Immature Afghan landrace bud. Broke it off by accident today when checking the plants and decided to keep it for sampling. Things are looking good so far with minimal problems, so I'm shooting for a mid October harvest date.
gimme 3 more weeks of sun and I got this...
OGKB 2.0 in a 10 gallon finishing early.
Josh D OGK
Mac1 x (Blueberry x Triangle Mints)
making seeds outside... #DoYouEvenBagSeedBro
Immature Afghan landrace bud. Broke it off by accident today when checking the plants and decided to keep it for sampling. Things are looking good so far with minimal problems, so I'm shooting for a mid October harvest date.
LLegó el otoño...
Ahora mismo, amaneciendo en la dehesa/sabana del valle que tengo a mis pies (fotos de Madrona Activa):