Old thread...
I literally take a nug between my thumb and first two fingers, press gently and then move my fingers sideways. I end up with a pile of frosty bits of flower and it is simple to remove the single stem. This is because of a variable referred to as 'frangibility.'
I still fully believe it is unhealthy to use an aluminum grinder. Does it show wear on the posts? If the answer is yes then the post material is in your cannabis and will not be so healthy. Be smart, say no to inhaling heated aluminum.
I literally take a nug between my thumb and first two fingers, press gently and then move my fingers sideways. I end up with a pile of frosty bits of flower and it is simple to remove the single stem. This is because of a variable referred to as 'frangibility.'
I still fully believe it is unhealthy to use an aluminum grinder. Does it show wear on the posts? If the answer is yes then the post material is in your cannabis and will not be so healthy. Be smart, say no to inhaling heated aluminum.