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AZ prop 203 to finally be implemented


Yes, unfortunately it looks like it's time for the dispensaries to start doing their thing. But there's always the chance of the feds or local cops stepping in and shutting them down, as we've seen happen time and time again over in california. So does anyone know what will happen if a dispensary opens, and then shuts down? Will patients in the area be legally able to cultivate once again, or will they have to wait until renewal time to regain authorization?


Yes, unfortunately it looks like it's time for the dispensaries to start doing their thing. But there's always the chance of the feds or local cops stepping in and shutting them down, as we've seen happen time and time again over in california. So does anyone know what will happen if a dispensary opens, and then shuts down? Will patients in the area be legally able to cultivate once again, or will they have to wait until renewal time to regain authorization?
if you have a card and grow rights then a dispensary opens, you still have your grow rights untill your card expires. if a dispensary is open when you get your card, you will not have grow rights until the law is changed. if all dispensaries around you for 25 miles are shut down, you can get your grow rights back as soon as there is not one within 25 miles


Active member
BIG News......

BIG News......


"Montgomery teamed up with state Attorney General Tom Horne's office to argue the federal preemption angle -- that is, Arizona couldn't possibly legalize or authorize the use of marijuana, because the federal government says marijuana is illegal.
Gordon rejected that argument, writing:
... in the final analysis, the Court finds that federal law does not preempt the AMMA. In so doing, the Court notes that Arizona, if it had wished to do so, could have fully decriminalized the possession, use and sale of marijuana under State law. In its wisdom, Arizona took a far narrower and deliberative course opting to allow only the chronically ill access to it and only after a licensed physician certified that it might well relieve its citizens of suffering."​
"The reason the Arizona law's not unconstitutional, as Montgomery and Horne had maintained, is because the feds are free to enforce federal law if they choose to. Arizona hasn't preempted the federal government from doing anything, in other words."


Every precedent counts. Now lets see the 25 Mile rule get tossed as a precedent and we'll go from there.
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Active member
Fuck the no grow zone, 1 of those opened disperseys is a stone throws away from a middle school so hoping it gets shut down soon, if not i wouldn't be surprised if some locals took the law into their own hands an bring a close to all dispensery as long as the no grow zones are in effect.... Az


Active member
An unexpected twist I don't think anyone saw coming:

In rural areas like where I live, in a small town, the reception of a proposed dispensary is met with little enthusiasm and instead with a good deal of hostility. The dispensary owners probably thought that owning the proposed site would help things go much smoother rather than dealing with a landlord. Being outside of the large towns like Payson, Prescott, or Flagstaff means that in many cases all they would need is to meet county regulations. Unincorporated areas seemed perfect.

All of the CHAA's (Community Health Analysis Areas) with one dispensary per area meant a big city group could fund another small dispensary, even if it didn't make much money, in order to have a second grow site that could supply the primary dispensary in the urban/city area.

The limitation of one grow site per dispensary is putting all your eggs in one basket. What if your particular grow fails for any number of reasons? You wouldn't have enough supply. You would be allowed to buy a certain percent of your weed from other dispensaries, but that's not economical in the long run. Conversely, what if you sell way more than you expected and cannot ramp up your grow site to supply enough herb? What if that site is too small and you need to move to a larger capacity site? You lose out on sales.

A dispensary has been proposed in my CHAA and the guys behind it discovered that the locals did not want it around. The next town beyond, which is incorporated, has issued a "no" statement and is changing their laws to exclude any such dispensary. Another town down the road, unincorporated, would probably be just as difficult, not to mention that it's not on a major highway and would generate very, very small sales. There's only a few 100 MM patients in the entire CHAA so a dispensary would need highway exposure. So for my CHAA it looks like nada or at least a long hunt for some location that will work.

If this negative reception becomes standard, or happens even 50% of the time for the rural, small towns and CHAAs, it looks like there will still be places that you can live and grow your own. Yay!! The city dispensaries will benefit most and become more popular and grow larger.

Hope you're all in touch with what's going down in your area. it would be nice to hear other feedback. Ole!!


MF Grimm

Good stuff, Madjag.

Also of note, you can still grow in the city if you are a caregiver and your patients are outside of the 25 mile zone.


I didn't get a chance to go into Globe on my last visit to the ranch, so I don't know how much progress the dispensary is making. I did look at the site that has been accepted as the grow site in Globe back when I was in town over the Christmas Holidays and it did not look like much had been accomplished at that time, although it did look like some preliminary work had begun. They are going to use an old parking area under an old building, an old Elks Club I think. It is semi-underground with a low ceiling height. There is ground level access to the area at one end. It sure seems like they are taking their sweet time to get the grow going. I know that if I had approval to grow and money tied up in the process, I would have had some plants growing way before Christmas. Time is money.


I signed a petition for a dispensary that is being held up by a use permit. I was told that the person whom could issue the permit was a Mormon and he refused to because it was federally illegal and the majority of the pop up there is Mormon.

paper thorn

Active member
There are about 7 to 10 dispensaries open right now, probably swallowing up about 90% of med patients. One opened up 24 .9 miles from me and i lost my 'grow authorization' when i went to renew.

maybe it's time to move to Colorado


Fuck the no grow zone, 1 of those opened disperseys is a stone throws away from a middle school so hoping it gets shut down soon, if not i wouldn't be surprised if some locals took the law into their own hands an bring a close to all dispensery as long as the no grow zones are in effect.... Az

Any business or corporation that has so many complaints against it will be forced to shut down right?

so why dont you just write out a petition and get some local signatures?

kal el

Shutting them down doesn't do anything. Once they open, the 25 mile rule goes into effect and stays that way even if dispensary closes.

MF Grimm

Shutting them down doesn't do anything. Once they open, the 25 mile rule goes into effect and stays that way even if dispensary closes.

No it doesn't.

Once a dispensary is closed, it's considered non operational, and if there are no others within 25 miles, you can begin to grow again.