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Bernie Sanders calls for an end to marijuana prohibition

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Active member
Lay off the crack, it is the same Bill Ayers you fool.

Not according to White House staff.

You are experiencing truthiness- you think it's true simply because you believe it & you believe it because you want to.

The White House warns that many names that may appear familiar — and controversial — do not in fact refer to the most famous people to carry those names. Jeremiah Wright is on the list, but it's not the president's former pastor. This Michael Jordan is not the basketball player. This Michael Moore is not a filmmaker. The William Ayers who took a group tour of the White House isn't the former radical from Chicago who figured so prominently in the 2008 campaign. And the Angela Davis on the list has a different middle initial than the activist and former fugitive.


Yeh, a group tour where they herd people through en masse to the tune of millions per year. Very few even catch a glimpse of the President.

Finding the truth about Bernie's draft deferment didn't even give you pause, did it?

It's no less remarkable that all of this raving was brought on by what should be good news to this community, the fact that a presidential contender has unequivocally come out in favor of cannabis legalization.


Active member
Can someone explain to me the proposed benefit for the U.S. In the free trade agreements we have made with many 20 or so nations..I looked up a govt website on it and it's touting that because of theses trade agreements we are exporting many billions more of u.s. Made products annually.
I'm just wondering, where are all of these U.S. Products being manufactured? i don't know of much more than a few manufacturing plants in my surrounding area.
And it seems like most the goods in our chain stores are made in: China, Vietnam, Taiwan, Mexico, etc... Pretty much anywhere but here.
David Simon, the creator of the wire and former newspaperman says one of the biggest problems we face in the U.S. Is a lack of a manufacturing base basically We don't make anything anymore.
Is it too simplistic of a view to think that all of these free trade agreements fucked us into competing with 10 year old kids working for 10 cents an hour? Of course it's cheaper to manufacture somewhere u don't need to pay people real wages.... What exactly was the proposed benefit to opening ourselves up to direct competition with 3rd world countries? I don't get it
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Active member
I mean I get how huge corporations could buy this kind of policy... And I get how corrupt the govt is and probably will continue to be... But I don't get how the politicians (especially the democrats) sold this as a benefit to anyone besides multi national corporations? There must have been some sales pitch... What was it?


How evolving public attitudes on marijuana could affect the 2016 presidential race

How evolving public attitudes on marijuana could affect the 2016 presidential race

Good read from the latimes.

Pot is very much on the minds of voters, with millions poised to decide whether to legalize it. That raises a tantalizing question for presidential candidates: Is there political opportunity in the wind?

Some are beginning to believe there is.

The latest sign was the full-throated call last week by Sen. Bernie Sanders to end federal prohibition. With that one move, the candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination plunged into uncharted territory — and, arguably, so did the presidential race.

Never before has a contender with so much to lose so unequivocally suggested that smoking a joint should be viewed the same as drinking a beer, at least in the eyes of the law.



Invertebrata Inebriata
I mean I get how huge corporations could buy this kind of policy... And I get how corrupt the govt is and probably will continue to be... But I don't get how the politicians (especially the democrats) sold this as a benefit to anyone besides multi national corporations? There must have been some sales pitch... What was it?

Simple answer- It wasn't sold to US voters, it was shoved down their throats.


Active member
It's no less remarkable that all of this raving was brought on by what should be good news to this community, the fact that a presidential contender has unequivocally come out in favor of cannabis legalization.

Jhhnn I could honestly care less about Marijuana legalization as an issue for this next election. Let the states decide, me personally I see a country that is exceptionally lenient on Marijuana already. I see a country that is facing tremendous problems, worrying about whether or not jhhn can smoke a joint on his porch is the least of my concerns.

The states and the people in those states should decide, it's not the president's job to battle every minor social issue. But go ahead you are demostrating how easily bought you are, don't sell yourself so cheaply.


Well-known member

You need to study up on Obama, the dude has been hanging with commies his whole life.

His mentor as a child and most likely his real father was a man named Frank Marshal Davis, FMD was a known communist, he promoted communism and was heavily involved in the movement. FMD was not only a communist he was a pornographer that took many pornographic pictures of Obamma mother, this is why there is a high likely hood FMD is his real father, Obummer and FMD actual look alike look at some pictures. This guy got Obama started in the life of a radical communist.

Not only that Obummer was also friends with Bill Ayers, a known communist terrorist from the 60s and 70s. Fuckin Obummer invited Bill Ayers to the god damned white house.

That's all great and all. Can you name one communist or socialist policy or legislation Obama has enacted though? Cause there are none.

Same with Bill Ayers going to the white house. I found zero credible proof of that.

Now you tell me we need more immigrants, ok maybe a few but we dont need open borders. Nor should my fuckin tax dollars pay for them to do anything, take gander at how many illegals are on the US welfare system them come tell me how much we need them. You think they're coming here because they love to pick oranges? no they are coming here because the US gov rolls out the red carpet and gives them everything for free. You get over that border and you pop out a baby and that baby is now a US citizen entitled to full benefits, it's more lucrative then working.
I didn't say we need more immigrants. I said it's not a big of a problem as the nuts on the right say it is.

