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are you a "conspiracy theorist"?

are you a "conspiracy theorist"?

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Active member
“People are ‘awakening’ to the fact that something is radically wrong with our collective civilization, but to understand what is going on and why, we need to see it all — everything — the whole picture, including how and why things ever got this distorted in the first place.

“The short answer is Mankind has been programmed to be programmed, and throughout our collective history there are those who have always known this fact and have known exactly how to do it on a massive scale. To illustrate the point, ask yourself how any mother or father could send his or her son off to war to be possibly killed or maimed for life if he or she knew that the war was deliberately planned and orchestrated to serve and benefit a privileged few?”


^^ great starting point article


Kiss My Ring
how many others voted and didn't like the term?
...or how many voted and then changed your views?

the poll was ill constructed to reflect the OP and inflamed some to incite. my bad.

...should have queried for seekers of truth.


Active member
^^ truly important thread imo. this is very important stuff. thanks to the moderators for allowing thread to continue.

no political posts! nothing gubmint this gubmint that if we can help it. :)


Well-known member
trichrider, this is a good thread. It's more about truth than theory in my opinion. The title draws in people from all levels of consciousness to expand the collective consciousness.


Active member
^ cognitive dissonance. programmed to knee jerk 'cause anything outside the programming is programmed to be taken as "loony tunes".
Right. All of "us" are programmed except you. You are the "enlightened" one. Too bad the rest of us are asleep at the wheel. And James Earl Ray, the man who actually killed MLK, was caught, and confessed to it, could not have actually done it, because then it would not have been a government conspiracy, and we all know that's just not possible. And if you post the same thing over & over & over, it must be true. Too funny!


Andinismo Hierbatero
the main problem with conspiracy theories is that you never know when the truth ends and fantasy begins.

the 9/11 case is a good example: we know a building that was not hit collapsed, why and how did that happen?

then, trying to explain that, you'll run into fantastic claims that have nothing to do with the matter in question, like: "did you know no Jewish died on the attacks?" or "those airplanes were just cgi and all eye witnesses lied about seeing them".

this happens in every single conspiracy theory, where the main "culprits" always end up being reptilian aliens disguised as humans, who are the ones who actually control the governments etc...

if conspiracy theorists would not underestimate our own human capacity for foulness and corruption, they'd not need to always opt to use the same old scapegoats, many times fueling racism and hate, doing exactly what they accuse the "illuminati" or mossad of doing: divide and conquer.

you see it all over their chosen demagogic dialectics: sheeple, slaves, etc...

I like to read conspiracy theories, sometimes you do see many make sense, until they go off into unfounded fantasy and start blaming a whole ethnic group over something...

now in Venezuela, the official story is that all the chaos is the fault of White Oligarcs who are being funded by White North Americans and White Para-military Colombians to topple the "revolution" of the enlightened faultless innocent Castro-Cuban ideologies.

people shoot videos of the national guard using tanks and speakers in civilian neighborhoods to repress and scare the population, then on tv the government says it was not the national guard but Israeli comando units wishing to destroy their honorable reputation.

until when will it be effective to use the same old racist arguments in order to avoid responsability for your corruption?


3rd-Eye Jedi
thats because they put spin on reported truths and the people who report them to keep everyone polarized

there are ways to disseminate truth from this however just takes alot of work which is why it so effective

most people aren't that motivated

Sativa Indica

New member
No. I dont believe in shape shifting lizards, all conquering rich families or what ever you wanna believe to explain this world.

for me there is no conspiracy, just a social-political system that encourages greed and selfishness under the guise of liberty and competition. the result of having a nasty system is that scumbags can benefit quite well. those scumbags then come together to try and make more money, but really they will back stab each other as they would us.

i think its easier to blame bankers, bilderbergs, even jews for "controling" the past 500 years RATHER than realising everything about your way of life comes from generations of oppression, atrocities and straight murder, and in fact WE all contribute to this horrific tragedy that has become Human civilization.

I say look in the mirror before you start accusing bankers or bilderbergs for controlling everything


once you realize that many govs around the world have set up cyber commands with thousands working for them, some of these guys are there with special programs that allow them to be 10 users at once, each user looking authentic, they then wade in and keep the flow of discussion in comments sections and facefook etc flowing a certain way. many many nations are doing this. so basically you can not really trust anything anyone says in those discussions, they are just there to make you afraid to have and hold a differing opinion. it's a very powerful thing to think your ideas or opinions are not shared by anyone, most people will change their opinions to suit those around them. sadly with the way the internet is manipulated you just can't know when you are talking to 10 sock puppets or 10 real people. so i say to myself trust your instinct, look and make your own call. don't fall for the propaganda, thats on either side, look at all the info you can and always be ready to change your mind if new facts present themselves.
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Active member
I've actually decided both sides are crap. The "theories" usually prove just as wrong, misguided, and far-fetched usually as all the lies, misdirections, and bullshit as the reports of those events that those "theories" spring from.

