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Bc's RockLock pc grow..12/12 from seed

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
thanks everyone for your kind words..sorry I haven't been around lately...been visiting and trying to get everything ready in the new cab....almost there just need 2-6400k T5's and I'm ready to ROCK!!!!!!!!!
I went with what you all said and cut her down a few minutes ago...just no room for her anymore:comfort:
I can tell you all one thing for sure..that is THE most stickiest plant I have ever had the pleasure to grow...man...lots of sugar leaves too..
so after weighing wet, it came to 109 grams...not bad I guess..:)
so it should dry to about 29 grams..strange how every plant has been around the same weight...
scrog in my pc after this other Rocklock clone is done...she isn't getting too tall but I'm going to let this one go as long as I can...
I'll post pics tomorrow as all my batteries are charging..
thanks for convincing me to let her go longer...I just wanted space but 6 extra days didn't matter...
another thing is how many red hairs on the buds...
thanks again everyone and I'll be back tomorrow with pics as you requested...

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Thanks christoph'sbud:)..nice to hear from you bro:thank you:she was a sticky 1 for sure..
thanks lemonbud:wave:...without all of you guys/gals, I wouldn't know what the heck to do:)
HEY b00m!!!!!!!!!!thanks again bro:)
well, here's what she looked like...not as much pics because I didn't realize how sticky I was going to get and if I touched the camera anymore, it would still be stuck to my hand:)
There was only about 6 smaller buds( weighed 25 wet) the popcorn buds(7 wet) and the mama bud(78 wet) which totalled 110 grams...wet...dry maybe 29-32? who knows...sure was a blast to grow though and the little one is filling out nicely but I don't think will get too tall...

first I started getting rid of trace evidence:wave:


:groupwave::rtfo:love those smilies...


lots of crystals forming:)


this is as tall as she's going to get:)I think anyways..doesn't matter, she survived all of that so its a treat for me for sure..
hope you all stayed tuned for this girl because after this, its going to be a pc scrog with a side of TW!!!still have lots of those seeds and it is great in every way:)
input is very welcome as always friends....
thanks and look forward to hearing from you and seeing your threads


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Looking real good bro, nice to be running a semi-perpeputal grow hey bro?? Pity you couldn't get another clone off this one and do the same again bro. Waiting for ya to finish up your new cab and crank that. :biggrin:


Pirate & Cherokee Warrior for Freedom and Cannabis
That's great to hear BC. And I see kitty seems to like your work too.
appreciation on all fronts, silly cat.

wow man, that little one is looking great, maybe she will have a nice big fat cola just like her momma!



Active member
Great work once again BC, that main cola looks great. Amazing work to get that kind of bud off one plant in a PC case! The cat seems to like it as well, hehe. Are you planning on starting up some new strains in your new cab?? Or maybe use the PC as a "mothership" to take clones from and put it into your new flowering area?

Whatever you do, I will follow for sure. Inspiring work. :)

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Hey thanks b00m!! Yeah it is very cool indeed to have some sort of perpetual going..I just finished the door of my cab..was that a challenge!!Looks cool though..I put more pics in just now of that build..All I am waiting for is my 2 T5's..I want one red and 1 blue if possible alongside my 150hps..thats going to look sweeeet when I'm done!!
Thanks cheese!! The cat is insane but thats why I like it!!
Thanks Ghost!! Its totally hooked on those leaves though and there's none!!
thanks christoph'sbud!! the cola is filling out now as you'll see but the little thing isn't going to get too tall..its been under 12/12 since the spit and dirt incident!!
Thanks bloodlock!!it grew so tall that it really was a challenge but LOTS of fun!!I'm going to try to turn the pc into a mother/clone cab right after the scrog I want to do in it..great idea and thank you!!
here she is at some unknown day and time of bloom..never kept track:)

cute little thing:artist:

I'm going to let his 1 go as far as I can..the Mom was cut at day 50 but I'd like to kee
this alot longer..
So here she is! amazing she made it this far..
I did a smoke test of the big RockLock and it very nice, sticky and tastes like citrus..it was just some popcorn buds and the rest is curing..as of when I put the buds in containers, the weight was 33 grams but I think that will go down..
Thank you again for all the feedback and kind words..
I hope to have the cab up and running for tests in another week..maybe I can veg something till this 1 is done.......

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Thanks christoph'sbud!! I just finished the door and installed it...it is sooo stealth bro...My daughter came over and she was snooping around( as usual!!) and asked why she couldn't get in to the dresser!! you'd never know what I had inside which is what I want...I'm putting step by step pics of that too...
Thanks Fuzz420!! always nice to have you visit..I learn alot from you bro!!
Thank you too leeroy420...welcome to my thread...
its day something:chin: in bloom and she's looking on track...whatever that is:)


filling in and very shiny:tiphat:

looks like I'll get a nice cola outta her though:)

its still amazing that straight from mom, into the dirt, with nothing at all, and 12/12 to boot, has even made it this far!!
I am waiting patientlybecause I want to get started on my pc scrog:dance013:
seeing as it is a pc scrog, does anyone know what size the holes should be??
I know its 2 inces apart for bigger scrog's, but a pc?
thanks for the help everyone!!


Coming along nice BC. Kudos. If you can acquire regular or standard chicken wire (the type you can find at the Depot), that would work great for a PC scrog.. Keep up the great work!

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Thank you kidkannabis!! You are a wealth of information bro:)I've just picked up the chicken wire today!!
i think she's on her 4th week but who knows?:)What do you all think?
here are a few more pics for your viewing pleasure:tiphat:

there are even triches on the stems:)happy thing..

I raised her up seeing as she isn't growing taller and hasn't for quite awhile...its fun to watch this micro plant mature...watta ya think of the sock?guess I should have used something else but it was closest...lol...


this pic didn't turn out too well...

got the door on my cab last night...heavy as all can be but totally sound proof:thank you:

a shot of the inside..still have to wire everything up and still waiting on my t5's...:comfort:...I am mounting one t5 on the inside of the door and another directly across on the back wall..
I have 14-16 inches of height for the plant so scrog is all I can do...this was built around that idea anyways:)

this is the exhaust fan..90 cfm, quiet as anything and has cool green LED's when its running..green doesn't bother bud when its growing..checked it out first:)

so, love to hear any feedback...good or bad,its all good!!
thanks everyone
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jeez man! thats lookin amazing, i cant wait too see those lights up and running!

i got my first built cab up and running with one of the fans on 12v! its just 3cfl, but i think its pretty cool, alot more room in there.



Right on BC! This just gets better and better! That cab is gonna kick ass! And your plant looks wonderful!