There is many a legal grow out there run by people who snort coke and treat their community like fucking shit.
This is why they shouldn't be selling licences to just anyone!
And yes most people in this discussion have valid points here
And if cannabis is being grown by greedy criminals that are just selling it to benefit their shitty lifestyles and influence communities in negative ways then that is a big problem.
I should've called the cops on some grows I've been to.
I wish I had.
Maybe next time I will.
I have had my personal safety threatened and my family's safety threatened by said criminal growers.
And somehow they obtained a legal licence to produce legal and marketable weed and they gain more money and power ?
It's a god damned shitshow this whole situation.
I'm at least thankful that the police are on my side and willing to protect the good people who don't need to be involved in an industry that is fraught with problems and childish abusive adults that are only in it for a quick buck.
Only some folks are worthy of getting a licence.
That's all.
Some folks are just terrible people who should be put in jail for what they do.
Be it selling weed for their cocaine habit and drug deals and illicit activity.
Or be it that they spread their terrible influence on the community around them.
I wish people were just better at being good people,
Simple as that
But that just ain't gonna happen...
The cannabis culture needs help here in Canada.
This is just my opinion.
So whats your game plan let the 90 percent of legitimate licence holders be treated less humanely by the govt than they are today?
Same problem exists with welfare, and any social assistance, the abuse rate is high, but without damaging the most vulnerable of society we cannot just stop the systems.
Some abuse will happen. You got threatened by hells angles because you associate with them, and played their game. If you would not have mingled with them you would have been fine. You made the mistake of buying clones, equipment, money, or trying to use them as distribution. Play stupid games get stupid prizes. Its a shame assholes and gangsters can get licences, but it is the nature of any blackmarket, it does not always attract the best.