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Bear Grylls vs. Les Stroud,who is the real survivor man

lost in a sea

ray mears is a legend,,

bear grylls is a fucking idiot whose "survival" advice will only get people killed,, what a retard..


The best survivalists are people you'll never see on TV - they're out there doing their thing and living off the land AWAY from television, camera crews, and the internet. I've taught wilderness survival for a number of years, spent most of those years living out "there" even when I wasn't working, and I've still barely scraped the surface of what there is to learn.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I'd have to say Stroud.

Grylls is much more fun to take on TV.

Stroud doesn't have a camera crew. He does whine and act a little Canadian at times though.... :D


The best survivalists are people you'll never see on TV - they're out there doing their thing and living off the land AWAY from television, camera crews, and the internet. I've taught wilderness survival for a number of years, spent most of those years living out "there" even when I wasn't working, and I've still barely scraped the surface of what there is to learn.

Where did you learn and where did you teach? Im up in arctic tribal land, around here are many people who live off nature. Different nature cultures, nomadic reindeer herders and fishermen of the polar sea, wandering hunters and dog mushers etc. Many of these people is of the kind that would look at living alone in the wild as the good life rather then a survival situation. And many strange characters live secluded lives in valleys around here.


Hey ArcticSun - Learning has been pretty much a lifelong venture. Started as a kid learning the very basics in Boy Scouts, believe it or not. I went off on my own and read a lot of books, made a lot of mistakes on solo ventures, and met some really cool, like-minded, extremely knowledgeable people along the way. I ended up meeting some other survival instructors while I was guiding, and started teaching with BOSS. Ended up doing that part of the year, and then living off the land the rest for awhile. I live indoors again now (hence my internet connection) but I still like to get out whenever I can.


Hey ArcticSun - Learning has been pretty much a lifelong venture. Started as a kid learning the very basics in Boy Scouts, believe it or not. I went off on my own and read a lot of books, made a lot of mistakes on solo ventures, and met some really cool, like-minded, extremely knowledgeable people along the way. I ended up meeting some other survival instructors while I was guiding, and started teaching with BOSS. Ended up doing that part of the year, and then living off the land the rest for awhile. I live indoors again now (hence my internet connection) but I still like to get out whenever I can.

Its always great to speak to likeminded people. Which region of the world (habitat/climate) are you most accustomed to?

Im lucky that i have large wilderness areas very close to me, i can head off on an expedition from my own house as there are wild trout populations in the mountains just under an hour hike from my place. Also we have very good surf fishing here, so its easy to enjoy the outdoor life. My main passion is troutfishing more then it is survivalism, but around here the best trout lakes and rivers are many many miles of hiking into arctic high mountain terrain. This means one is in danger of facing blizzards and snow at any time of the year, even july. There is no such thing as helicopter transport into these areas, also all motorized transportation is illegal, so the only way to get there is by hiking or skiing 12+ hours uphill with heavy backpacks.

My obsession for trout fishing has taken me into some of the worlds most desolate regions, ive hiked endless days and weeks on the northern Scandinavian tundra and in the arctic mountains. The tundra is something else imo, there is just nothing there except some lakes and rivers, its so easy to get lost when there is absolutely nothing to break the horizon. If one just turns around 180 degrees, one is lost instantly unless one has maybe a rock or some kind of visual to focus on. One has to constantly check on the compass and even with map and compass its sooo easy to get lost and miss your target lake or river. Its like walking around on a giant mirror, ive seen more then one of my friends start to loose their mind out there, like srsly loosing it so they start talking jibberish and make everyone feel uncomfortable.. trust me that is no fun when you are two or three days from people in the middle of the tundra! Usually a good rest up and food will help a lot, but we have aborted expeditions because of psychic instability in expedition members.

The first thing i see, every night when i close my eyes to sleep, is that wide open tundra in front of me. Every single day when i close my eyes thats what i see, just an endless plain of nothingness. And whenever i imagine it, there is a great overwhelming calmness that spreads through my body. That place will forever be etched into my mind and i feel incredibly privileged to have seen it.

Blessings Sal, id be glad to hear about your experiences and id love to see pictures etc.. ive got loads myself from my hikes, mostly summer pictures since the camera has a tendency to not work on the winter trips.

peace :tiphat:


Its always great to speak to likeminded people. Which region of the world (habitat/climate) are you most accustomed to?

Blessings Sal, id be glad to hear about your experiences and id love to see pictures etc.. ive got loads myself from my hikes, mostly summer pictures since the camera has a tendency to not work on the winter trips.

I've spent most of my time in the Southwest of the US, mainly southern Utah, but a lot of Colorado and New Mexico too. I love how you can transition from high mountains, to desert, to canyons in the same day, and there's no place I'd rather live. I think used to post some pictures from climbing trips and whatnot on IC, but it's been a long time, so I can't really recall. Not too many pictures from the survival outings, as I really only took the clothes on my back and my knife, but lots from personal trips with some of life's luxuries!


Bear Gryles if I had to choose,
Both have a cast tent that is warm or cool.
plenty of food and clean water,.
it's a show..


