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Attention Ebb and Grow Professionals! PLEASE HELP


I apologize, I learned to read by memory. I don't know phonics so my brain skips words that are abbreviated like veg to 3 1/2 feet. I read really fast and sometimes miss the context of sentences with small words that I skip, less words for my brain to process... And then I got defensive and didn't go back and read the OP over again.........

To the OP man don't veg to that height! When I read that it was grow plants 3 1/2 feet that's why I said I have 5 footers...

You should veg max 2 foot! You will end up with 4 footers or so. I use lst to open up the plants. I snap branches to the outside to allow more light to penetrate in the middle of the plant.

My ocho hoods spread light to the outside so I have even less light penetration then if I would run my 1000 in the other hood I have. So Yes I am low on lumens. You must also understand that the plants in my ebb and gro only take up a 4'X8' area in the center of the room and the plants in pots take up a 4'X14' in the end of the room....

All those plants in my room are not the same age. The dirt plants are way older...

Once again I stand corrected...

Remember sometimes for some people it's not always about GPW and this new way to do this or that to get every last gram out of a plant... It's fucking fun and it takes me away to my rabbit hole where I don't need to be a pro like my real job... Peace and puffs


Thanks GS........I generally read and leave folks alone , but when I see bad info bein passed on for all to follow as gospel "because I`ve done it" posts along with misleading pics , I try ta be nice and educate folks accordingly.........

Mule didn`t take the time to realize I was only tryin ta help and chose to stand by his setup as being the way it`s supposed ta be done.........and still has yet to divulge veg time , but rather blow it off as fun so it shouldn`t matter how long it takes to get a plant to a certain height/maturity...........yeah right........Good luck with your fun dewd when the powerbill`s due..........

All I`m sayin is..........If you`re gonna tell somebody howta do somethin............Have enough runs under your belt to be qualified to do so............The weed forums are rampant with mis-information.......

Mule.........your setup might work for you the way it`s setup , but IMO........you needta build some walls and get ta flip floppin smaller rooms with more watts per sq ft for harvey`s every month or so with that sq ftg , but again........just tryin ta help.........

I`ve been around since dirt and have deleted my account here more than most that`ve joined.......Don`t mistake my post count for newbie status Bro...and again......I was only tryin ta help .........All the details matter in every setup..........period...... although I do stand by my original post of wanting to help and not call bullshit , but yas called me out..........



New member
Oh ps do you even grow weed? You have no pics... Just running your neck? Show me...
hahaha... see this every where dhf goes! master critic with out experience! lol

the fact that you are trying to help a grower out, even if your advice is not 100% correct. ( im not saying its not )
Your effort is honorable and you dont deserve the disrespect dhf loves to hand out!


New member
do you think 4 footers are the way to go if I went the vertical grow method
You should veg max 2 foot! You will end up with 4 footers or so. I use lst to open up the plants. I snap branches to the outside to allow more light to penetrate in the middle of the plant.


hahaha... see this every where dhf goes! master critic with out experience! lol

the fact that you are trying to help a grower out, even if your advice is not 100% correct. ( im not saying its not )
Your effort is honorable and you dont deserve the disrespect dhf loves to hand out!
Yeah..... which nick have yas switched to from being banned elsewhere ta hate on me givin solid advice...........

I don`t hand out disrespect....but......I refuse ta let bullshit be passed on as gospel..........That you Jro?.........smells like you.......

I`ll stay outta this thread and let the chips fall where they will with 4 ft plants.........LMAO........

Good luck and don`t take no wooden nickels..........

Yankee Grower

hahaha... see this every where dhf goes! master critic with out experience! lol
You're an idiot. DHF knows his shit and for sure ain't from books or forums.

mule, DHF is not running is mouth/neck. dont let the 'oct 09' thing fool you. hes being pretty cool NOT showing you the pics...


New member
I surely dont wanna dirty up this thread either, however....

dhf, i would love to get into with you anytime, been seeing your crap for far to long!
i will leave it to the pm system for that.

as far as wooden nickels... they came from your pocket's dhf, why not pickem up on your way out along with your childish remarks!

Yank, your clueless on who dhf is for real... so i will excuse your remark.

Good luck to the founder of this thread!


I surely dont wanna dirty up this thread either, however....

dhf, i would love to get into with you anytime, been seeing your crap for far to long!
i will leave it to the pm system for that.

as far as wooden nickels... they came from your pocket's dhf, why not pickem up on your way out along with your childish remarks!

Yank, your clueless on who dhf is for real... so i will excuse your remark.

Good luck to the founder of this thread!
Now I`m someone else ?........Oh wow..........Let`s go down the rabbit hole together in search of Alice.....

Been on the forums with the same name /nick for 15 yrs since the first Euro weedsites were invented...........Please ........

Let`s not go all Mel Gibson with the conspiracy theories ok ?........

I just offered some solid advice.......Ya`ll take care.....DHF...


Oh..........I forgot about the bullshit over a yr ago about I`m LEO.........

If I was , there`d be whole lotta muthafucka`s in jail I assure yas.........

Jro or one of your dick suckers.......I only give solid advice from where I`ve been and done......100% of everyfukinbody that`s taken said advice has grown and prospered so I`ve got a track record with 0 complaints , and mucho kudo`s 100 times over........

Seen too many good folks get popped in the last few yrs.......I assure ALL of yas it had nuthin ta do with me , but folks like Maxximus that actually COULD be said snitch wanna place blame to divert shit away from them..........

I`ve helped 1000`s increase their bottom line from caring over a lotta yrs and did so willingly with nothing but good fortune hoped for..............anyone that think`s I`ve had ulterior motives over the yrs can suck this.........I`ve been offered cuts and beans so many times I can`t count , but due to my paranoia , I`ve never accepted except from way less than what I can count on 1 hand in 15 yrs........Folks that know me will testify to that..........

