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Bengies 150w cab


Day 38/65
Temps 77/77/72 flower/mom/room
Res 3000 uC/1500 ppm/21.5 C/ 5.87 PH

So here we are again people and not much has been really going on......The little ladys top cola as started to stretch?!?!.....do really know what else to call it maybe foxtailing......i tried to get a good shot of here but im an amauter when it comes to camera's.......but here goes anyways

The best shot of this wierd growth

:smokeit:...... :Bolt:


weed fiend
Hey man, I've read a little about foxtails. Several things might contribute. Strain seems to be a factor. I'm growing some tangerine haze and it's kind of spiraling.

Heat may cause it and too much N might. They're kind of cool, they roll really great spliffs.


Hey Bengie,

About those foxtails... one of my Satori girls is doing the same thing.
She's bean showing signs of N overfert for long time - dark green color, prolonged flowering and claw-like leaves.
At week 7, she looks like this


gonna do a full rez swap today and see if thats the problem.....I didnt think i would be seeing as i thought i lowered the N and raised PK but i could have done the opposite being high and in a rush to mix the rez up last time i see it at least feasible.....


Update- I drained my rez put new
RO water in 13 L and added
1 tbsp epsom salts, 40 ml quik bloom part 3(0-4-4), 27 mls quik 2 part 2(2-0-0) came out to a PH- 5.34 so i added 1ml PH up to 5.64, New ppm is 630 UC- 1260.......

I really hope this corrects this little issue......Side note again qaround day 35 i get careless and my babies start complaining next run be more attentive when it comes to mixing rez


Day 46/65
Temps 77/77/73 Flower/Mom/Room
Res 1200 uc/ 600 ppm/21 C/ 5.55 Ph

Good day all and its been an active week trying to get my baby back into her flower stage.....With the advice of One of my more frequent visitors I Have decided to do another full rez swap without any N added at all and this rez will stay until a week before choppping date seeing as i plan to do a one week flush on it as well.....
My rez consists of quik bloom (0-4-4) 40mls, 1tbls epsom salts and a splash of H2O2(hydrogen peroxide). With this mixture im hoping to quell the revegging that occurred and try to use up some of the N stored in the plant because of Said N toxicity that i had a week back or so.....Also i woke up yesterday morning and decided my mother plant needed a trim which turned into a slasher flick...:dance013:.....So Im thinking a took a little too much off the top.....only 2 very small secondary shoots left the rest of the unruley/light burned shit has been removed hopefully she'll recover enough so ican take 4 cuttings off her in a couple of weeks :monkeyeat

My picture taking skills arnt very good cause i just cant seem to get any really good shots this run....while the lights are out.....too much reflcetion from white plant material/anything else white or reflective.....but here you guys go

Finally a full shot of her

And a shot of the second tallest nug/ easiest to photograph cause the lights not in the way

Well i hope all goes well with my next run but its all a learning experience:whee::Bolt:


Its time for another update a few days late but sorry wont be having any pictures seeing as i cannot take a decent photo with the lights off......But i give you guys the rundown..:dance013:...On wed I put her into flush with PH'd RO water.....two of the lower leaves ar finally starting to lose their colour turning yellow but there does seem to be a few spots.....well alot of spots of what seem to show a fairly sickly plant but it could be from the small amounts of algea growth in the flood pan......but none the less its gonna be chopped soon in a few days and dont really care too much though......

I wanna try clean the system What products or how should I clean it? :watchplant: :chin:.... I guess i dont have much else to say so tomorrow ill get some pics of her and add them.....Oh yeah its like day 59/65



Much awaited the picture....this here is a full shot about 14inches in height and 8 across

And the only decent nug shot i could get.....im no photographer i tells ya


Nice job Bengie, So you only have one plant? how are the clones doing? are you going to growing more than one on you next grow?


Gdbud- Yeah this time around only one...next time 2 with the scrog screen.....im just gonna veg them with the HPS until the screen is about 80% filled then flippem to 12/12.....But first i have to clean the whole system but dont really have any idea how to clean the system properly to stop the algea growth......gonna also put black tape on the flood tray to let less light in there as well......:chin:.....Im hoping to get a whole 18x12 footprint full of nugz......I think my next run will be somthing to watch


Disco- Yeah I've been using it this whole run. didnt seem to make a difference.....I could have been mixing it at too low of a concentration to do anything.....i thinks im gonna add a couple of bottles to ten liters ro water and run the system for a cpl of days while im waiting for my clones to take the Root grafting technique im gonna try


:hide:.....I put that up b/c I got a little impatient and chopped my girly today.....And wow am i ever impressed with it except the foxtailing......I also cut off the low side shoot on friday and the smokes super smooth already......i cant wait for the cure/drying process......So the plan is:
1. im gonna hang dry her for three days in the closet
2. then 2 days in "Bengies windbox"
3. 2 more days in a brown paper bag
4. Then good sweating of 1-2 days in a Ziplock baggie
5. Finally to the jars for storage

Today i also took 2 cuttings off my mother......Im using my jiffys for cloning this time and into the wick cloner from the DIY Icmag link....:hide:.....One I did a regular 45 degree cut in rooting powder and the other one I cut the stem at 45 and also split it about quarter inch and dipped into powder and added a root also from the mother.......If they seem to be doing well next week they will be tranplanted under the Hps and trelllis to get this scrog thing started....... :dunno:......I havnt taken any pictures ive been pretty lazy sorry to you guys that are watching and following along........and thats about it so :Bolt:


Well here we are With chopping my mini plant yesterday and also taking my clones( still no pics).......I have decided to do a little update with pictures.....I tried to cut off most of the Bigger fan leaves and leave some of the leaves that are inter twined with the buds

This one here is just hanging there all alone and a protien container to show size.....what a nice looking plant :biggrin:.....

Here we have a closeup of one bud on the hanging plant

And this here is a treat the first piece about 1.5g dried and cured, cut this branch off on wednesday cant wait for it......:jerkit:


GdBud- thanks for stopping by :wave:

Disco- yeah this time i waited until 62 of the projected 65 days and a big difference on what it looks like under the Lupe alot more amber and cloudy trichs on her......still has the sweet taste from the last run though......:biggrin:

New pics tomorrow....Ill be cutting the main stem out and trimming her down to single buds......then into the windbox for 1-2 days :dance013: