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Are you Chasing CBD??

Huel Perkins

Did some more lab testing a couple weeks back from my most recent harvest. Hit a new personal best with my Cannatonic - Perkin's cut. Also tested ValentineX which is Nate Morris's clone only CBD cut, pretty disappointing with this one...

Cannatonic - Perkin's cut = 0.87% THC - 17.07% CBD - 19.65% Total Cannabinoids

ValentineX = 0.28% THC - 4.39% CBD - 5.14% Total Cannabinoids


I Had THE Cut of ECSD
Talk about a super-low CBD cut of cannabis. Ouch!
I would take a big huge bong rip and have instant memory loss. Looking for lighters in hands, hats that are on heads, sunglasses on face... that type of stuff.

No big surprise that I lost the cut through a mis-labeling incident... Right? :dunno:

Keep it Clean! :D

Holly sh*t batman you lost the ECSD.... OMG


New member
Been having great energy and health with Pennywise! Great ratio tested at 7.6% THC and 11.25% CBD. This pheno also had a nice CBG bonus of 1.8% Seed strain, easy to get online now. I am also seeing many cuts of AC/DC and Valentines available online to Cali, WA and CO residents/patients...............go get em!....Enjoy :)


unfortunately for the last 50 years "farmers" have selectively bread away from high CBD strains

it's amazing to see what basically hemp does for med patients, bet it scares the fuck out of big Pharma, since now everyone knows you don't need a big fancy lab to make real meds, just some dirt, some sun, bit o water, and loving care.

and isn't it great that we can have our meds any way we like em really? from pain reliving sleep inducing to mind racing walk inducing, and anywhere in between, with a rianbow of flavors/colors/names

the biggest thing big pharma has with pot, anyone can grow it, it really fucks up their system of being the only one with it

so grow your own, be the change, etc
CBD Crew Critical Mass is a pretty nice strain, a friend of mine grew it from seed last year. I forget how many he popped but they all appeared to be the same, very little phenotypical variance. They grew bushy like a typical indica but had narrow leaves for an indica. He never get them tested but it smokes like its a 1:1 ratio. The smell/flavor is just all sweetness and no funk, but for some reason it leaves a salty kind of taste in my mouth after i burn a spliff.

Perhaps no flush? if it was organically grown though i have no idea...


New member
I believe the Cannatonic THC/CBD rates seen are from a trihybrid cross. Reported appearance rates and ratios fit the requirements for one. In the photo is the punnet square cross showing this. Of course, only allele markers genotyping will prove this.



New member
Pure Analytics states that the CBD strains are based on a double recessive gene but I still believe that phenotype representation and stabilization efforts reveal a triple recessive gene system. Its the only scientific explanation I can figure out for the ultra rare occasion of reported 20% CBD seeds from the starting genes that still allows for the reported 3 generation stabilization needed.

There are only two ways to reveal the truth:
1) grow out a vary large number of plants from the original Cannatonic genetics and determine more exact THC/CBD rate ratios,
2) do genetic marker testing to identify for certain which genes are creating the observed CBD increases.

The Spread of Ultra High-CBD Cannabis
JANUARY 29, 2013
Increasing interest in CBD-rich cannabis driven by preliminary research suggesting its efficacy and mounting anecdotal evidence has led patients to seek cannabis with known ratios of CBD to THC with the highest possible total CBD levels.

Driving the search have been patients whose serious medical problems —Parkinson’s, ALS, Autism, Epilepsy, Cancer, MS, various inflammatory conditions, and others— have not been amenable to conventional treatments.

Through our work at Pure Analytics Lab, we have developed a body of information illustrating phenotypic and thus genotypic relationships and distributions of the various desired CBD:THC ratios across multiple generations of CBD-rich varieties. Of special interest to patients are strains with CBD:THC ratios of 1:1, 2:1, and 20:1. These observations can hopefully aid the progression of the development of even more Ultra High-CBD cannabis, UH-CBD.

Through 2011, all known commercially available CBD-rich cannabis seed —Cannatonic, Sour Tsunami, et al—produced CBD-rich seedlings at a rate of 25%. Meaning 3 out of 4 seeds produced THC-dominant seedlings. As of 2012, some commercially available seeds have been demonstrated to produce CBD-rich plants at a rate of 50%. These include the Harle-Tsu and Canna-Tsu from Southern Humboldt Seed Collective .

In 2010 the breeding of 2:1 CBD:THC plants with a THC-dominant parent resulted in a few seed populations with a reliable occurrence of 25% CBD-rich seeds. Among the CBD-dominant seedlings, a mix of both 2:1 and 1:1 CBD:THC ratios were consistently observed in multiple varieties. These ratios were first identified in the seedlings and then confirmed through repeat analysis of the final flowers. In 2011 came reports —validated by lab tests— of plants containing twenty times more CBD than THC. The unique find was termed “ACDC” by those who possessed isolated female plants. This ACDC strain, also known as C-6, consistently exhibited 16-20% CBD and 0.5-1% THC by weight. This “ACDC” cultivar was later identified as a variant of Cannatonic, a strain distributed by Resin Seed Co. of Spain then in its second generation of breeding development.

CBD:THC ratios are apparent through lab testing within two weeks of emergence of the seedling from the surface of the soil.

In 2012, through our vegetative stage testing program, Pure Analytics recorded the distribution of cannabinoid ratios from the cross of 2:1 CBD:THC parents. Seedlings grown from seed stock with a 25% frequency of CBD-dominant phenotypes from different varietals were germinated by independent breeding groups and grown to adequate size for sampling and testing to verify CBD:THC ratios during the vegetative stage.

Seedlings containing 2:1 CBD:THC in the highest levels were isolated from other plants by the growers and allowed to mature until adult flowers were present for breeding and thus seed development. Pollen from 2:1 CBD:THC males was used to pollinate 2:1 females.

Approximately 25% of the resulting seeds (n=40) developed a cannabinoid ratio nearing 20:1 CBD:THC. ~25% were observed to be THC-dominant; the remaining ~50% were observed to have a cannabinoid ratio of 2:1 CBD:THC. None of the seedlings in this most recent test population were found to have a cannabinoid ratio of 1:1 CBD:THC.

All vegetative stage identifications were followed with confirmation analysis of the final flowering product from the plant to verify cannabinoid ratios. All results comparing vegetative and flowering cannabinoid ratios were consistent.

Growers can take a strategic, directed approach predicting and isolating desired ratios.

The basic observations of the frequency of THC versus CBD phenotypes in the various generations of the seed populations examined are consistent with the basic genetic model for THC and CBD as it is currently understood with the 20:1 CBD:THC plant representative of the double-recessive condition. It has now been demonstrated in multiple varieties that this pattern of the distribution of phenotypes occurs with regularity. Understanding the resulting ratios and potential cannabinoid levels from the various generations of in-breeding can assist the skilled grower/breeder in rapidly developing and isolating the desired ratios within them in a more effective and rapid manner.

The increased availability of cannabis varieties with varying ratios of CBD:THC and ultra-rich in CBD gives a measure of hope to many patients seeking a therapeutic alternative for chronic and difficult to treat conditions.


it depends on the ratios of the parents for sure.

A dihybrid cross would yield phenotypes in the 9:3:3:1 ratios.

I've also seen a mixed ratio plant crossed with a very high cbd ratio plant and the offspring seem to be in the same dihybrid ratios except they all have the cbd gene, but very few are the double recessive "pure" plants


Active member
Been having great energy and health with Pennywise! Great ratio tested at 7.6% THC and 11.25% CBD. This pheno also had a nice CBG bonus of 1.8% Seed strain, easy to get online now. I am also seeing many cuts of AC/DC and Valentines available online to Cali, WA and CO residents/patients...............go get em!....Enjoy :)
I am in Ca and have a couple cuts of AC/DC , Canna-tsu and just
Got Harlequin, I have seeds of Cannatoinc.
About to try the AC/DC in a couple weeks and see
How she is.: it has a nice sour sent to her.. I hope it's
All it claims to be


Well-known member
So what would the results be if you cross 20:1 CBD plants with 20:1 THC plants? What are the ratios in the progeny? And the expression?


Señor Member
I don't know if there is an answer to this dumb question, but here it goes: Does anyone think that the strains that people frequently refer to as being "weak" or "clear-headed" are possibly high-CBD strains? The reason I ask is that I have a very clear-headed strain that does wonders for me medicinally, but I would hardly consider it worthy of recreational use, and I've seen threads and reports about it on the web where people state how let down they were, and how weak the strain is, and so forth... meanwhile, I'm sitting here thinking, "Really?! That's my most effective medicine that keeps me from getting manic."

I wonder if I should ever get a sample tested, to see what the ratios are. Maybe if I ever have money burning a hole in my pocket, I guess...


So what would the results be if you cross 20:1 CBD plants with 20:1 THC plants? What are the ratios in the progeny? And the expression?

20:1 to 20:1 will produce more of the same, the levels of thc may fluctuate a bit depending how much thc was in the parents.
The expression will tell you if your working on a hybrid line or an inbred line.


New member
So what would the results be if you cross 20:1 CBD plants with 20:1 THC plants? What are the ratios in the progeny? And the expression?

If we assume that 20:1 THC is AA and 20:1 CBD is aa and that A (THC) is dominant over a (CBD) then your ratios would look like this:
AaAa: 100 % (20:1 THC)

It would maintain the 20:1 THC ratio in the F1 generation. Breeding any of the F1 generation with other F1 generations would result in the whole range of ratios:
AAAA: 56.3 % (20:1 THC)
AAaa: 37.6 % (1:1 THC)
aaaa: 6.3 % (1:20 THC)

(and variants in between if there is a 3rd allele involved).


New member
I don't know if there is an answer to this dumb question, but here it goes: Does anyone think that the strains that people frequently refer to as being "weak" or "clear-headed" are possibly high-CBD strains? The reason I ask is that I have a very clear-headed strain that does wonders for me medicinally, but I would hardly consider it worthy of recreational use, and I've seen threads and reports about it on the web where people state how let down they were, and how weak the strain is, and so forth... meanwhile, I'm sitting here thinking, "Really?! That's my most effective medicine that keeps me from getting manic."

I wonder if I should ever get a sample tested, to see what the ratios are. Maybe if I ever have money burning a hole in my pocket, I guess...

Chances are high that those strains are either high CBD strains or they are high Linalool strains, another terpene shown to mediate "manic" or "anxiety", probably both.


Señor Member
Chances are high that those strains are either high CBD strains or they are high Linalool strains, another terpene shown to mediate "manic" or "anxiety", probably both.

Thanks man. I've never heard of linalool before now, so I went and looked it up on Wikipedia. Found this very interesting:

Stress relief in rodents

Akio Nakamura together with colleagues from the University of Tokyo and T. Hasegawa Co., Ltd in Kawasaki, Japan, claim to have demonstrated that inhaling linalool can reduce stress in lab rats. In a study published in The Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry,[3] they exposed the animals to stressful conditions and found that those inhaling linalool saw their stress-elevated levels of neutrophils and lymphocytes fall to near-normal levels compared with the controls. Inhaling linalool also reduced the activity of more than 100 genes that "go into overdrive" in stressful situations. The findings could form the basis of new blood tests for identifying fragrances that can soothe stress, the researchers claim.



If we assume that 20:1 THC is AA and 20:1 CBD is aa and that A (THC) is dominant over a (CBD) then your ratios would look like this:
AaAa: 100 % (20:1 THC)

It would maintain the 20:1 THC ratio in the F1 generation. Breeding any of the F1 generation with other F1 generations would result in the whole range of ratios:
AAAA: 56.3 % (20:1 THC)
AAaa: 37.6 % (1:1 THC)
aaaa: 6.3 % (1:20 THC)

(and variants in between if there is a 3rd allele involved).

a 20:1 or "pure" cbd plants crossed with a pure 20:1 thc plant will give you mixed ratio thc/cbd offspring.
Bd/Bd x Bt/Bt the 20:1 would Bd/Bd x Bd/Bd for a cbd cross in the f2 if it was a 20:1 f1