Practicing yes, card carrying, no. I'm American first. My only allegiance is family and the state.
Natural law and the craft are one thing, but subversive hereditary organizations within the States, I'm not good with. Having said that, some of the best advice I've received has been from a 97 year old cousin, an eastern star. Advice founded in love. And having said that, mystical jews and european spies should go see moloch.
My grandfather's brother made good business connections, but he also said it was the faggiest thing he's ever been a part of. He was one of those die with your boots on kind of guys, not much of a metaphysician.
Do what your heart tells you. Focus on the non-physical. You'll learn the natural laws of the ancient world. Or maybe you won't. My co worker had been a Rainbow and knows absolutely nothing at this point. She's still adjusting to the scope of the world around her.
And finally, find something you enjoy and apply your magic to it. Yes, it's real, but you have to study it for yourself and experience the transformation. If strange things are too strange for you, stick with the social aspects.
a true mason has no allegiance to any country and only backs the fraternity. Its a masons job to help out another brother if they need it hence the "lodges". Its in there decree that politics is just politics and u dont down a brother for it. They whole organization is disgusting. And i know most people see it as a social club. But its a club within a club that i wouldnt join if you payed me.