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Arctic Cookies STS Reversal Attempt #2


Well-known member
This will be my 2nd attempt at reversing an Arctic Cookies (Alien Rock Candy x Cookies and Cream). The first time I used Sebring's method. I got balls but no pollen. I even ground up the pods and sprinkled the dust over the buds. So I chopped all those and started again. The first time was in my recycled soil. This time is in coco with GH Flora. I'm new using coco and GH but it's going pretty well.

Method I first followed. I did spray daily for awhile though so that might have caused the no pollen thing. I don't know.

1st attempt about 5 1/2 weeks since flip. The females are all 2 weeks behind. I waited another week and a half before I chopped and started over. Females trying to pollinate are GG4, Love Affair (Alien Rock Candy x GG4), and Arctic Cookies.





Well-known member
So here's the new batch of 4 at day 12 since flip. This time they were all flipped at the same time. The reversal attempt was sprayed one week before flip, at flip, and one week later.





Well-known member
I'm trying to increase my odds so here are some backups. There are 5 plants total. I let a couple get too dry before watering again as they were recovering from the spray and they got a little burnt. This is a tiny 16" x 16" tent so they're small and crammed.



Well-known member
The first backup was sprayed with 1:2 dilution at flip. Then I accidentally made a 1:1 dilution for its second spray. Here's 18 days since flip.

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Well-known member
There are 2 plants in this pot so this is backup 2 and 3. Sprayed at flip with the accidental 1:1 dilution and then again a week later with 1:2 dilution. 11 days since flip.



Well-known member
This one also has 2 plants in one pot so that's backup 4 and 5. I've sprayed these once at flip with 1:2 dilution so there's not much to see yet. Plus the pic kinda sucks. 6 days since flip.



Well-known member
This is the ratio I use and I've had a 100% success rate in getting feminized pollen using STS since I've been using it.

Part A: .1 gram silver nitrate 100ml distilled water
Part B: .5 grams sodium thiosulfate 100ml distilled water

Add A to B while stirring then add that to 800ml distilled water.

That will give you 1 liter of solution.

Those crystal things are odd. Never seen anything like that. Have you been spraying since the male flowers developed?


Well-known member
This is the ratio I use and I've had a 100% success rate in getting feminized pollen using STS since I've been using it.

Part A: .1 gram silver nitrate 100ml distilled water
Part B: .5 grams sodium thiosulfate 100ml distilled water

Add A to B while stirring then add that to 800ml distilled water.

That will give you 1 liter of solution.

Those crystal things are odd. Never seen anything like that. Have you been spraying since the male flowers developed?
Thanks for that. If I don't get any this time I'll try your method next time. I sprayed that plant 1 week before flip, at flip, and a week later. No more than that. I think they're trichs. This strain has the most trichs I think I've ever seen. So that's my guess. I would be happy if it's pollen though.


Well-known member
I didn't put a zero when I should have. Those are not trichs. I don't know what they are. I've never seen anything like that.

Part A: 0.1 gram silver nitrate 100ml distilled water
Part B: 0.5 grams sodium thiosulfate 100ml distilled water


ICMag Donor
It's been 4 1/2 weeks since flip. I took some shots of some sacks. Does this look like there's any pollen? Hey @ojd what do you think. Are those round things trichs or is that pollen?

View attachment 19057395
No I don't think so bro , unless youe getting clouds of pollen when you crunch those dry pods with you fingers your completely wasting your time.
It looks like a no show pollen and either a few tiny grains of pollen or Trichs, either way not enough to do anything unfortunately.

Most strains I Reverse and use for Feminized projects produce plenty of pollen it's just 50-70 % sterile , so I'm repeatedly pollinating until I see it's show signs it's been pollinated until time runs out.
If your getting a few grains that only good for a few seeds If your lucky and a waste of your time.


Well-known member
I honestly think this is beyond interesting, and the fact it doesn't reverse (if it won't) would make it a very cool discovery. I've found fucking with the light schedule either accidentally or trying to reveg, going from 12/12 to 24, back to 12/12 (such as leaving a timer set to outlet accidentally while in flower ) causes pollen sacks to form on females. If you stress test that female, and she still doesn't produce pollen you may have one solid female for male female breeding. I don't know how dedicated you are to preserving this strain, but, she seems atleast to me a true keeper. I know you're searching to make fem seeds, but beyond that you may have stumbled upon a breeding base for multiple strain lineages if you find a male that has traits you like :)

Just my two cents!


Well-known member
I honestly think this is beyond interesting, and the fact it doesn't reverse (if it won't) would make it a very cool discovery. I've found fucking with the light schedule either accidentally or trying to reveg, going from 12/12 to 24, back to 12/12 (such as leaving a timer set to outlet accidentally while in flower ) causes pollen sacks to form on females. If you stress test that female, and she still doesn't produce pollen you may have one solid female for male female breeding. I don't know how dedicated you are to preserving this strain, but, she seems atleast to me a true keeper. I know you're searching to make fem seeds, but beyond that you may have stumbled upon a breeding base for multiple strain lineages if you find a male that has traits you like :)

Just my two cents!
I think this stuff is pretty interesting too. I'm not going to give up even if it doesn't work this time. I'm determined now. :)

We're going on vacation after this round is done. But if I can keep them alive I'll try to reverse a GG4 next. If I could get some pollen out of a GG4 I could pollinate an Arctic Cookies.


Well-known member
Well I've been drying and sprinkling the crushed pods on them for a couple weeks now. I've been doing it with pods from multiple plants so hopefully I'll get some seeds out of this. I've been feeling what feels like pollen between my fingers while crushing the pods. Looks like pollen too in one of the trays I've been using. Hopefully it's fertile.

The LA plant that takes the longest to grow just started showing lots of brown pistils all of a sudden on the main branch I sprinkled it on so I'm feeling halfway positive. I have 7 weeks before I go on vacation so that's how long I've got left for these girls to have some babies. I plan to just chop and hang them the day before I leave.

I don't plan on smoking any of the buds since I've been sprinkling this stuff on them. Kind of a shame since they're looking pretty nice, but I've got plenty.

It's day 44 since flipping.



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