Storm Shadow

Well-known member
Ukraine says it all..... if you put the pieces of the puzzle together... you can start to see what everyone else is seeing.... TRUTH
So just for facts sake.... Syria was going to be the home of a Multi-Billion dollar Natural Gas Pipeline that was going to feed all of Europe and put a ton of pressure on Russia's control of Natural Gas to Europe...
We all know how that didn't work out...guess what?? Ukraine Baby...go check out these facts and see for yourself

Money MOney MOney moneyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Vlad the Man is about to show some corrupt powerful people what time it is for real this round...


Andinismo Hierbatero
once you realize that many govs around the world have set up cyber commands with thousands working for them, some of these guys are there with special programs that allow them to be 10 users at once, each user looking authentic, they then wade in and keep the flow of discussion in comments sections and facefook etc flowing a certain way. the Chinese are doing it the Israelis, the Brits, the US and many middle eastern nations to some extent. so basically you can not really trust anything anyone says in those discussions, they are just there to make you afraid to have and hold a differing opinion. it's a very powerful thing to think your ideas or opinions are not shred by anyone, most people will change their opinions to suit those around them. sadly with the way the internet is manipulated you just can't know when you are talking to 10 sock puppets or 10 real people. so i say to myself trust your instinct, look and make your own call. don't fall for the propaganda, thats on either side, look at all the info you can and always be ready to change your mind if new facts present themselves.

How come I am not surprised to see yet again another unfounded claim about what Israelis do...

I give up with these threads, once again lol maybe in a few months I'll make the same mistake of taking a peek and putting my two cents.



sorry it's self admitted, they run a volunteer program as well as a paid program to recruit students to this purpose.

but they are no exception, just do a search and you'll see it's admitted.

was not singling them out at all though, the US started the practice. it's been covered in the main stream media too.

Storm Shadow

Well-known member
How come I am not surprised to see yet again another unfounded claim about what Israelis do...

I give up with these threads, once again lol maybe in a few months I'll make the same mistake of taking a peek and putting my two cents.


He's telling the truth and didn't zero out anyone...

Look this up my South American Counterpart :tiphat:

Hasbara Agents


Andinismo Hierbatero
He's telling the truth and didn't zero out anyone...

Look this up my South American Counterpart :tiphat:

Hasbara Agents

Hasbara and what gauis is talking about are two very different things.

Don't confuse the issue.

Anyway, I really want to stay out of this thread.

Be good.


I love my life
once you realize that many govs around the world have set up cyber commands with thousands working for them, some of these guys are there with special programs that allow them to be 10 users at once, each user looking authentic, they then wade in and keep the flow of discussion in comments sections and facefook etc flowing a certain way. many many nations are doing this. so basically you can not really trust anything anyone says in those discussions, they are just there to make you afraid to have and hold a differing opinion. it's a very powerful thing to think your ideas or opinions are not shared by anyone, most people will change their opinions to suit those around them. sadly with the way the internet is manipulated you just can't know when you are talking to 10 sock puppets or 10 real people. so i say to myself trust your instinct, look and make your own call. don't fall for the propaganda, thats on either side, look at all the info you can and always be ready to change your mind if new facts present themselves.

I suspect that they operate in that way on this site also. Where is Thomas Paine anyway?



Andinismo Hierbatero
sorry it's self admitted, they run a volunteer program as well as a paid program to recruit students to this purpose.

but they are no exception, just do a search and you'll see it's admitted.

was not singling them out at all though, the US started the practice. it's been covered in the main stream media too.


The volunteer program is to present the point of view from the Israeli side, not to try to manipulate people using socket accounts .

shit, until recently, the IDF did not even have an internet presence, and all u could find in english sbout IDF missions was info from non friendly sources.

I am really out this time...


this is not what i was trying to say, you completely miss the point if you saw my post like that. i'm saying that it's the new modus operandi for modern day states to promote their message and belittle and ridicule their opponents. the internet is used to steer what people are supposed to see as being true or politically correct. so it seems to me vary hard to know what is propaganda from one side or another and what is actually truth. this was actually one of Snowdens latest leaks, they have found a way to stop the internet being truly free and democratic, it's no longer 1 man 1 voice, its 1 agent equals 10 voices all promoting the gov line. they are given handbooks about strategies to win internet arguments, by using all kinds of dirty tricks and even what they call false flag operations. in fact i'm surprised no one posted it on the Snowden thread yet.
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