to spread the movement, people dont really want some sappy goo that they cant handle easily.


i call fully stable room temp bho glass or sap didnt mean to confuse you. i agree gooey oil can be a mess to work with and not trying to be mean but your oil looks very gooey sticky and unstable. anytime my oil is sticky or gooey i consider it underpurged and continue to purge until i have shatter with almost no bubbles.
i took the plastic dish that i have a quarter in and put it into a hot water bath again, stirring occasionally, i now have a golden ball of waxy budder. not my personal favorite, but should be easier to distribute. ill throw a pic up later


id suggest throwing your erl back onto the pyrex to purge more rather than in a plastic container. better safe than sorry

also have you ever tried making an absolute? it makes purging all of the butane very easy with no vacuum. when i get frustrated with an oil thats just not coming out the way i want it. i turn it into an absolute because you get pristine amber glass everytime zero butane bubbles.