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Aquaponics Rocks



Nice one. I like recording the buds progress it'll also help you note any secondary stretch for future planning.

My idea of training the next plant in (topping) seems to have worked allright the stretch is nearly over with a much wider canopy and less height (as of now)

I have a wee problem with this Jack Herer Weed.

It's 2 weeks immature what I'm smoking and when a little green (wet) it was schwag. BUT! Now that it's dried it's a different story. I started on it a few days ago and here's how it's been.

Friday, spent all day trying to put an article together and failed, couldn't connect thoughts for long enough.

Yesterday, couldn't get photos edited to add here for us. Kept forgetting, had a joint in the morning, fell asleep in the afternoon. Had another joint with friend who woke me. Slept for TEN hours last night and still feel very groggy having woken 1/2 hour ago.

My mate feels good for nothing too.

The initial stone doesn't feel like much (it's immature) but the longevity of the drug combo in this particular plant is a bit scary.

I'm an expert computer gamer. Not on this weed I suck.

So, either the stone of the finished product can match the overall strength so I can smoke less of it for a good buzz or I'll be needing another strain to function as it's so strong your whole body gets couchlock and you can't think straight.

Who'd have thought, initial hit nothing to write about but, weed's too strong.

I have hardened smokers who'd refuse to touch my weed unless it was evening with nothing on.

If this country ever wakes up and allows medical users I got the sleeping pills right here.


Hey RM

Have you heard about the peak harvest days etc people use from a solar calendar.

Turns out the next 'best fruit period' coincides with my harvest so I'll be sure to follow it and see if it is more fragrant etc as described by fans of the method.


I know growers who used the full moon, one of them grew the biggest buds (outdoor) I've ever seen (3 ft long solid about 6-7 ozs each).

So there may be something in it. Any growers who've tried this could you please give me a brief review.

Better today and I smoked my weed yesterday (none after 7 in evening). I slept soundly, woke at usual hour with no problems getting up. Was I exhausted yesterday from the weeks labours why my weed was turning me into a cabbage, perhaps....

I was also thinking creatively, but no subconscious streaming off it yet, which is my favourite writing tool.

I have a 9 wk old bud ready to be sampled beside me. Bit hesitant! LOL! 1st time I've ever been hesitant over weed when I have the day to myself.

Think I'm going to have to get used to not being such a pot pig.

Too strong, rofl, oh happy days!

BigToke has most kindly added a Water Chemistry sticky to Hydro section. This wisdom is fully applicable to our style of growing. Take a read you have a better head/more experience for chemistry etc, tell me what you think.

I'm trying to find a jewellers loupe and so far nothing, I'll get one before the weekend for trich assessment before harvest.

Another interesting thing cropped up for me lately - water curing.

It apparently takes a bit of smell and flavour from the plant but 'flushes it very clean'. For Aqua, when a flush is nigh impossible save starving your fish, this could be an option.

I'll experiment with one or two buds. Test them as they are dried (water cure before drying) then jar cure them and see if I can pull some smell and flavour back out of them.

Then the test - jar vs water and jar cure.

RM - aquagrower

Active member
that's funny! just think, if the weed being too strong is the biggest problem that you've got, i'd say that life is good.

may sound crazy, but i actually prefer my weed a bit on the fresh side. i like the 'hashy" taste that ya get before it's completely dry.

i'm of the opinion that flushing isn't needed in our systems. how does your weed "burn"? dubes stay lit? bowl burns down to a light colored ash? as long as that's the case then, imo, you don't need to flush.

back when i was first starting out, i grew some bagseed that i over ferted w/ miracle grow. shit wouldn't stay lit if rolled, and the ash, when smoked in a bowl, ended up looking like a piese of charcoal. after some research, i learned that it was the ferts still in the buds.

the last grow before building the dwc system was done w/ soil (ffof) and wicks, top watered w/ fish tank water all the way thru. came out very clean burning. i attribute that to the fact that NO chem ferts were used.

i've never tried water curing. always been worried about mold. i've never had any buds mold on me (knock on wood). it just seems so "abusive" to me. i tend to pamper my buds. i also trim very close, getting as much leaf material as possable. maybe that makes a difference. i would like to here how it works out tho.

never above changing the process, if it means a better "finished product".

as for the "solar calender", i'd have to say that i'm a non-believer. imo, it's like the folks that say "plants grow faster if ya play the radio for them". i'd have to see a "scientific reason" as to why it works. remember that there are some people that live their lives according to the astrological forcast they read in the newspaper.

i do believe that plants perform better if ya talk to them. reason being is that as ya talk ya boost their CO2 level. that's an "old wivws tale" that can be backed up w/ a scientific fact.

i've glanced at Big Toke's water quality thread, but i've yet to really delve into it. i'll get around to it pretty soon.

i've been lookind at a collecting rain water for the system. thinking about usoing a big trash can hooked to a down spout. got to be better than using clorinated "city water", altho i'm pretty happy w/ the results thus far.

got thru the final "design phase" of the new veg system. now it's onto construction.


Awesome - you go dude!

My weed burns, hmmm (lights joint he's been delaying) .....

Not sure what I'm looking for....

It's clean light grey/off white. Yeah I know the crap that doesn't burn now I remember, mine's fairly clean I'll still try the cure it's worth a bud or two for science.

I just loaded 5 hours of pink floyd onto my playlist. I'll try get in contact with their lunar subconscious and clarify this moon weed debacle rofl.

Rainwater contains bacterial diversity for your grow however be careful of birds droppings on your collection point never know what you'll introduce - birds travel. Also, the mineral content in tapwater is normally desirable, check what you have in there with your water authority you may be getting rid of good calcium magnesium iron etc.

The mineral content determines your waters hardness. A certain level of hardness being desirable to help with buffering in your system. Again, Bigtokes water stuff is gold when considering altering anything to do with your water. Especially when as you say 'they're growing faster than I thought'.

I have no idea of the mineral content of rainwater, or how local pollution levels affect what actually reaches the ground. Be nice to know I'll try remember to look it up.

There's always the 50/50 option with rain-water.

I'm of the opinion it's great for grows having seen the biggest plant I've ever seen watered in dirt from a rain supply. But that dirt would also have held a lot of mineral content...


I think I perhaps made myself (and friend, ulp) a bit ill the other day with that weed. I got rid of the rot but... could have been a bit of mold left on it. I don't feel nearly so beat these past 2 days the weed is still definately strong but not dopey narcotic lethargic like it felt.

So probably mildly poisoned myself.

A long stone. 6 hours plus, more if you're in public and meant to be straight (you notice it's still there in the background). It still hasn't got that SMACK! to it. Time vill tell...


Oh yeah, my plant grew (stretched) more than 3 inches overnight and is now only just taller than the 9 weeker. If it does that again I gotta get my lights vertical.

Oh the horrible problems I'm having I tell you

Plants too damn big! Weeds too damn strong!

What happened to the good old days growing 5 joint plants of bagseed schwag hidden under Mums lavender.

I blame OG.

RM - aquagrower

Active member
you're right about Big Toke's water quality artical.

just spent the last 90 min getting thru it. lots of good info there, i wasn't aware that NO3 is an acid. don't think i'll be going w/ rain water in the aqua after all. i do keep a veg garden outside, so i'll still set up the collection barrel.

have ya thought about doing a bit of training on that girl of yours? i know it would be tricky because they need to be turned. maybe some sort of screen attached to the net cups?

vertical lights seem to be all the rage now, but for the most part, i don't understand it. horizontal lights are just so much more efficient.

this is out of thr mj growers handbook, by ed rosenthal:

"horizontal lamps emit about 10% less light then vertical lamps, but more of the light emited by the horizontal lamps is delivered to the garden. according to the manufacturer, this lamp (shows pic of horizontal light) produces 3100 foot candles 1 foot below the reflecter vs. 1700 for a vertically mounted lamp."


I moved the wall 3 inches hehe. More room to spin the plant on that side was a bit thin.

Even modular scrog would be PITA I've no space to spin square sided screens and the plumbings hard plumbed so buckets wont move...

I took nearly an ounce off the bottom 3rd of the new plants too to let air in there. I know it's a bit late for such a prune I'll do it in veg next time. There's no light down there the buds on the other side are fat only down to the line I trimmed at. The other buds under this look ok but are fluffy. Smoke nice but...

The theory of trimming the portion of the grow without light is so as not to detract growth from the portion with light, and with good training this results in bigger yield. Correct?

If that's true here's hoping it doesn't get taller I've got 3 times the canopy in the lights sweet spot for the new plant compared to the last.

And with only a 400, you're right, I'm better off horizontal.

The Dirt Mum's attempting to auto flower, I don't know what to do to stop this. Few hairs in a few places. I have some nice clone replacements that aren't doing the auto flower if I need them. I'll give it a few days see if it behaves or stretches. Hairs = slow clones...

RM - aquagrower

Active member
if ya just got a few pristols it could be pre-flowers, which are perfectly normal. how old is she?

can ya post a pic of the ceiling in your flower room? reason i ask, is that my lights are mounted "skylight style" above the dry wall ceiling. may be an option. i simply cut a hole the size of my reflecters, laid a piece of double strength glass over the hole, and set the hoods on top of the glass. hoods are air cooled by the way.

on pruning, ya got it right. the theory is to have the plant "re-direct" its energy. altho i've never done a side by side test, i have been pruning the lower growth for a while. cuts down on the time it takes to trim, not having to fuck w/ all of the ity bity stuff.

a little secret: i hate trimming!

how about some low stress training to the net pot?


