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Bagseed x NYCD X Sensi Star

Dropped Cat

Six Gummi Bears and Some Scotch
Two males thunk x WR culled, two females confirmed,
one plant not showing sex, likely female, to be determined.

One of those males were vigorous with the male bits, smelly too.

The other male not so much, hollow stem too.

I need to choose the next seed pop soon,
there is space for more plants in veg after I take cuts from F2 03 02 x P1 plants.

Dropped Cat

Six Gummi Bears and Some Scotch
Ditched the living soil plants, not happy with the heavy care and maintenance.

I applaud those who grow in living soil, but my non climate controlled
grow is too tricky for my hands off approach.

Salts and coco for me, until I can grow climate controlled.

Dropped Cat

Six Gummi Bears and Some Scotch
Cuts taken of the F2 03 02 x P1 plants.

Rooted cuts of the BC 04 and thunk potted.

I potted some in living soil, to test a theory.

The recently culled soil plants had been transplanted from coco to soil,
and showed symptoms that I had not anticipated.

I want to test the theory that those transplants had
recovery issues from coco to soil.

We'll see.

Dropped Cat

Six Gummi Bears and Some Scotch
Soil plants culled, no time for that mess, lol.

The three thunk x WR in flower done stretch, some terps coming on.

Also the three BC 04 in flower doing well.

Cuts taken of the F2 03 02 x P1 plants, hot as hell, but I'll continue
with the program.

Dropped Cat

Six Gummi Bears and Some Scotch
The flower box:


The five F2 03 02 x P1 seed plants are in there, behind the budded plants,
they had been in veg a few weeks, their cuttings are in veg rooting, two cuts of each plant.

Also three thunk x WR, and three BC 04, their cuttings are potted in veg.

The flower box can fit twelve SOG type plants, so since some of them are topped,
there will be some crowding.

One of the thunk x WR buds:


There are three of this cross in flower, no cuts taken, just for stash at this point.

Dropped Cat

Six Gummi Bears and Some Scotch
Just culled all thunk x White Rhino plants.

My fault, as I vegged too long and dropped micro too late in flower.

The buds were so dense, mold took them all, if they were grown
properly, likely the best yielding crop ever in my grow.

An example of White Rhino overload in a cross,
I'll pop more seeds of the cross and pay closer attention.

Dropped Cat

Six Gummi Bears and Some Scotch
Popped those thunk x WR seeds, got tails and
potted in small cups of light soil mix to germinate.
hi friend, I still haven't had time to read everything in the topic. but I like to know that you have seeds from 1979. WOW! I thought it was really cool. I will read everything and find out more about your round.
I am running some brick seeds from Paraguay.

Dropped Cat

Six Gummi Bears and Some Scotch
hi friend, I still haven't had time to read everything in the topic. but I like to know that you have seeds from 1979. WOW! I thought it was really cool. I will read everything and find out more about your round.
I am running some brick seeds from Paraguay.

If you can germinate old seeds, keep them plants any way you can.

I culled the parent stock from the 1979 grow, sometimes I wish I kept them.

The F1's are safe and I use them in my project.

Dropped Cat

Six Gummi Bears and Some Scotch
Chopped the three BC 04 plants, just over 60 days from flip.

Maybe 15g dry, we'll see, better than nothing.

Still have a good selection of cured bud, some cobs too.

There are three F2 30 02 x P1 plants in flower, dropped micro.
They close to the lights, snipped some tips, reduced yield.

New thunk x WR seeds germinated in light soil mix.

Summer temps getting manageable, mid to upper 80's.

Dropped Cat

Six Gummi Bears and Some Scotch
Took cuttings of two BC 04 plants in veg, flipped them BC 04 plants,
they been in veg a few weeks, stout, healthy plants.

Pics when I get around to it.

A decent substitute for the lost F2 03 02 cultivar.

Glad to be back in the swing of things, hoping for the best.

Dropped Cat

Six Gummi Bears and Some Scotch
All the F2 03 02 x P1 plants smell like mixed berries.

