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~Anything Outdoors 2021~World Wide~

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Green Squall

Well-known member
Immature Afghan landrace bud. Broke it off by accident today when checking the plants and decided to keep it for sampling. Things are looking good so far with minimal problems, so I'm shooting for a mid October harvest date.


star crash

We Will Get By ... We Will Survive
ICMag Donor
Immature Afghan landrace bud. Broke it off by accident today when checking the plants and decided to keep it for sampling. Things are looking good so far with minimal problems, so I'm shooting for a mid October harvest date.

Also looks good:wave:


Well-known member
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Hey everyone, hope you’re all well.
It’s quite surreal watching everyone finish up when I’m starting. I just thought I’d share my cloning process with the community in the hope that it may help someone out or, perhaps even take an old thought process in a different direction. As a side note, l also use the neem and wettable sulphur solution to take outdoor, guerrilla cuts straight into a bottle or thermos, for example and then complete the process when l get home.
1. Cut the bottom out of pete pellets for unhindered root development that have been soaked in demineralised, sterile, water or boiling tap water. Make a hole in the pellet for easy insertion and to prevent rubbing off the cloning formula.
2. Tank mix wettable sulphur and neem, at given ratios, to prevent pests and diseases entering the room. Take cuts under this water to prevent an air pocket forming in the phloem.
3. I use both cloning gel and powder because in my experience this is the best practice for particularly stubborn cuts. I now use the process for all cuts l take.
4. Place cuts into a sterile container, boiling water, bleach etc and follow humidity and temperature guidelines for success.
Hope this helps someone out,
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Active member
Predawn bliss. Varieties this year, (C99xLavender)x South Park Chem, In the Pines f3 x HA OG, Coastal Haze x Purple Punch, Ancient OG f3 x AOG f1, South Park Chem x (SFV OG x HA OG), Space Monkey x HA OG, Afgooey x Golden Pineapple, Jet Fuel x SFV OG. Wonderful smells!


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Ralph W. Llama

Active member
Got a finisher, despite the leaf spot crush this season. It's an early 2000's ISS crossed with a Elvish4xSk1 male. Indoors, the aroma is everything spice, with a nice soaring effect. This was a first outdoor try.


A Seedsman Jack Herer getting really close. Not bad for a freebie, super nice pine candy smells and flavors.

St. Phatty

Active member
If I use Tannerite to remove the Roof from my indoor grow room ... does it qualify as outdoor growing ?

I can feel the Cold.

Since my house has electric heat - might as well Grow Some Pot !


Well-known member
It's been a hell of a year, hottest summer ever here. The weather isn't holding though, already had a nasty storm blow through last weekend. Knocked over plants and broke branches. Used hundreds of feet of green stretchy tape to put humpty dumpty together again. He's doing pretty well but there's another one coming today. Found my first tiny bit of mold, on a seeded limb, yesterday. Up early because I'm going to be hacking and hanging at first light. Only one plant is really done but I'm going to have to take a few tops from some others because I know they'll rot as soon as water touches them. Here's the one that's nearly finished, More Cowbell Remix.



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Well-known member
This is the first year since 2013 that I haven't documented my grow on IC,. I've been exiled to Instagram (same handle) because the album section here is still a mess. I was hoping they'd get it fixed but I'm losing hope it will ever happen. Oh well, times change..


Well-known member
red heri update pics... these got lightly dusted with fire99auto x geurilla gold#3[f1] pollen, in an effort to reduce finish time, i took a clone from each and will back cross next year. the auto malawi didn't fare well in our wet finish, but blue cheese auto rocked! i will get more of these, if the buzz is good. and maybe the non auto version. and the big berry white got got, but i took a few clones of it too.
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...como el Son...
Esta noche parece que está rugiendo como nunca (el volcán ya tiene 10 bocas)... Ya se a jodido toda la cosecha de plátano y aguacate de la isla...

Tonight it seems to be roaring like never before (the volcano already has 10 mouths)... The whole banana and avocado harvest of the island has already been screwed...


St. Phatty

Active member

Romberry getting a little Frostier.

After the Wind & Rain last weekend, almost all the buds are growing sideways or down.
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