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AZ prop 203 to finally be implemented

kal el

You can renew anytime and it adds a year to your normal exp date.
I know a few guys that renewed a couple months early and that's what happens.


Active member
kal el is correct. I thought the date changed but it doesn't. Your original date is your date from then on.

kal el

I wonder if that works if you dont renew before the exp date too?
If you went 2 months past, would you only be good for 10 months?


Active member
No. If you're delinquent and don't have all your materials and fees in before your renewal date, you start from scratch.


Well-known member
Thank you Madjag and Kal el for the quick answers. I'm sure a couple extra months are more than worth it for some.


what a lovely state........
PHOENIX — Maricopa County Attorney Bill Montgomery says operators of medical marijuana dispensaries that begin operating in the state's most populous county could face criminal prosecution.

Montgomery says he cannot ignore that possession, cultivation and sale of marijuana remain illegal under federal law.

And he says a recent legal opinion by Arizona Attorney General Tom Horne makes it clear that key portions of Arizona's medical marijuana law are pre-empted by federal law.

State officials on Tuesday picked 97 applicants to advance in the dispensary licensing process.

Montgomery says those involved with growing marijuana should stop and that his office would review for possible prosecution any cases brought to it by law enforcement.

(Story distributed by The Associated Press)


ICMag Donor
The Maricopa County Attorney should look at his disbarred predecessor. The folks running the state/counties need to be reminded they are employees of Arizona, and not the Federal government.
Strange how ELECTED officials go against the voters wishes, but seem to get reelected.

Problem for the anti-medical crowd comes from the fact that the Governor has flip flopped in the face of cashing in. Check out the appointment to Naturopathic Board. Took over as head of Board, told the members he has the ear of the Governor, present Head resigned. Connected to Governors husband. Controversy comes from this Naturopathic doctor advertising medical cards.:chin:

They are stretching it out..........two years since the vote......next election coming up........:tumbleweed:



AZ. blue nose bastas going afta our elected wishes

AZ. blue nose bastas going afta our elected wishes

From the top down, gov, attorney gen, county prosecutors,county sheriffs ....fuckn weird bastards!

put a box on their head with a plastic screen, and shot gun the little pukes silly.

Or pony them up to a set of HOT SPOONS and introduce them to a little AZOG KUSH! bud.

OR...... load up a couple a cup cakes with the kind, and blast them with bliss.

OR ....strip Jan down to the birthday suit and run her through the Ganja Forest. Only Republicans would be allowed to lick her clean.

I guess I will only be able to finish this in my dreams.

Peace out, grow to your wildest, be kind, don't greed.


paper thorn

Active member
Your right ez!
Fucked up state! 97 dispensaries opening soon. Well, some may have to build their own buildings before they can open, but some will be opening soon. Had semi positive story in the local paper recently too. I hope to contract with one to grow in a small corner of their cultivation center.

I think montgomery is full of shit, but he's going to be a dick about it. hopefully he gets voted out soon. time for me to vote for the dems here i guess.


Active member
Feds Announce another Nail in Medical Marijuana Dispensaries’ Coffin – RIP

Whole story concerning the recent about-face by a Colorado judge regarding an unpaid $40,000 debt between an grower and a dispensary company there:


Read about this ruling in relation to Arizona rulings:


All systems are now offically FUBAR. Let's hope total decrim in Colorado happens this November. It's on Colorado's ballot and approx. 60% of residents feel that it should be regulated and treated like alcohol and cigarettes for adult consumers in Colorado.


Active member
Gila County Attorney Daisy Flores won't prosecute Medical marijuana patients:

“Essentially, the issuance of the registry identification is not pre-empted, as it is not authorizing any violation of federal law,” Flores said. “Therefore, while we have decriminalized for Arizona law the offenses of possession, use, or cultivation of marijuana for someone who lawfully holds a registry identification card, state law is pre-empted by federal law and it is still a federal crime to cultivate, sell, dispense, possess or use marijuana.”

The Payson dispensary, whose owners are still confidential, will be able to dispense reefer without fear of prosecution by the county itself:



Active member
Arizona Medical-Marijuana Card Database Used Frequently by Cops and Employers

Arizona Medical-Marijuana Card Database Used Frequently by Cops and Employers

Phoenix New Times article:


Here's the most important aspect of these searches:

"No "fishing" is allowed. The database, which now contains info on about 40,000 patients and caregivers, can't be searched by inputting names or addresses. Only a registration card number can be submitted for verification."

Go to the article for a link to the database to see what agency and/or private companies are checking the database.


Active member
The White Mountain case is coming up this October 10th or so. It will be a precedent case on many levels concerning AZ medical law.

See you there.


Active member
Go here:


The American Civil Liberties Union is asking a judge to rebuff efforts by Attorney General Tom Horne to block state licensing of medical marijuana dispensaries.

In legal papers filed Thursday, attorneys for the group want Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Michael Gordon to rule that Arizona is constitutionally entitled to determine what it does and does not want to make a crime.

paper thorn

Active member
So, two dispensaries have been licensed by the state and can open any time they want. Arizona Organix in Glendale and a place down in Tucson.
Soon they should all start getting their final approval to open and the 25 mile clause in the law will start shutting down all the legal med grows. Well, most of them. Of course peeps will still have till card renewal time to keep the lights on.
The small collective I was growing for is down to just me and another. I thought plant count was going to make me over the limit, but thanks to a really nasty invasion of thrips and spider mites, I'm down to an entirely legal grow with just 24 plants between the two of us.
Finally getting a handle on them and am thinking about the future...
There will be no growing for me legally anymore in a few months when my card needs to be renewed. My only hope to legally keep my strains, will be to grow for a dispensary. The clubs are frequented by cops with med cards, so I avoid them. They tend to take a dim view of collectives acting like dispensaries. More like selling than sharing between patients they say.
The dispensaries will be able to sell legally, so they can't be shut down with that excuse. My local dispensary is not yet open, though I know the name of it and the names of the owners. I'd like to contact them, but that seems a bit creepy, like a stalker or something. Guess I'll just have to wait for it to open and see if there is going to be a chance of having a part in their grow. I only need a small corner off the warehouse. Most likely they will say fuck off.
I may need to move to Colorado just to keep a couple special strains alive...legally.:tumbleweed: