The price of mayo is not artificial due to market restrictions, like weed.
it's not artificially priced if people are willing to pay for it....
As a matter of fact, the more expensive glass go for MORE then retail, used....
The price of mayo is not artificial due to market restrictions, like weed.
How about best oil rig on the market, anyone have any favorites? I've been linking about a sovereignty recycler possibly... open to suggestions for sure... Prefer the smaller stuff for oil...
That's a really nice crack pipe! jkAhh, I see...well, it's a dry piece, but what about something like this?....
We were admiring them in chat earlier today actually...
It would be good for travel, I just wish it was a bubbler...
maybe they will come out with those next!
^ i have that. i cough so bad i threw it out. The heat would make me cough so bad, id do little sharts in my boxers and go into a sweat frenzy lol.
it's not artificially priced if people are willing to pay for it....
As a matter of fact, the more expensive glass go for MORE then retail, used....
^ i have that. i cough so bad i threw it out. The heat would make me cough so bad, id do little sharts in my boxers and go into a sweat frenzy lol. I got a proper set up last week, no hacking to death. For travel, imo its gotta be one of those vape pens y'all talk about ( i want gpen). The hsg pipes for travel, can look like a crack pipe lol. The asshole in the prius going 53 mph in the fast lane would definitely call it in.
That is the original version.... They make a new one with reductions to cool the vapor down, called the innercooler or something.
Highly recommended, these things make oil vape pens look like a joke.
Also, don't smoke when there is a prius passing you and you'll be fine hehe.
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Hmm cool, I do see that the stem is 100 percent diff. And mine was probably a first generation. Do you know the effect I'm talking about with the one I own?
How about best oil rig on the market, anyone have any favorites? I've been linking about a sovereignty recycler possibly... open to suggestions for sure... Prefer the smaller stuff for oil...