...como el Son...
Today, a daytime high of 40°C (104°F) is expected in the shade, and a nighttime low of 20°C (68°F). Ambient humidity between 15 and 30%.
I am at about (approx) 39°N, 800 meters above sea level, and 400 kilometers inland from the coast.
As every year, I will plant in this outdoor rectangle (7 x 2'little more meters, approx), which was the "outdoor outdoor area" of a small puppy kennel. I have dug and fertilized with equine and sheep manure, one rectangle (for two plants) and two other smaller squares (another two plants):
I am at about (approx) 39°N, 800 meters above sea level, and 400 kilometers inland from the coast.
As every year, I will plant in this outdoor rectangle (7 x 2'little more meters, approx), which was the "outdoor outdoor area" of a small puppy kennel. I have dug and fertilized with equine and sheep manure, one rectangle (for two plants) and two other smaller squares (another two plants):
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