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Bear Grylls vs. Les Stroud,who is the real survivor man


he's like survival heresy or something

when i see him on tv its like he just became a scout the day before (along with the intelligence of a 13 year old) and was sent on his own into a dangerous situation without supervision to either show how much of a retard he is and you can be too,,, or more scary to me, so that you do what he does and die,,, because the guy is a prat,,,

And whats the whole biting into living fish and animals thing about !!!!!?? wtf !!!

Yes, indeed so, i really laughed for a while at this, it set me on a train of thought and i started remembering some of those kids we all grow up with, the one with the adhd type tendency's who would do anything for a dare.

He is somewhat like that, like an old mate of mine who stuck his tounge on a scaffold pole for a dare in -25 degree temps, nasty, took all the skin off hos tongue, i reminded him of it recently, the sour look said it all.:)


BG is a strange dude, but i always liked his style. he's absolutely nuts, thats a fact, but still his show is good. i recently saw the "behind the scenes" episode and it straightened out a lot of things. the crew tells everything aout Bear that we already guessed. he's an extremist and also a crazy person. and he does all the pointless and disgusting stuff only because he loves to do such things. (according to his crew members, but i think it also for the show.)
i dont know if anyone could survive in a rainforest after watching ultimate survival even if he/she has the equipments that BG has in some episodes.

so i like the show and i guess BG is cool and epic, but i wouldnt entrust him with my kids. :D (if i had any.)


Les wins hands down. As has been pointed out, BG takes constant stupid risks that a person in a survival situation should avoid at all costs. BG's show is like a cheesy action flick. Survivorman may be a little boring at times, but it has a definite charm to it, and at least its authentic.

lost in a sea

he's (bear "wierdo" grylls is) just a total loser puppet actor and we should be glad we arent related to him or will ever meet him,,

but sadly he's a part of a dynasty of selfish liars that want us to be weak, stupid and easily led,, we live in the age of the fourth branch of government ,, the media,, obviously,,
both are bad ass in the woods..
les gets my vote as most bad ass of the two, but id get stoned with either one hahahahha
i didnt actually read this thread cause im a lazy american
this my 2 cents


Grylls is a ham . Does stupid shocking , oohhhh I eat dead deer , stunts. He has a whole support team and camera crew with him .
Les lives the life , not just in front of the cam . Not too mention he goes out alone . Carries all his camera equipment , sets it up and does all the filming, all while surviving ....


Natalie J. Puffington
Hasn't BG has been known to order pizza and stay in a hotel during filming?

Lost in a Sea: "take your clothes off and swim across a frozen lake to get to the otherside for some reason!!"

lost in a sea

i really enjoy alot of the bruce parry programmes like "tribe" and "amazon" as well,,, he's not so much a teacher about survival techniques more just learning and documenting about how indigenous peoples survive around the world,,, and he always gets forced to take the local drugs which i find pretty funny,, anybody that can take all those ancient drugs, but far far more importantly get along with so many nature based peoples is rare in this world,,,

natty your spot on, he did just stay in hotels and film the footage just like any old media scumbag would,,,,, if he stays on tv after this next crap he's done bg needs his own special warning before his programme is shown ,,

"unless your incredibly dumb/suicidal, do not attempt any of the following stunts! this man is dangerously disturbed! "

i saw an interview on some daytime rubbish and he just came across as an actor had nothing to say apart from how he'd enjoyed his life playing with his kids recently and having more kids,,, boring loser,,,why do you unfortunate peeps in the us even know this guy? he should be contained to the uk lol
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vStagger Leev

Bear grylls does thing's in the outdoors to survive anyone with common sense would not do. Like climbing into a pit with a wood pole in the middle of the desert for nothing but mud at the bottom?? Any real person would have been stranded down their and died.

Les Stroud is the fucking man of all men. He doesnt have a camera crew and he has to feed himself. Bear get's help with meals if he cant find them, it even says that he recieves support before the show!! lol

Once again Les Stroud is the fucking man.

Peace and love, Stagger

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