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BEST Bong on the market? Runners up?


Homer J Pimpin

I think you ment me being it's my orginal work.(post 27 this thread)....I Apriceate that you like it though.......
has anyone ever heard of this company ? and are they reliable?

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Old School Cottonmouth
Yeah roor was the shit about a decade ago now. They have been left by the wayside YEARS ago by more inventive designers.

If you buy a RooR now you are paying about 20% for the craftsmanship and about 80% for the name.


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
I don't know about that. I mean I guess part of it is getting past the price. But it is also just a value thing.

I remember when Kim Kardashian was getting married one of the gift list items was $700 a piece cereal bowls. It is just a bowl. Its not so much the price as the purpose. How often do you eat cereal that you need a $700 bowl?

The same thing is true with bongs for me. If I won the lottery and all I did was sit in my mansion or on my yacht smoking weed then I'd probably go ahead and drop $700 on a bong. But for a regular tokers routine? Like half a gram a day? I don't need a thousand dollar bong.

Its just like the cereal bowl to me. If you have the money and you REALLY like cereal do what you want. But I'm still going to think you are a silly person for owning a $700 cereal bowl. And I have to admit I think people are pretty silly when they spend a thousand dollars on a weed pipe to get high with, or for that matter a jewel encrusted gold chalice to drink from.

That analogy does not go to well with glass bongs......

Huge difference between a ROOR/PHX and a TORO/Sovereignty. If you HAVE smoked out of these, you can tell right away....


Yeah roor was the shit about a decade ago now. They have been left by the wayside YEARS ago by more inventive designers.

If you buy a RooR now you are paying about 20% for the craftsmanship and about 80% for the name.

100% true.


Old School Cottonmouth
That analogy does not go to well with glass bongs......

Huge difference between a ROOR/PHX and a TORO/Sovereignty. If you HAVE smoked out of these, you can tell right away....

It has nothing to do with being able to tell the difference. Its about the price difference.

I can tell the difference between "Blue Plate Mayo", and "Miracle Whip" too. But that doesn't mean one is worth $2 a jar, and the other is worth $20 a jar. I can probably also tell the difference between the $7 cereal bowl, and the $700 dollar cereal bowl. That still doesn't mean its worth $700.

Bongs that cost around or over a thousand dollars are silly. There is no legitimate reason for them to cost that much other than that people who sell drugs like them and can afford them. That does not mean that they are actually worth a fraction of what they retail for.


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
It has nothing to do with being able to tell the difference. Its about the price difference.

I can tell the difference between "Blue Plate Mayo", and "Miracle Whip" too. But that doesn't mean one is worth $2 a jar, and the other is worth $20 a jar. I can probably also tell the difference between the $7 cereal bowl, and the $700 dollar cereal bowl. That still doesn't mean its worth $700.

Bongs that cost around or over a thousand dollars are silly. There is no legitimate reason for them to cost that much other than that people who sell drugs like them and can afford them. That does not mean that they are actually worth a fraction of what they retail for.

Am I right in saying you have NOT smoked out of a Toro or a Sovereignty?

What are your lungs worth to you? $100 or a $1000?


Registered Med User
it takes a lot of time, energy, and materials to create a fancy bong. I dont mind paying $700. then you gotta calculate that distributors, advertisers, and stores are also getting a cut, what insentive does that leave a glass blower if he is not getting a nice check for quality work. Im not a drug dealer, as Im pretty sure many growers on here arent, but I am willing to cash out for a quality product. Money comes and goes, might as well get the things that you want in life. More money will come. No reason to knock it just because you feel it is not worth it, just dont buy the shit, but dont cry about it.

Homer J Pimpin

Am I right in saying you have NOT smoked out of a Toro or a Sovereignty?

What are your lungs worth to you? $100 or a $1000?

how much difference can there be ? honestly........the phx honeycomb diffuser was without a doubt the smoothest hit I've ever taken and my friend paid close to 500 for just a straight tube w/ honeycomb diffy......The sheldon black 6 shooter was not far behind for me......I cancelled my order for that 15 arm octobubbler upon learning they are chinese by the way and found a 6 shooter fer a deuce....I can live with that......but you're snubbing your nose at these high quality well manufactured brands like they were chinese knockoff's.I've never expierenced the sensation of smoking out of a toro or sovereignty though and if you can create a compelling argument as to why I should save up a extras 8 hunge instead of pulling the trigger on the sheldon black then I'm listining.....but 200 is not 1,000 ..........and I just cant logicly see there being a 800 dollar difference in smoothness or function.....Have you ever hit the 6 shooter ?....I gotta side with the points motaco is making........


Old School Cottonmouth
That is exactly what I am saying. Is there a difference? Sure. An $800 difference? Not even remotely close.


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
how much difference can there be ? honestly........the phx honeycomb diffuser was without a doubt the smoothest hit I've ever taken and my friend paid close to 500 for just a straight tube w/ honeycomb diffy......The sheldon black 6 shooter was not far behind for me......I cancelled my order for that 15 arm octobubbler upon learning they are chinese by the way and found a 6 shooter fer a deuce....I can live with that......but you're snubbing your nose at these high quality well manufactured brands like they were chinese knockoff's.I've never expierenced the sensation of smoking out of a toro or sovereignty though and if you can create a compelling argument as to why I should save up a extras 8 hunge instead of pulling the trigger on the sheldon black then I'm listining.....but 200 is not 1,000 ..........and I just cant logicly see there being a 800 dollar difference in smoothness or function.....Have you ever hit the 6 shooter ?....I gotta side with the points motaco is making........

That is exactly what I am saying. Is there a difference? Sure. An $800 difference? Not even remotely close.

The extra money with more expensive tubes go towards a lot of things, Usually you at least get better quality glass (more durable), better build quality (mostly just cleaner welds, everything is straight..its more or less aesthetic, but definitely nice to have, also sturdier), artistic value (for worked pieces if you want one), and.. if you are looking for it you can get much higher diffusion, very low drag, and the type of hit you want (airy, chuggy, fast, slower, and amount of diffusion..etc).....

If you want it to, significant portions of the money will go to the fact that you are buying from a name brand tube... The biggest examples of this I would say are ROOR, Illadelph, and Toro. They all make great tubes, and all are very expensive(meaning others with the same level of diffusion/work would normally cost significantly less from other brands). Better value brands I know of would be Sovereignty, Vertigo, 2011bc, SGW, Mobius, and Leisure. For less expensive I would look at MGW, SYN, and HVY, and below that I would look at EHLE...much below that and you start to get into tubes that are generally pretty flawed, generally very poorly made, and/or very fragile.....

Mr. Bongjangles

Head Brewer
ICMag Donor
That is exactly what I am saying. Is there a difference? Sure. An $800 difference? Not even remotely close.

Dollars are not spent in a 1:1 ratio of price & performance when it comes to glasswork. Some designs require a lot more time and skill, and this translates to a unique hit and drives the cost higher. You can buy the most value oriented piece if you'd like - I could recommend plenty of awesome glass for a few hundred dollars, but its pretty silly to act like there are not benefits to spending more and getting exactly what you want.

Clearly these are ALL luxury items once you step past a 30 dollar acrylic tube, so I am not sure why you've settled on some arbitrary amount that in your mind is "too much," but its simply egocentric and almost sounds a little jealous.

Also someone mentioned the Sheldon Black 6 shooter... Time for some real talk - I JUST gave away my 6 shooter to a friend as a 4/20 present cause I never ever hit it, cause it hits very poorly compared to the Luke Wilson 6 arm, let alone a matrix perc or even a similarly priced Stemline. The trees are too close together and trap bits of material, making it way harder to clean than it should be, and the detachable mouthpiece screws the feel of the hit up big time and reduces the flow. Not a well designed piece, imo.


Kronically Ill
That is exactly what I am saying. Is there a difference? Sure. An $800 difference? Not even remotely close.

OP was asking for the "Best" on the market.

Yes, there is a HUGE difference in products. Is the difference worth the $$$ to you? That is the question.

Similar scenario would be what's the "Best" car?

You can spend $10K on a Hyundia or $2,000,000 on a new Bugatti Veyron convert.

Do they both transport you from point A to point B? YUP
Are there similarities since both are automobiles? YUP
Are they the "same" thing? HELL NO
They're both cars, but it's like comparing an apple to an orange

Just my :2cents:


Yeah roor was the shit about a decade ago now. They have been left by the wayside YEARS ago by more inventive designers.
ROOR is over priced name brand thing.
Huge difference between a ROOR/PHX and a TORO/Sovereignty.
100% true.
WOW, a little Roor hate on here? controversy only means one thing. All you haters would DROOL over my roor collection... fuck TORO, Mobius, and any other over-hyped perc tube ( of which i own several), give me a heady Mike Fro or Eric Opas ROOR over any of that shit.

BTW, the biggest bong hit i've ever seen, 1.6 grams, was taken out of a regular 18" roor, not a Perc'd up bullshit tube. google Hashbean420
hate on, haters.

enjoy my roor pics: yes, they are all mine


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Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
WOW, a little Roor hate on here? controversy only means one thing. All you haters would DROOL over my roor collection... fuck TORO, Mobius, and any other over-hyped perc tube ( of which i own several), give me a heady Mike Fro or Eric Opas ROOR over any of that shit.

BTW, the biggest bong hit i've ever seen, 1.6 grams, was taken out of a regular 18" roor, not a Perc'd up bullshit tube. google Hashbean420
hate on, haters...

Haters? Come on now, that's a little overbored....

Its personal preference, not hating....

The cheaper bongs dont filter enough for me, and that includes Roors. i don't like hacking shit at night and throughout the day, and that EXACTLY what Roor's and cheaper bongs do, to me....

After buying my Mobius on 4/20, im 90% hack free, and that sir, you CANT put a price on....


Krunch no hard feelings. Roor has haters. I used to sell glass, trust me i know.

my point is, I own two Toros and a Mobius Matrix, and i still like my old roors better. It's personal preference, the glass quality is the same, as is the craftmanship.
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Natalie J. Puffington
Originally posted by Motaco:
"I can tell the difference between "Blue Plate Mayo", and "Miracle Whip" too. But that doesn't mean one is worth $2 a jar, and the other is worth $20 a jar."
There are probably people who use this same line of thought to justify buying schwagg over headies...


Registered Med User
sure is hard to find some of these peices.... I found a hi si for 175 with triple u percs, but cant get ahold of the dude sellin it.

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