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ICMag Donor
Careful with clicking Youtube links, they are owned by Google and track and trace everything.

I could make tea from this dry chicken manure compost and use it in june once or twice. It has directions on the bag I think. Leaves on a concrete pad just decompose and turn into compost I think, but there are lots of earthworm castings in there. Old stumps are great sources of organic matter too! Would be good to use a quarter cup of dolomite lime with that stuff though, it may be somewhat acidic. Our native clay soil is rock based and leans alkaline, so lime isn't always necessary.

I just spread 175 lbs of the chicken compost on my lawn yesterday evening. Its the 2nd feeding this fall. Thats all I do for my lawn, its that strong! Have a good weekend! :smoke:

Old Piney

Well-known member
No leaves feed the worms and you will get a layer of straight-up worm castings they look like pellets of humus not just leaf compost. during the summer I've seen them in action red wigglers I think they like the moisture on top of the slab and the leaves. In my case they are maple and sweet gum leaves .I'm sure you can use composted chicken manure for tea
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Old Piney

Well-known member
Careful with clicking Youtube links, they are owned by Google and track and trace everything.

I could make tea from this dry chicken manure compost and use it in june once or twice. It has directions on the bag I think. Leaves on a concrete pad just decompose and turn into compost I think, but there are lots of earthworm castings in there. Old stumps are great sources of organic matter too! Would be good to use a quarter cup of dolomite lime with that stuff though, it may be somewhat acidic. Our native clay soil is rock based and leans alkaline, so lime isn't always necessary.

I just spread 175 lbs of the chicken compost on my lawn yesterday evening. Its the 2nd feeding this fall. Thats all I do for my lawn, its that strong! Have a good weekend! :smoke:
Just wondering how do you spend the chicken manure on you lawn? I've gotta do this , Lord knows I have enough chicken poo


ICMag Donor
Yeah you're right, I have seen that before, where it looks real crumbly.

The chicken manure compost I buy is dry and granulated so you can spread it using a spreader. I use an Earthway shoulder strap belly grinder type spreader. You have to walk fast like most fertilizer applications and go over it twice. Cow manure you can rake out, but chicken is so hot. You could make tea and spray the lawn, but it would take lots of batches.

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ICMag Donor
I don't know maybe on a windy day sling it out around the lawn with a small bucket, but only do this in the fall or it may show a pattern. Could mix it with compost or cow manure and do that or rake it out to 1/2 inch depth.

Feathers are extra N in there too! :smoke:


Old Piney

Well-known member
There are manure spreaders, proper shit flingers but they are expensive and a bit of an overkill for an acre or two of grass

Old Piney

Well-known member
Just set up your chicken coop in the yard and move it every couple days. :smoke:
That's called a chicken tractor, a small coop with an attached run that you move around it's a great option for a few back yard chickens .I have 30 pulse chickens that free range all-day so they do some fertilizing .I just got a big surplus from cleaning it the coop


ICMag Donor
Yeah that would probably work if its dry! Depending on the size of the gate on your spreader, you may need to sift with a smaller screen like quarter inch mesh. Thats what I used to use when my inorganic lawn fertilizer got wet and had clumps in it.

Old Piney

Well-known member
It's really dry just gotta get the feathers and few bits of straw out. Quarter inch I can do that if need be.Ive got this steel trash can made of expanded steel grate, I can rig up a tumbler with it .Was going to do this to use as a Dry trimmer for my CBD flower but I riged up something smaller.its gonna be some dusty nasty shit


ICMag Donor
Thats cool, sounds like it will probably work well. Use the quarter inch mesh to line the inside of your hopper and it will be a filter to keep the spreader gate from getting clogged.

In June I used the broadcast spreader with a shoulder strap to fertilize the herb garden with the dry chicken compost. Had to shake off the plants because it says avoid contact with foliage, but it worked great. It applied 6 lbs very evenly. I got just a slight bit of leaf burn symptoms on a couple plants' bottom leaves. It was like fertilizing the lawn.


ICMag Donor
I think I fed one more time with the chicken manure then did the cow manure compost as mulch and watered every week. Buds turned out super sweet. The plants were going hungry because I wasn't fertilizing, since I didn't want to risk N burn. Then the compost mulch saved them. :smoke:


