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Apartment above me


If you're going to try sealing any cracks, turn off all your fans, the AC and close all the windows. Take a lighter (or preferably a candle) and run it along the cracks you find. If the flame flickers, voila, you got a crack with a draft---seal it. It helps to do this along all windows, along all corners of the walls, etc. Ask your neighbor if she still smells smoke after you've sealed all cracks, and if so, test the AC ducts with incense, and have her standing by--don't tell her what you'll be using, just ask her afterwards if she smelled anything, what she smelled and where it was the strongest in her apartment. If the leak's in the ducts, you can't fix that, but at least you've pinpointed what to fix for the maintainance folks.


There is no ducting in the apartment. We have electric heat and no air conditioner. I think I might have found the problem. Haven't tried the candle thing but thats a really good idea.

In my outer room closet there is a pipe that runs into the ceiling. There is a small crack betwee the pipe and the ceiling tile which I think/hope might be causing the problem. I am going to try and seal that up and see what happens.


Mr. Invisible said:
i live next to a lady that thinks she runs the neighborhood. for the first year or so i was nice. but after awhile i couldnt even walk to my mailbox without her running out and getting in my business. She has a hater attitude, anytime i would do landscaping or wash one of my cars she'd come over and have negative hater comments. eventually i just stopped waving to her and id respond to her questions with one word answers but she never got the hint. a guy moved in down the street about 7 years ago and he came down for a chat once. it seems he knew a bunch of the gossipy hater stuff that only could have circulated from her. about 6 years ago she came over with her bad attitude and i told her im going to have to ask her to stay out of my business, she caught a huge attitude and started cussing, i replied "what part of stay out of my business dont u understand?" ...she hasnt bothered me for 6 years.

just thought id explain the situation where i had to be an asshole.

this post reminds me of a similar backwards situation:D this old lady and her daughter around 50'ish been in my neighborhood about 30+ yrs. i bought my house about 8 yrs ago across the street. long story short ..these people in everyones business just the same...so i put up with their shit,nosyness,landscape wars..all the same shit for about a yr...till i finally got sick of it and kinda did the same thing..said dont bother me ...no highs /goodbyes..notta!! was about 5 yrs of peace and quite on my end and 5 yrs of dirty looks on their end:D all a sudden last yr..im outside sitting on the lawn and i see them coming out the house and the old lady fell of her stoop head first and cracked her noggin wide open...the whole time shes screaming help..the daughter is in her car and cant hear shit!! only me out there that saw it and heard it. i said fuck it and ran over there to help the poor ole woman..called 911 all that shit. for the last year she cant stop telling the neighbors what an awesome neighbor i am and what a great family i have ect,ect. doesnt bother me anymore and now i have my own human security system. eh...u get my point?? just a funny story :joint:


Active member
if it was me.. i'd call on the apartment management to fix the problem. or let the lady up and move when she gets tired of it.