Boreal Curing
Hello !
Nice. More advanced than mine and I had them out end of May.
Where you at?
Hello !
Good idea. Make your cages and drop them off along with the stakes before the snow flies for next year. A little weathering will also help. The more you do now, the easier it's going to be next year.Looking good kindbud! I've actually never grown in the ground before. To be honest this has been my first year even on the ground lol. I've always hung camouflaged 5 gallon buckets containing the plants up in the trees with reservoir buckets dripping water via valve and feed line to them. Worked great and provided me with great smoke.
I've backed off on smoking cause it has been too hard on my lungs so I'm going the edibles/tinctures route. But a new problem arises... I need more bud than I've had in the past, which means I need bigger plants. So to the ground I go. Got off to a late start this season and I'm comfortable growing in containers so my plants are in contractor bags with holes poked in the bottom (easier to haul in than pots or tubs and cheaper.) I put a 14 gallon bag of Happy Frog soil into each grow bag as well as 2 gallons of perlite. My dumb ass (forgetting I wasn't in the trees away from critters) also added fertilizer containing bonemeal to the mix and 3 of my plants were unearthed by the critters. One was completely destroyed and 2 others got fucked up but were saved. Another plant was topped by a deer. So I got learn the value of chicken wire and I made a fence lol. Problems solved.
I have 7 that are doing great and 3 that have some catching up to do. I dropped off a few buckets that I'm going to fill with the soil from the extra bag (the one that got destroyed) and add some more plants to the plot after the weekend. Usually I only go out at night but I might have to try and get some pictures in daylight if I make it out there.
Next year I'm for sure doing it in ground. Going to use the leftover soil from the bags and make amendments to the native soil. I think it will make things much easier with fewer visits to the plot.
Yea I've also backed off smoking and pretty much everything. Since I stopped doing indoor grows I only smoke around harvest time or when really good weed arises. But were I live good weed is hard to come by.....unless I'm growing it lol. The buckets in the trees sounds like a very complex operation. If you can pull that off you'll be fine my friend. Somebody was kinda laughing about everything KangarooKY was doing to keep critters out but that's pretty much what I do also. It takes a gameplan that you sure. I've never really gotten into the edibles either.....another thing unheard of in these parts. People live 25yrs behind other parts of the world here.....it's crazy how people are afraid of small/simple changes. Most stores have just starting taking debit cards around here lol. Folks and writing checks. Such a old fashioned community.....I lived in Chicago almost 15yrs so I find it extremely odd how the small country back woods are....growing up here though things haven't really changed in 40+ yrs that I've noticed. But maybe I'll get to try edibles one day.
Be careful, backwoods Indiana here first time I tried a edible I was hearing people call my name from the woods, neighbors lawn mower freaked me out I thought it was a chopper, ran around with a heavy heart beat tripping out for about 4 hours.
Cali... how dafuq you getting such horizontal growth... that clip has me perplexed