This shit is exactly why I`ve deleted my account here many times.........Fuckit.........I ain`t leavin.......Fuck with me........Guaranteed you`ll come up short.........Just like helpin folks not make the mistakes I did over the yrs and that saves folks money.......

Sue me........I`m one of the good ones...........Fuck anybody that says different......





do you think 4 footers are the way to go if I went the vertical grow method

With vertical you could do 4 footers. That's why I added some side lights my hoods didn't penetrate down far enough. Just make sure and wear long sleeves and sunglasses when in the room. Peace and puffs

Yankee Grower

Yank, your clueless on who dhf is for real... so i will excuse your remark.
I dunno...I get it's the same DHF I've known on the forums for almost 5 years. I've seen him come and go. What struck me about your approach is a direct personal attack instead of responding to the actual info he posted. He's been helpful to me over the years. Can't remember what alias he knows me by.


With vertical bare bulbs hangin , yas could do 5 footer`s....

Did it for 8 yrs with Krusty buckets...There`s not much room to move without me already have been there and done that with hydro setups except for aero.......

I`ll leave ya`ll alone.......and Yankee Grower......Thanks Bro..........You know a class act when yas see 1..............

Good luck.....DHF......:ying:.........


I will explain this once... I do not need money in no way shape or form... I do this for FUN! And good smoke! My electric bill means fuck all, I have 3 phase coming in I pay less...

I grow for me and five friends all cripples like me and all elder like me... We have a BBQ when we harvest and trim, we are family... I bring in help to trim and pay $20 an hour and food. I may indeed have some popcorn buds I care less I have one friend who wont smoke so canna oil, butter. But it's known that she gets one plant that is hers for free. 80% of my peeps are on disability so how can I with a clear conscious profit off these people??? We are a pay what you can operation. Why does weed always haft to be about money???

Yankee Grower

and Yankee Grower......Thanks Bro..........You know a class act when yas see 1..............
No problem bro. I remember when I hit the forums years back after starting hydro you were one of the first to help me...then there was Immortal Outlaw Jack...crazy mofo! Looked at your info here and I don't have any problem with it and don't know what peeps are bitchin about. It's that Greyskull hack you gotta watch out for though...LOL. I totally agree with him about the pruning thing.

I never ran vertical but pretty soon learned to keep my canopy trained flat and clean out all the crap underneath. I never liked to get the buds too far from the lights. I see some run tall plants but intensity drops off very fast.

Always good to see you pop in now and then :tiphat:. Mighta been Redux you knew me by.


Explain how you do things till you`re blue in the face since you`re only gonna say this once LMAO.......but.......Don`t tell folks howta do shit and then hide how you do it cuz you opened mouth and inserted foot......

There`s a formula for grams per watt versus time spent ta get it ok ?.......

It ain`t rocket science , but it is a way of knowin how yas do at the end of cycle , so yas can try to improve each run.........

Regardless of you paintin and pissin , givin excuses bout your circumstances , and the cripples you take care of , which btw is just wrong ta mention....Whadda they haveta do with your technique other than pullin the pity card........

Just because you`re independently wealthy, doesn`t mean you haveta push it on us as the way ta do things........

Rule # 1.......Don`t tell folks howta do shit when in fact you`re still learnin.......

Again...no disrespect.........but....bullshit spewed for ego`s sake is still bullshit.........I knew how old your plants were within reason when I saw the pics because of how long I`ve been doing this............trying to sidestep and skirt the issue just made it worse.....

BTW........Redux is way old stock and has been round many yrs.....He deserves respect as well IMO...........Been wonderin what happened to yas Bro.........Hope all`s been well with you and yours........

I`m at my beach house stealin wifi from my neighbors but my shit`s paid for..........Grilled snapper and shrimp with cheese grits and cole slaw fer supper as we speak......ya`ll come........



Explain how you do things till you`re blue in the face since you`re only gonna say this once LMAO.......but.......Don`t tell folks howta do shit and then hide how you do it cuz you opened mouth and inserted foot......

There`s a formula for grams per watt versus time spent ta get it ok ?.......

It ain`t rocket science , but it is a way of knowin how yas do at the end of cycle , so yas can try to improve each run.........

Regardless of you paintin and pissin , givin excuses bout your circumstances , and the cripples you take care of........Don`t tell folks howta do shit when in fact you`re still learnin.......

Again...no disrespect.........but.......


Learn how to spell, it might help get your point across with me... I give fuck all about grams per watt... And learning I was also growing colas as big as your neck 28 years ago... You said you were getting the fuck out of this thread so GTFO>>>>> I didn't see all you pro swinging dicks helping the poor dude out.... You the only motherfucker that can give advice now???

As I said, if you respond, use spell check because I skip half the nonsense you write as words... Peace and puffs

EDIT btw I can tell you sling for a living... Good times good times...

Yankee Grower

I didn't see all you pro swinging dicks helping the poor dude out....
Seems like all the basics were covered and questions answered so far except for below and for sure I ain't a pro.

Do you need separate buckets for veg and flowering?
You'll be running the entire cycle in the same set and just switching the nutes and lighting cycle going from veg to flower.

DHF didn't throw this thread out of whack IMO.


New member
yeah I figure that you use one bucket throughout. I still a lil confused on how to flush... but thanks everyone for their input all constructive info is appreciated. I have little experience, so any kind of input is helpful at this point. I have 2 trays under 2K lights running beautiful (about 3.5 ft tall) and the buds are looking thick after only 2 weeks. The bucket syste/vertical grow roo is next...I= excited!!!

pictures on there way soon!