some posts ago i was mentioning that i understood only after some time i had the Alfa the importance of being able to change batteries! i think with some patience and skilled friend in electronics one can replace batteries both on the ascent and on the alfa, but nothing beats arizer for that.I think the breaker for me is not being able to replace the batteries. Have you ever tried ziggy?
For that reason I probably have to stay with the arizer. I don't see any oil attachment for the arizer however. The small glass stem that comes with the Air seems tolerable.
Thanks for info ziggy very helpful indeed much thanks.
Any input on Da Buddah, it's the non portable I'm most interested in, seems good value.
the Prima, one of the newest, has external batteries just like a cellphone and they sell spares, so it's also easy, and it's a beast of a vape! but a little more expensive...
probably the grasshopper has a similar approach, but i don't remember... dunno about S&B portables...
i think portables will develop more and more in the years to come and producers will learn from their errors (they have already), with batteries for instance...
apart from the haze i don't know about any herbal vaporizer that works really well with oils and concentrates... it's better to get a good penvape for concentrates or build a portable dab like these fellows are explaining on another thread in this section...
even the ascent with its oil cartridge can't be compared with a proper dab, it could be a waste of oil...
unfortunately, living on this side of the pond, it's really hard to have the chance to try a da buddha or a silversulfer... like other northamerican devices they seem great but no one i know has one...