2 things.

The ceiling is my floor.

JH wont bend it's like barbary in that respect.

Topping and timing should do it there are limits to what a 400 can produce is my hope (lol)

I like trimming big harvests for friends I get a big block of hash. I hate popcorn buds too i got so lazy trimming last few plants I just left the small crap on and tore it off as I smoked it for the most part.


Err, snails, they eat the bio-film as well. Are omnivorous on this account.

The goldies eating mine was a blessing in disguise, the sole survivor can remain overworked.

Not sure how to apply them usefully, cleaning glass!

RM - aquagrower

Active member
bhey there, time for the weekly update! everything seems to be running well.

here's the NL bud

and here's a doorway shot. the ice plant (on the right) seems to have grown a bit larger then the NL.



Haha! Yeeeeeappppp (long slow southern drawled yes).

I think Aquaponics was a nasty consumerist plot to sell chainsaws!

I don't have a loupe the man promising me one not delivered yet....

My buds are drying fluffy though I've only touched the underneath which doesn't feel half as compact as the tops. and I don't think much of the smoke compared to other Aqua. Long stone but mild subtle high with fuck all concentration. It's crap to put it bluntly as you'd hardly know you are high yet it knocks out time-distance and other things stronger weed does. I'm hoping it needs more time some aqua likes an extra week it's 70 days old today.

Yesterday I popped some beans in to sprout no need to grow JH a year and still not like it.... I planted big bud/dum dum. Big grey seeds with black speckles. Fingers crossed she goes for the fat buds side of genetics. I put 6 in. In a month if I have no SuperSkunk I'll settle for best equal - more Barbary. Only thing Barbary doesn't have SS does is the taste, it tastes like bush no matter how you grow it. I always thought it was outdoors made it taste like that (the dum dum parent) but no, Aqua it still tastes like a damn fern.

But as for smoke - rush EVERY spot, you betcha. Photos soon I got a freaking small tree in my room now.


As stated previously fish do very well in Aquaponic systems. It is practised in the industry to stock your fish heavily. I say leave the stocking rates like normal Aquariums stock and your fish will thrive.

For the Aquarist/Breeder, fish at a sale size faster means more profit.

For the Aquarist Hobbyist, you will be the envy of your friends with HUGE show fish.

For Koi fanatics, Aquaponic filtration will give you trophies.

The plants like Aquaponics too.

I love the fact I have raw shit being pumped 24/7 through this thing with the water so clean and the plants so green it's freakin amazing.

So many ecological ramifications, and all good.


I love it when folks do this so here's the last ten weeks in fortnightly installments.

Is it ready, only a loupe would really tell, I think no.

El Spartico

New member
Looks great gentlemen.

Im soon to throw my hat into the ring. Waiting now just on a lamp and livestock.

Wealth of info here too. Practical and feasible. I fail to understand why there is not more participation in this method of the hobby.

And to add. "Koi Trophies" can fetch up to a grand when shopped around to serious collectors, now theres a fine way to keep the experimental wheels greased. =)


Nice - unfortunately Koi are considered a pest here. But size at certain age counts for a lot with Koi so I know Aqua will be a winner.

Be great to have you on board.

I think we are few as it's quite the learning curve. It can also be very simple but there's so much that can go wrong as in any grow and more - fish problems.

I returrned my Orando to general population this morning still waiting on a bloody loupe! The smoke does seem to be slowly getting better the first lot knocked me out? Probably did poison myself with mold.

If I can breed that Orando I'll get some nice legit money for my efforts I'm sure.

RM - aquagrower

Active member
chainsaws huh, maybe so. i used to use a big pair of tin snips to chop (sog), but i don't think that's gonna work this time. the way it's looking i'm gonna have to use a sawzal to chop these bitches down.

great to here that you were able to nurse that fish back to health. i've not had the best luck with the fish after they get sick. luckily i have not had a problem w/ the big fish, knock on wood.

after noticing the NO3 lavels rising last week, i've still been holding off on doing a large scale water change. i should have the new veg system plumbed tomarrow, so if they can only hold out a couple more days, the new addition should be "plant ready" right from the get go.

in the off chance that your dude don't come thru w/ that loup, here's a link to the microscope that i use for checking the trichs. cheap as hell and works like a charm.


spartico, nice to see ya. are you still planning on going with your simplified design?
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