Immigrants do not qualify for welfare, medicare, or other benefits. They pay around $15 billion per year into social security knowing full well they are not eligible to receive benefits.

The 14th amendment protects birthright citizenship. It's always been that way.

China, Soviet Union, North Vietnam, North Korea, just a few reasons why we dont need any more communism. You've been suckered by the promise of free stuff, you know nothing in life is free. If I invite you over for dinner, yes that dinner is free for you but I still had to buy all the food, this is why no government handout is truly free, the bill gets picked up by someone.
Again name me some commie American policies or commie policies Bernie Sanders wants.

Fucking Sanders was just praising China the other day, china is a fucking shit hole that absolutely does not value human life or human rights, they pollute with out thought, the government owns and runs all industry, yeah that sounds awesome.
Lol did you actually have context or were you just listening to some nitwits interpretation of the tweet?

Sanders tweeted, "China -- not exactly seen as a model when it comes to human rights -- provides 14 weeks of paid maternity leave. The US provides zero."

Oh boy, some praise... No, more like he's pointing out the absurdities with our country in how its behind even CHINA on this social issue.

Bernie Sanders also uses the comparison that we have a quarter of the population China does and we have more people incarcerated. (China 113 per 100k; US 716 per 100k)

Is he praising china there too?


Active member
That's all great and all. Can you name one communist or socialist policy or legislation Obama has enacted though? Cause there are none?

Do you even think before you type?

Obama care ring a bell? A government run Healthcare system that is a socialist istituion. I'm done talking with you because like Jhhnn you don't have much going on up stairs.

As for Bernie he openly admits he's a socialist how much more proof do you need?

Space Toker

Active member
Yes he calls himself a "Democratic Socialist". I don't know why so many consider that a "dirty word". Maybe the public is finally wising up (although with Trump's popularity, I am not holding my breath). Maybe people finally realize the only way to correct the worst income inequality gap ever and return this to a "nation for the people and by the people" is to elect a socialist. We are like now in a state like the final years of the Roman Empire, and we need more than bandaid solutions, we need to create a better system where people benefit once again.


Rubbing my glands together
Cannavore;7198692 Immigrants do not qualify for welfare said:
Here's some US census data that refutes your claim-It's from the 2010 Census

APRIL 05, 2011

Surprise, surprise; Census Bureau data reveals that most U.S. families headed by illegal immigrants use taxpayer-funded welfare programs on behalf of their American-born anchor babies.Even before the recession, immigrant households with children used welfare programs at consistently higher rates than natives, according to the extensive census data collected and analyzed by a nonpartisan Washington D.C. group dedicated to researching legal and illegal immigration in the U.S. The results, published this month in a lengthy report, are hardly surprising.Basically, the majority of households across the country benefitting from publicly-funded welfare programs are headed by immigrants, both legal and illegal. States where immigrant households with children have the highest welfare use rates are Arizona (62%), Texas, California and New York with 61% each and Pennsylvania(59%).The study focused on eight major welfare programs that cost the government $517 billion the year they were examined. They include Supplemental Security Income (SSI) for the disabled, Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF), a nutritional program known as Women, Infants and Children (WIC), food stamps, free/reduced school lunch, public housing and health insurance for the poor (Medicaid).Food assistance and Medicaid are the programs most commonly used by illegal immigrants, mainly on behalf of their American-born children who get automatic citizenship. On the other hand, legal immigrant households take advantage of every available welfare program, according to the study, which attributes it to low education level and resulting low income.The highest rate of welfare recipients come from the Dominican Republic (82 %), Mexico and Guatemala (75%) and Ecuador (70%), according to the report, which says welfare use tends to be high for both new arrivals and established residents.


Rubbing my glands together
Yes he calls himself a "Democratic Socialist". I don't know why so many consider that a "dirty word". Maybe the public is finally wising up (although with Trump's popularity, I am not holding my breath). Maybe people finally realize the only way to correct the worst income inequality gap ever and return this to a "nation for the people and by the people" is to elect a socialist. We are like now in a state like the final years of the Roman Empire, and we need more than bandaid solutions, we need to create a better system where people benefit once again.

Who do you think created and continue to protect the system where the income inequality is such a problem? Both parties did.
So lets create a system that taxes the shit out of workers to give more free stuff to those that don't is the answer? Got it.


Andinismo Hierbatero
Yes he calls himself a "Democratic Socialist". I don't know why so many consider that a "dirty word". Maybe the public is finally wising up (although with Trump's popularity, I am not holding my breath). Maybe people finally realize the only way to correct the worst income inequality gap ever and return this to a "nation for the people and by the people" is to elect a socialist. We are like now in a state like the final years of the Roman Empire, and we need more than bandaid solutions, we need to create a better system where people benefit once again.

that's contradictory.

you cannot have a nation for the people and by the people with big government, specially big government running Social programs.

The thing you guys are not seeing is that the more the people become dependent on social programs (i.e: government hand outs), the more power and control said government gets, until it reaches the point where you must depend on the government, the almighty, the merciful LOL!!!

it goes against the idea of a country of the people and by the people; because each member of society, each individual, is different from one another, different talents, different tastes, different wills; it is human nature, therefore, you cannot force the people through regulations to give up what they work for to equalize what those who don't work don't have.

it is very simple my friends. very easy to see...

again, are you guys willing to give up 50% of your harvests to give to someone who can grow just as you can, but chooses not to because he knows he will get his share by law?

think about that for a second and let it sink in.
it's the same as raising taxes to fund social programs; not that social programs are bad, they are good so long as they do not create dependence, they are good as long as they don't have huge budgets and end up becoming corrupted beasts.

the Scandinavian model is not that great to begin with, there are better options for change, why do these dinosaurs keep insisting on trying old ideologies full of flaws?

just look at what is happening in Sweden; you have tons of people sucking off from the social programs, and the working people are resented as fuck and the government has a crack down on the press to keep the shit-storm out there quiet.

Canada will be the first in the north American continent to go down the same path as Sweden with their new PM btw... remember me in 15 years :D


Active member
The thing you guys are not seeing is that the more the people become dependent on social programs (i.e: government hand outs), the more power and control said government gets, until it reaches the point where you must depend on the government, the almighty, the merciful LOL!!!

We all depend on the govt in a variety of ways. If that's trending to more, that's because our Mighty Job Creator! Capitalists have become less & less dependable. The rust belt is testimony to that.

They can clearly afford to hire more people & pay better. If that weren't true, we wouldn't have the runaway inequality of today & the last 35 years or so.


Andinismo Hierbatero
We all depend on the govt in a variety of ways. If that's trending to more, that's because our Mighty Job Creator! Capitalists have become less & less dependable. The rust belt is testimony to that.

They can clearly afford to hire more people & pay better. If that weren't true, we wouldn't have the runaway inequality of today & the last 35 years or so.

so lets switch one shit for another piece of shit, eh? great solution there...

out with non-dependable capitalists and in with dependence on big government...




Well-known member
We all depend on the govt in a variety of ways. If that's trending to more, that's because our Mighty Job Creator! Capitalists have become less & less dependable. The rust belt is testimony to that.

They can clearly afford to hire more people & pay better. If that weren't true, we wouldn't have the runaway inequality of today & the last 35 years or so.
The government comes into play here too. With all the regulations they impose it makes it more difficult to compete. I just heard something this morning about Home Depot, the founders said if they had to comply with all the regulations in place today as a start up, they never could start the business as they did years ago.


Active member
Better you than me, Jhhnn. A big thumbs up for you and Cannavore.

This old man gets tired of the battleground after awhile but I suppose it is a good thing to have it extensively argued perhaps so as to inform the less committed.


Active member
so lets switch one shit for another piece of shit, eh? great solution there...

out with non-dependable capitalists and in with dependence on big government...



Perhaps you can suggest a constructive alternative, one based in reality.


Active member
The government comes into play here too. With all the regulations they impose it makes it more difficult to compete. I just heard something this morning about Home Depot, the founders said if they had to comply with all the regulations in place today as a start up, they never could start the business as they did years ago.

That's been a recent foil of the big guys- whining on behalf of the little guys, most of whom they've already crushed. Home Depot & Lowes have driven countless lumberyards, hardware stores & nurseries right out of business.

More freedom for the non-existent little guy just means more freedom for them & more profit.

They do have your headset dialed in rather nicely, however.


Well-known member
No I just used the Home Depot thing as an example, maybe a bad one. The same has happened with the likes of Walmart and the neighborhood grocer. What I meant was the extent of government in the involvement of your business. The big guys are able to deal with it much easier than the little guy. Hell, as an employer, if I have to deal with an increased minimum wage what am I going to do…raise prices and potentially lose customers or lay people off. That’s what happens when revenues stay flat and expenses go up. Raising taxes has the same effect. Look what Obamacare did. It basically turned a lot of full time employees into part timers. Sure some could say the employers are the bad guys and just taking advantage of how things were written but those consequences should have been realized before the act was ever implemented.

I’m not in the big business band wagon but big government tends to be counterproductive in the productivity arena. Small business employs a majority of the workforce but it’s getting harder and harder for them because of all the government red tape.


It's no less remarkable that all of this raving was brought on by what should be good news to this community, the fact that a presidential contender has unequivocally come out in favor of cannabis legalization.

Yep. That was my point, too. I will likely be voting for Sanders if he gets the Dem nomination, but that is irrelevant to the purpose of why I began this thread in the first place. I'd have posted the same thing if Hillary, Carson, or Trump had made the declaration... and kept my opinions about them to myself.

Whether your are left, right, center, or way on the fringe of either wing, the fact that a truly viable presidential candidate (second in polls for one of the two big parties) is straight-up saying we need to de-schedule MJ from the CSA is a big deal. Like it or not.

Man, I almost wish I hadn't even started this whole thing. :/
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