One is more cherry, but together they are extraordinary.

Dropped micro a few days ago and noticed it right off.

Given the genetics in play, I’m figuring some keepers here.

It’s almost disgusting how sweet they are.

There are two cuttings of each of them F2 03 02 x P1 plants in veg.

I love it, lol.

Also, five of six thunk x WR popped, they will veg long enough to top twice,
to keep bud size to a minimum. Smaller buds equals less chance of mold.

Likely flip after the heat of summer is a memory, so they will do just fine.


Well-known member
Sorry if this is a daft question, but what does "dropped micro" mean? I did a quick search for it, but didnt turn up a definition. am guessing it is to do with changing feed regime?

Dropped Cat

Six Gummi Bears and Some Scotch
Sorry if this is a daft question, but what does "dropped micro" mean? I did a quick search for it, but didnt turn up a definition. am guessing it is to do with changing feed regime?

The coco gets General Hydroponics Micro and Bloom,
a liquid two part nute regiment.

The nutes are mixed in ratio, 6/9 parts by volume.

After a few weeks in flower, I omit the micro part
of the mix so the flowering plants are watered only
with the bloom nutes.

Commonly referred to as "dropping micro", as in the micro
portion of the ratio is left out.


Well-known member
Ah, thank you! I thought it was something like that :) So its the change from veg to flower nutrients. Please keep up the good work here - this thread is an education :D

Dropped Cat

Six Gummi Bears and Some Scotch
Ah, thank you! I thought it was something like that :) So its the change from veg to flower nutrients. Please keep up the good work here - this thread is an education :D

Thanks for the complement.

This thread's main purpose serves as a diary for my reference,
and those who find the posts, like yourself, informative,
are welcome to add to the discussion.

Stay tuned, update pics coming soon.

Dropped Cat

Six Gummi Bears and Some Scotch
Dry yield from the three plants BC 04 11g, less then I calculated,
but decent smoke jarred for next month use.

Two plants from the thunk x WR cross in flower, soon to chop.
I culled two because gnats ate their roots.

I ditched the bag of soil that gave me the gnats.

Damn organics.

I keep house plants as a cover for having plant supplies,
and thru negligence let gnats get around and infest my grow.

Rookie mistake I blame on lack of focus.


Well-known member
Gnats are the devil. I've never managed to totally eradicate them, but I now religiously pasteurise any incoming compost before it gets to the grow cupboard and alternate BTi with nematodes (plus yellow stickies, obvs), which has kept the numbers negligible. Interesting you mentioned house plants - they can be a serious reservoir of infection, so I normally use insecticide pins (permethrin?) in the pots. Wouldnt use systemic insecticide on my babies, but so long as I'm not ingesting the houseplants I figured that would be acceptable.

Good luck getting rid of them!

Dropped Cat

Six Gummi Bears and Some Scotch
Gnats are the devil. I've never managed to totally eradicate them, but I now religiously pasteurise any incoming compost before it gets to the grow cupboard and alternate BTi with nematodes (plus yellow stickies, obvs), which has kept the numbers negligible. Interesting you mentioned house plants - they can be a serious reservoir of infection, so I normally use insecticide pins (permethrin?) in the pots. Wouldnt use systemic insecticide on my babies, but so long as I'm not ingesting the houseplants I figured that would be acceptable.

Good luck getting rid of them!

As the weather cools into winter the gnats die off.
Also not potting in soil anymore, as I did a couple
to see if the cultivars showed terps that eluded my
coco grows.

You mention chemical insecticide for the house plant, I agree.

Don't smoke your house plants, yup, lol

Dropped Cat

Six Gummi Bears and Some Scotch
Chopped the two F2 03 02 x P1 plants, maybe 10g dried yield.

Smells like sweet berries, two plants, the 01, and 02 in the jar.

Kept the 01 and 02 as mums in veg.

The BC 04 also in the jar sweating, glad for the yield.

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