Personally I think Les Stroud is the better by far, I think his program though as people point out is a bit whiney sometimes, he is actually out there with no food, and very little gear other than his camera and recording gear.

I had to get these from torrents as its not on the telly here, i watched them back to back over a few nights and found them very instructive.

The principle thing you learn from these films is just how hard it is when you are dropped into the middle of nowhere, Bear Gryls and even good old Ray Mears are more in the trade of setting up scenarios and shooting them.

BG in a silly over dramatised way, eating all that gross shit etc. and Ray Mears in a sort of Modern day Stone age style (which i like).

But Les, hes just out there, i think of all the three program makers his show most accurately illustrates what its gonna be like if you get seriously dropped in the middle of nowhere with a shitty folding knife and a bar of chocolate. In all our fantasys of survival, we have a big knife or a axe, Nessmuck style, but its never really like that, if you had all your best kit, it would just be a walk in the woods.

The reality is more like, nothing to eat, poor weather, insufficient shelter, insect bites, dubious water, headaches, dizziness, stomach upsets, poor digestion, stress, loneliness, fear.

So remember kids..
"Never get out of the boat." Absolutely goddamn right! Unless you were goin' all the way...

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
In all our fantasys of survival, we have a big knife or a axe, Nessmuck style, but its never really like that, if you had all your best kit, it would just be a walk in the woods.

The reality is more like, nothing to eat, poor weather, insufficient shelter, insect bites, dubious water, headaches, dizziness, stomach upsets, poor digestion, stress, loneliness, fear.

this is why Les Stroud wins habds down to me.


Active member
Les always seems to have something special on him. Today its a handful of gorp, tomorrow it's a knife and a fishing hook. In a week it'll be a canteen.

Bear seems to have the same thing every week. The same thing I would carry Knife, and flint (to make fire), if I were going into the wild. I river raft guide in Maupin Or. and I take those things with me, even tho' I rarely tread 100' feet from the River front, and I've run that run 1000's of times.

Bear is english and that HAS to be taken into account when discerning humor and outlook.

I'd take Bear over Les any day. Altho' I did once see a program where Les and his family were trying to live off the grid in some remote area and I was impressed.


They both are great. I had a friend try out for the Dual Survivor show, wasn't picked but represented well.


Bear Gryls represents the fantasy element of survivalist shows, he has a full crew, they stay in hotels, they eat really well, when he does what he does, he does it on a full stomach after wearing good dry warm clothing, hes fully pumped and ready to go.

Les Stroud has no crew, does everything for real, and has to double back all the time to pick up the camera and tripod, as a general rule in his show, he does this on an empty stomach.

Even when he finds things he can kill cook and eat, they are never what you might call caloric staples, so its not great on the digestive system, its not what your stomnach is used to digesting.

When people say, "you would eat anything if you where hungry enough" yes, you might, but it might make your guts gripe, or worse, it might make you sick.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^ya stroud gets out there and does it for real, and the things he has for help are not chosen by him, except in the episode where he insists on an axe and rifle cause of aggressive bear country. you can watch him lose weight over the 7 days. lol

lost in a sea

how to die by bear grylls~

stuck? alone? in the forest with no food?

dont take your time to find shelter and warmth !!

ohhh noooo no no !

take your clothes off and swim across a frozen lake to get to the otherside for some reason !!


you stuck? alone? up a cliff with no food?

dont carefully avoid braking a limb finding a easy route down from the cliff that you climbed,,

no no stupid !!!! duhhh !!!

jump mindlessly at a tree and hope that you can grab enough of the branches to brake your fall!!

of course !!!

ahh good old fashioned sarcasm,, if you want to survive ray mears knows what he is talking about,, and stroud..

bear grylls is a dangerously disturbed man and should not be the chief scout of the uk scouts,, the crazy bastard,,
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bear grylls is a dangerously disturbed man and should not be the chief scout of the uk scouts,, the crazy bastard,,
Hah, too right, i couldnt believe it either when they made him chief scout, sadly some bunch of ill informed old fart scouts must have had a meeting and decided they needed to be more "down with the kids" and thus we get Teddy Bear Gryls. What i have wondered, did they even ask Ray Mears?

The fact They did ask BG just shows that Scouting is more about image than substance, like so much else these days.

lost in a sea

the best aspects i remember of scouts was the nearly dieing, climbing mountains and freezing at night time and stuff,, but you learnt from things!! that was the point! not to make certain rash decisions, which is exactly what he does !

he's like survival heresy or something

cover the childrens eyes!! lol,,, SERIOUSLY

when i see him on tv its like he just became a scout the day before (along with the intelligence of a 13 year old) and was sent on his own into a dangerous situation without supervision to either show how much of a retard he is and you can be too,,, or more scary to me, so that you do what he does and die,,, because the guy is a prat,,,

And whats the whole biting into living fish and animals thing about !!!!!?? wtf !!!

why not kill the thing !!! then make a fire and cook it !!?????????

possibly under some shelter ????? :wallbash:,,,,:bashhead:,,,,,,,:nono:

utter madness if you ask me,,, but the world is so crazy who is really that surprised that there is yet another self obsessed, completely fake, megalomaniac on tv spooning out poisonous lies,,,
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